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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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Grow up man. 

I certainly don’t think I’m alone in feeling like this group of supporters put themselves front and centre of everything and it feels more about them than the club.

I saw some very well put points by MJC on Steelmen that summed it all up very well.


Noticed as well that one of the respondents on this thread mentioned they’ve moved away from that section, didn’t explain why though.

25 minutes ago, well again said:

Calm down Bob.


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9 minutes ago, YellowJacketBoi said:

Grow up man. 

I certainly don’t think I’m alone in feeling like this group of supporters put themselves front and centre of everything and it feels more about them than the club.

I saw some very well put points by MJC on Steelmen that summed it all up very well.


Noticed as well that one of the respondents on this thread mentioned they’ve moved away from that section, didn’t explain why though.



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10 minutes ago, camer0n_mcd said:

Anyone who's been on here longer than me know if you can/how to block accounts? Getting really, really boring now🥱.

It's straightforward just select 'Ignore' on the profile. I added them to my ignore list as soon as the account appeared because, f**k me it's dull.

Doesn't stop the posts appearing if folk quote them though.


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I only saw one young lad on the pitch. Very young, about 9 or 10, and not really something to get bothered about.

If there were more they must have stayed close to the stand (so not really any bother) but I didn't see them because I was, you know, too busy celebrating 🤣 

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2 minutes ago, Archie McSquackle said:

I only saw one young lad on the pitch. Very young, about 9 or 10, and not really something to get bothered about.

If there were more they must have stayed close to the stand (so not really any bother) but I didn't see them because I was, you know, too busy celebrating 🤣 

Indulging in the unbridled joy of an injury time winner, rather than doing the obvious thing of scouring the crowd looking for something to moan about? What kind of f**king weirdo are you?

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36 minutes ago, Archie McSquackle said:

I only saw one young lad on the pitch. Very young, about 9 or 10, and not really something to get bothered about.

If there were more they must have stayed close to the stand (so not really any bother) but I didn't see them because I was, you know, too busy celebrating 🤣 

Was that not wee davor?😂

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I wonder if Wilson will stick at left back. Could easily see him slot into that LCB role at some point. Either way, I can see a new contract coming his way if he starts another couple of games.

On their goal, I saw a few question Ox, but it was a hard and low show from close range, put pretty much where you're told to put it.

Also, should have known better than to chuck a video on here and expect it not to be lifted and put on reddit and Twitter. But I'll take greenies over likes any day.


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3 hours ago, eliphas said:

Sorry, just to be clear - I'm not Lewis Irons. I was pissing myself laughing on my couch and worried for him from afar. 

I did wonder to be honest. I suspect it was Tree House Tam 😂.

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Wouldn't blame your keeper for the goal, tbh, it was just a really good finish exactly where it's almost impossible for a keeper to stop if it's hard enough.

It's very early and you never know if you'll hit another brutal winless run, but I'm kind of tagging you out of the group of potential 12th placed sides now tbh, should definitely be looking up rather than down as it looks like you should be comfortably better than us and County this season.

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1 minute ago, RandomGuy. said:

Wouldn't blame your keeper for the goal, tbh, it was just a really good finish exactly where it's almost impossible for a keeper to stop if it's hard enough.

It's very early and you never know if you'll hit another brutal winless run, but I'm kind of tagging you out of the group of potential 12th placed sides now tbh, should definitely be looking up rather than down as it looks like you should be comfortably better than us and County this season.

I noticed your post on WAP earlier where you were talking about us having another gear compared to Saints (or words to that effect). Clearly you guys were without Sidibeh yesterday but it's probably worth framing the point you were making about us with the fact that we were missing 8 first team players yesterday.

Like, not all of them would have started but there's no doubt all the injuries we've sustained have had a detrimental impact (not just those who are still out but the collection who missed a chunk of pre-season).

Without getting ahead of ourselves (none of us on here are tbf) I think one of the more pleasing aspects of our start (the Rangers game is the only one we've lost going back to the draw against FC Twente in our opening friendly) is that you can see that we're very obviously still a work in progress and while we've shown improvement on the defensive side of things largely down to dropping Gordon into the middle of the back three we're still miles away from clicking in the forward area.

Maybe that doesn't happen but I guess the point I'm making is that it actually feels as though where we are now and have been up to this point isn't our ceiling. Which, depending on your disposition, can probably be viewed as a positive.

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2 hours ago, YellowJacketBoi said:

Grow up man. 

I certainly don’t think I’m alone in feeling like this group of supporters put themselves front and centre of everything and it feels more about them than the club.

I saw some very well put points by MJC on Steelmen that summed it all up very well.


Noticed as well that one of the respondents on this thread mentioned they’ve moved away from that section, didn’t explain why though.


Star Trek GIF

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1 hour ago, Blink182 said:

The Thread is becoming very SteelmenOnliney. 

Fall out from the Barmack debacle?

Either way it's not much fun.

The discourse has gone downhill over the last week noticeably. 

We need less Bob Park chat and more Chasni Pies and Paneer. 

Edited by MP_MFC
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32 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

Without getting ahead of ourselves (none of us on here are tbf) I think one of the more pleasing aspects of our start (the Rangers game is the only one we've lost going back to the draw against FC Twente in our opening friendly) is that you can see that we're very obviously still a work in progress and while we've shown improvement on the defensive side of things largely down to dropping Gordon into the middle of the back three we're still miles away from clicking in the forward area.

Maybe that doesn't happen but I guess the point I'm making is that it actually feels as though where we are now and have been up to this point isn't our ceiling. Which, depending on your disposition, can probably be viewed as a positive.

It probably isn't our ceiling but having potential and hitting it are different things. I certainly wouldn't be writing us out the relegation issue yet either.

We've scored seven in the last five which is great but four have been set pieces and two poor defensive mistakes. If that's sustained, it's a path to contentment, if not glory, but it's not being massively negative to caution it probably won't continue at this rate...and then if the attack doesn't make the jump hoped/needed, it's suddenly a long haul again.

Essentially folk were way too quick to predict doom after Thistle/County and similarly shouldn't be predicting safety off a couple of post-european wins and edging St Johnstone.

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