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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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I remember Killie fans warning us that he wasn't very good when one on one, needless to say on his debut versus St Mirren we are losing 1-0 and literally as he just came on he is put through and hits it straight to the keeper. His miss against Hibs and his indecision against St Johnstone at McDiarmid park was something else. I think his main contribution for us was an assist for Wilkinson in injury time versus Dundee in December. Good luck to Oli at Hamilton, he seemed to do well enough at that level with Killie.

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1 hour ago, Swello said:

The laughter of the St Johnstone fans from last season when we signed big Theo is still too fresh in my mind to go all in on this one TBH.

When we draw Accies at NDP in the cup and Shaw happily scores a late winner to put us out, I'm emigrating. 

As long as Shaw isn't with us next season I don't really care but I also don't see why he won't do fine there... his record shows he can score at a certain level and he won't be the first or last player who struggles for form and confidence when dropped in and out rather than starting every week. With a three-year deal, Accies will be playing him week in week out, one will eventually go in off his arse and I reckon he'll hit double figures for the season easily enough.

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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

We can fire the rivalry back up now Kettlewells in the papers gloating about signing our "double winning captain" if you like?

In all seriousness though, intrigued whether he believes Gordon was actually our captain then or is just saying it as a puff piece. Gordon as captain was, in general, a disaster of a time for us.

In honesty, Kettlewell talks that much that it's not really a surprise that he'll mis-speak on occasion.

Despite presenting as someone who is across the detail I don't know if he'll actually care that Gordon wasn't actually Saints captain in the double season. The principle, in so much as he won the cup double and was your captain, is probably enough for him and that's broadly the point he seemed to be making in that interview.

I mean, others have made this point in the thread with just the right amount of snark in The Thread relating to the "investment" proposal but given the number of Motherwell fans who were getting bent out of shape at our recruitment and the perception of us "losing out" to rivals for players - to be clear, the Venn Diagram of those losing the run of themselves about that and who have been vocal about how Fan Ownership limits us is a circle - bringing in Gordon who, on paper at least, has a certain profile is worth Kettlewell talking his signing up.

Edited by capt_oats
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6 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

In honesty, Kettlewell talks that much that it's not really a surprise that he'll mis-speak on occasion.

Despite presenting as someone who is across the detail I don't know if he'll actually care that Gordon wasn't actually Saints captain in the double season. The principle, in so much as he won the cup double and was your captain, is probably enough for him and that's broadly the point he seemed to be making in that interview.

I mean, others have made this point in the thread with just the right amount of snark in The Thread relating to the "investment" proposal but given the number of Motherwell fans who were getting bent out of shape at our recruitment and the perception of us "losing out" to rivals for players - to be clear, the Venn Diagram of those losing the run of themselves about that and who have been vocal about how Fan Ownership limits us is a circle - bringing in Gordon who, on paper at least, has a certain profile is worth Kettlewell talking his signing up.

I was only playing tbh.

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Looks good to me - a lot of work and research to produce a concrete strategy. By the nature of being realistic, it means there's no fantasy talk of pots of gold so I suspect those hell set on voting against will be unimpressed. However, there's more than enough in there to earn the benefit of the doubt - at least this time - from anyone on the fence. 

A big push of the messages coming up over the next couple of weeks and then we can hopefully put this behind us and, collectively and individually, start looking to see how we can improve the club and the Society.

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2 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

It's a plan that deserves time to be implemented. 

If Barmack wants to get on board with that plan, more power to him. If McMahon wants to see himself out of the nearest exit then even better.

The worry is that some people will still think it's a straight choice between the Well Society and Wild Sheep. The hope is that such people are in a small minority.

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Clear, consise, deliverable and showing real accountability. 

Also thought it was written with genuine heart and care for the club and community, without being too emotional, having facts and stats to back up the thinking. Excellent.

Being Scotland's premier purpose-driven club, who wouldn't want to be a part of that? 

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Personally, I think it's absolutely spot on with everything it's saying; it's realistic, achievable and it embeds the club in the community, which I think the majority of fans and WS members would want to happen.

It's well presented, professional and has clearly been developed with people who absolutely understand how this all works and have experience across the piece in terms of strategic investment, data analytics and business acumen. The plans also show up just how little has been done to tap into the local business market by the current Exec Board and Club leadership. I think this is the kind of thing that everyone can get behind.

There's also enough emotional/heartfelt messaging in there to remind people just what it is that we have as a collective fan owned club.

"Motherwell FC, with its rich history and passionate supporters, is a cornerstone of this effort. Fir Park is more than just a venue for matches; it’s a place where friendships are forged, memories are made, and dreams take flight."

This bit properly choked me up; I fucking love my Club.

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11 minutes ago, Doctor Manhattan said:

The worry is that some people will still think it's a straight choice between the Well Society and Wild Sheep. The hope is that such people are in a small minority.

Realistically it is a straight choice though, isn't it? Ofc we'd love EB to bite for 10-20% but I've written that off as fantasy.

As such, the framing of a straight choice is no bad thing. There's either viable, realistic proposals from people you know love the club and are working all hours to make it better, or you roll the dice on a guy who didn't know we existed last year in a plan which basically kills the Society and leaves the club at his mercy.

Edited by Handsome_Devil
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