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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

If Motherwell are 3rd their fans are lapping it up.

I know its being said they didnt play a part in it, but Motherwells media team in general have seemed woeful at reading the room. Fairly sure there was a spell of interviewing players on the pitch after the match even when losing regularly.

This is another one of those, probably. The type of think they could've just waited to put out a better time.

Nah. It's just objectively bad.

Tbf, there's a lot going on that you may/may not be aware of that's probably provoked as strong a reaction from folk on here.

Basically the club have been floating the idea of seeking external investment as a route to go down for years. In the announcement that accompanied the details of his stepping down McMahon indicated "The final stages of a fund-raising initiative are almost complete and will be ready to be shared early in the New Year."

Cool. In that case you might hope to see something credible/viable put forward.

Bearing in mind they have been talking about this for years the fact that *this* is what they've delivered presumably in line with their own brief is utterly galling. Add that to the less than ideal timing of our interim CEO saying that he's of the opinion that we don't need a Head of Digital, Brand and Comms in the interview the club published the other day and tbqh it has sent folk for a walk.

I'll not lie, my head has fully detached and is currently orbiting the moon.

Our interim CEO spent part of his 40 (FORTY) minute interview clarifying that we're not in financial difficulty (we reported cash in the bank of £4.2m at the end of last season), one of the WS board members was on the telly earlier backing this up and reinforcing the point that we're seeking investment to work alongside the ownership - yet the messaging on this video is "Taylor Swift gies some dosh..."


To be clear, Russell and Brannan left the club for West Ham at the end of the 21/22 season and it appears that the board made a choice not to replace them so we've effectively been operating without a head of comms since then and it's shown. Tbh, it's increasingly looking like the people who made that decision simply don't understand why the job is important or quite possibly they don't even understand what the job *is*.

Again, this is something that has been a regular point of annoyance that you may have noticed if you drop into this thread.

The Burrows/Russell/Brannan era media output was over-earnest (we exist to improve people's lives you know) and it rubbed folk up the wrong way at times (the post-match interviews you mentioned definitely grated after a while but they'd committed to it as a bit so stuck with it) but for the most part they approached things with the right tone.

There was some stuff that was 'quirky' but it was generally appropriate to the context eg: the Peter Hartley reveal etc but if there's one thing that Burrows did well it was treat the club messaging and its profile seriously.

Besides the pointlessness of it this clip is just so wildly misjudged on every level and the fact that it seems like it's an "initiative" that the club board have been working on suggests that those involved are utterly out of touch and there's huge lack of understanding of an area in which we used to excel.

Edited by capt_oats
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When Weir distanced himself from it in his interview the other day you got the inkling that it was going to be poor, but deary me. Like the rest of our season so far, that is an absolute fucking travesty. A blight on the history of our once proud club, and a red neck that I won't be able to shift for some time. How the f**k are we supposed to face the world tomorrow?.


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Seen someone say this will be on American Adverts on TV does anyone know if that’s true?

At worst may get the odd yank that’s 1/4 Scotch signing up to the Well Society to tell his buddies over a couple of Budweisers that he owns a football club every penny helps. 

Even if you’re cynical regarding the cheese it may pay off minutely or who knows maybe the next Reynolds McElhenny situ will happen. Worth a punt the club have reckoned and I don’t mind that on a couple hours reflection. 

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2 minutes ago, Ill Ray said:

Seen someone say this will be on American Adverts on TV does anyone know if that’s true?

At worst may get the odd yank that’s 1/4 Scotch signing up to the Well Society to tell his buddies over a couple of Budweisers that he owns a football club every penny helps. 

Even if you’re cynical regarding the cheese it may pay off minutely or who knows maybe the next Reynolds McElhenny situ will happen. Worth a punt the club have reckoned and I don’t mind that on a couple hours reflection. 

I'm feeling a bit less embarrassed than I was earlier. It's still a total minter though.

This, for me, ties in with the suggestion elsewhere on here that it's a video that could have worked if shared privately with potential audiences of actual investors. That very well could have been worth a punt. Sharing it publicly, and asking Motherwell fans to share it no less, in the hope it goes viral enough for some random rich American to see it on their Twitter timeline, along with the hugely negative reaction to it, I think tips it over the edge from "worth a punt" to "wildly out of touch".

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1 minute ago, Ill Ray said:

Seen someone say this will be on American Adverts on TV does anyone know if that’s true?

At worst may get the odd yank that’s 1/4 Scotch signing up to the Well Society to tell his buddies over a couple of Budweisers that he owns a football club every penny helps. 

Even if you’re cynical regarding the cheese it may pay off minutely or who knows maybe the next Reynolds McElhenny situ will happen. Worth a punt the club have reckoned and I don’t mind that on a couple hours reflection. 

Yep I think I'm kind of fine with it too to be honest - in as much as I don't think it will really do anything negatively.   If some message board arseholes like us all, podcasters who love the sound of their own voice or social media 'content creators' take the piss.....who cares. I don't think it distorts the Motherwell 'brand'. I don;t think it means players won't sign. I don't think it will mean investors turn away. So..meh.

I also don't think it will do much positively either - but I've made my views on our produced videos clear so i won't revisit that.


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3 minutes ago, camer0n_mcd said:

Twitter post now has over 1 million views. There's no such thing as bad publicity I suppose 🤷🏻‍♂️

Given that it's a pretty well known ad agency and given what it looks like - I'm trying to convince myself that it was deliberately bad to have the effect it's having - but deliberately bad stuff has been done  plenty of times before and it doesn't look or feel like this.

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27 minutes ago, Ill Ray said:

Seen someone say this will be on American Adverts on TV does anyone know if that’s true?

At worst may get the odd yank that’s 1/4 Scotch signing up to the Well Society to tell his buddies over a couple of Budweisers that he owns a football club every penny helps. 

Even if you’re cynical regarding the cheese it may pay off minutely or who knows maybe the next Reynolds McElhenny situ will happen. Worth a punt the club have reckoned and I don’t mind that on a couple hours reflection. 

Is the message not that you don’t have to be a Hollywood star but if you want to help a club that supports the local community then ‘gies some dosh’.

What a good way for Evans Halshaw to kick off their reset in their new location.

Edited by ropy
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This is the culmination of years of prep. Years of talk. Years of hype about investment. 
The video is a riddy, aye. Is the video that bad? Maybe not. Is it worth a punt? Maybe. 

If it was mentioned last week and we made this video, then aye it'd be some laugh.

This is the result of planning. A wee fucking video that is so bad a lot of people have assumed it's supposed to be bad.

I hope no kunt mentions it in the office to me the mora.

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4 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

I know a few of the Well Society board would like to make it known the Well Society had nothing to do with the video. 

Do they mean they had nothing to do with it apart from emailing all the members to endorse it and asking us to share it? 

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7 hours ago, one m in Motherwell said:

Also, is Mel B really one of the only celebs they could think of? 


For some reason I thought it was meant to be a reference to Cardi B and thought it was an awful way of shoehorning our names together. Mel B makes more sense grammatically but a lot lower profile overseas.

Also blatantly stole these of Twitter, but FWIW I don't think it was as bad as you're all making it out. I do wonder if the amount paid to Leith would equate to... say... a yearly salary for one or two comms people?






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6 hours ago, CoF said:

Do they mean they had nothing to do with it apart from emailing all the members to endorse it and asking us to share it? 

I get that the email comes from the Society but I dunno who Sally takes her orders from there. 

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