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12 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

Just wondering why you’re all getting excited to be signing a player who, by only signing a deal until January, obviously doesn’t really want to come to Fir Park this season, and he has no other “balls spinning” despite what he said on Tuesday.  Just sayin’.

Can you say it again?

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18 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

Just wondering why you’re all getting excited to be signing a player who, by only signing a deal until January, obviously doesn’t really want to come to Fir Park this season, and he has no other “balls spinning” despite what he said on Tuesday.  Just sayin’.

Have u see us play recently ? 

Anyway off you trot and concentrate on finding a striker....

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2 hours ago, 0Neils40yarder said:

Anybody that doesnt think he is an upgrade on Grimmy is deluded...however, I'm not convinced hes any better than Tait

Your dislike of O’Donnell (referencing the other place) is extremely strange. Surely you can see that for a club like ours it’s about as good a signing as we could expect to make, even short term. I genuinely, off the top of my head, can’t think of someone we could have realistically got at this stage with a better rep. 

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1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

I think you'll struggle to find a single Killie fan who thinks Eamonn Brophy is good enough to play for Scotland.

O'Donnell clearly was and still is one of the best right-backs Scotland have available - he may not live up to the mythical "international standard", but if we don't have anyone who lives up to that standard then we still have to pick someone.

That's nice, the sight of Brophy floundering against Cyprus is one that will haunt me for a while. 

I don't think an international standard is at all mythical, when he plays for the national team he looks utterly out of his depth, compared to say Greg Taylor who looked fine at that level. We do have to play someone there but there'd be a good few players I'd pick ahead of him, most of them outwith there natural positions but it'd still be better than the alternative. 

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5 hours ago, welldaft said:

Have u see us play recently ? 

Anyway off you trot and concentrate on finding a striker....

YOUre right, we do desperately need a striker. But I wouldn’t have thought that Motherwell are desperately needing a full back.

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37 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

YOUre right, we do desperately need a striker. But I wouldn’t have thought that Motherwell are desperately needing a full back.

We have one right back who’s not great, although is committed. We have two left backs, both of whom are injured. We need a full back. 

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55 minutes ago, 18May1991 said:

We have one right back who’s not great, although is committed. We have two left backs, both of whom are injured. We need a full back. 

Fair doos. I suppose the reality is that O’Donnell walked away from Kilmarnock imagining great wealths to be made in England in either League One or The Championship, discovered no one is interested, and credit to Motherwell for picking him up as he continues to look to better himself.

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1 hour ago, kingjoey said:

Fair doos. I suppose the reality is that O’Donnell walked away from Kilmarnock imagining great wealths to be made in England in either League One or The Championship, discovered no one is interested, and credit to Motherwell for picking him up as he continues to look to better himself.

To be honest, the fact the deal is only until the end of the transfer window strikes me as a deal that suits both parties in the immediate term. We are in dire need of cover at full-back and he hasn't played first team football since March. I think it'll help us out on the pitch and he'll perhaps get himself fitter for any potential clubs down south to approach him. 

Either way pleased with the signing, will slot right into our team. I went to school with him and he's a good lad into the bargain.



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I’d imagine it is definitely  a deal that benefits both parties. We get a huge improvement at RB over Grimshaw who is absolute dugmeat and O’Donnell gets to play somewhere that offers a better chance for getting a big move down south if he performs well. Hopefully a win win situation all round. 

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28 minutes ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

To be honest, the fact the deal is only until the end of the transfer window strikes me as a deal that suits both parties in the immediate term. We are in dire need of cover at full-back and he hasn't played first team football since March. I think it'll help us out on the pitch and he'll perhaps get himself fitter for any potential clubs down south to approach him. 

Either way pleased with the signing, will slot right into our team. I went to school with him and he's a good lad into the bargain.



...and a great baker. (I kept it clean)

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Really pleased with this business, I think we can all read between the lines regarding how this came about and how it suits both parties.

I was of the opinion in June that we needed a RB in to atleast challenge with Grimshaw but the pre-season optimistism made me a wee bit more relaxed about the situation until I seen the actual reality of where we are. No harm to Grimmy but it's been pretty bad.

I know SOD personally so this isn't meant as a slight but the notion that we would bring him in to play LB is pretty mental tbh. Keep Lamie at LB and bring SOD in at RB pretty straight forward. Even in an emergency, I would much rather we went to a 3 with wing banks than move play someone to a position they really aren't comfortable with.

As shite as we are playing, it is good to see so many local boys in the team rather than generic English guy #4. I think it's something that gives us a bit more of an identity and hopefully these boys will be invested in digging us out a hole.

We have been really bad and there is not denying that but I have seen this movie too many times to write us off this early in the season. I like the interview from Robinson on Wednesday and I'm hoping it results in a reaction tomorrow night against Hibs.

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Tbh, one of the weirder quirks of this season has been that - as of yesterday - we were sitting with a 29 (TWENTY NINE) man first team squad with only one right back (a nominal one at that).

I get that Grimshaw's probably been one of Robinson's first names on the teamsheet on account of his graft but while last season we had Tait to cover both full back positions taking that safety net away meant it was a weird look to see depth in literally every other position but a solitary right back.

Anyway, with everyone fit I suppose our squad looks like this now.


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29 minutes ago, SUPERSOUTH said:

Thoughts on young RB Max Johnston? 

AFAIK he's been playing left back for us (based on who he's been subbed on for) but given our situation with the full back positions that doesn't mean much. He was involved in some of the pre-season bounce games and has been on the bench the last couple of games.

He's still only 16 so it'd be a surprise if we chucked him in any time soon.

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