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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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My take on Maurice Ross is that he is knowledgeable about football and is ok to listen to when it's purely that subject.

However, he tries really hard to (or is incredibly natural at) fit the Rangers man profile and lets himself down with classic Ex-OF pundit cliche's and patter. Passable for someone without a job but whilst a coach at Motherwell it's pretty shite tbh.

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My inital take upon first hearing Ross a couple of years ago was that he was probably a bit of an arse and was maybe trying to make himself sound a wee bit more articulate than he actually was. I can't really describe it but his tone didn't come across entirely genuine to me. Maybe it was the whispering.

Anyway, fast forward a year or so later I've heard him more and more and I do think he has some good insight into the game. I think he also does have a personality which could suit to management. Some of his insight is quite refreshing compared to the normal guff trotted out in football interviews and podcast. He also must have a clear love for the game judging by where he has cut his teeth coaching wise.

Personally though I think he should probably shut his hole about other clubs in the league while he is in this position.

Edited by Luke92
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I knew Mo Ross’ comments would come back to bite us but I didn’t think it would be this soon.

Tony Fitzpatrick must have got one of the infected St Mirren players to lick the envelope of his letter to Burrows.


It's the only plausible explanation IMO.


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What a time to hit 1000 pages. 

The only problem with this is if it takes 3 weeks to announce it will take another god knows how long before they come to a conclusion. Our chances of winning the title have all but disappeared thanks to this farce...

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