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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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Last seasons accounts show a loss of £149k, and an increase in "owed monies" to £843k.
I know folk just flat out ignore that second one, but I've seen three businesses (RA Motorsport the biggest) fold in the last year due to that being called in. It should always be included in the figure to show a more accurate example of your finances.
RA used to claim they were making six figure profits each year, yet what they owed was absolutely massive.

Make six figure profits + don’t pay your creditors (HMRC, could be a big one) + siphon off the money = problem. Different to old Rangers problem.
Saints will have adequate debt to collect and money in the bank to cover what they owe.
I often like your various stats and opinions on the club and football related matters. However, in this instance, you are simply wrong Randoom.
Don’t take it personally but you are very, very wrong, as in it’s you versus the entirety of the accountancy world.
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9 minutes ago, andrewh said:

Make six figure profits + don’t pay your creditors (HMRC, could be a big one) + siphon off the money = problem. Different to old Rangers problem.
Saints will have adequate debt to collect and money in the bank to cover what they owe.
I often like your various stats and opinions on the club and football related matters. However, in this instance, you are simply wrong Randoom.
Don’t take it personally but you are very, very wrong, as in it’s you versus the entirety of the accountancy world.

I'm aware I got it wrong, I just enjoy trying to see how I can wiggle out things sometimes. A remarkable coincidence our losses, plus owed money, made £1m tbh

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I'm aware I got it wrong, I just enjoy trying to see how I can wiggle out things sometimes. A remarkable coincidence our losses, plus owed money, made £1m tbh

I know, and good for you having a go, but that one was like trying to defy the law of gravity by jumping out of a plane at 30000 feet without a parachute. :)
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1 hour ago, Mr Positive, sometimes. said:

Our previous transfer target Effe Ambrose has joined a club in Scotland... 

I'd rather have McCart tbh.

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I know we're generally in agreement that the whole cup thing is a bit shit but I'm seeing our fans on twitter comparing it to the Motherwell, St. Mirren replay price tonight and really struggling to see the relevance.

Mainly because it's midweek and a replay in the previous round... 🙄

Edited by Mr Positive, sometimes.
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20 minutes ago, Costanza said:

Genuine question here, assume unlimited capacity for home fans and ticket prices reduced to a fiver; how many Saints fans would go?

we could open the gates and it still wouldn't be full.

3 stands and £25 is probably what I was expecting...maybe £5 too much, but I get it. As has been said...a couple of new deals announced off the back off 3 or 4 decent crowds recently would be grand. (No, I don't know anything).

Anyway...I'm going because I support Saints. :)


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32 minutes ago, Costanza said:

Genuine question here, assume unlimited capacity for home fans and ticket prices reduced to a fiver; how many Saints fans would go?

This would maybe be one criticism I'd have of Saints. In years gone by, they would maybe a couple of times a season drop prices to about that level but since Steve Brown took over, I'm not sure we've even had reduced prices once? Certainly not to that sort of level. As a result, it's both hard to answer your question as there is nothing to compare it against and also they have probably lost the fans that would take advantage of those sort of offers then maybe come to a few other games off the back of it. 

I was looking for something else recently and came across Saints reducing prices to £5/£1 for a midweek (rearranged) game against Hibs in February 2000. The crowd was 8,199.

Whether going back to doing that sort of thing would have an impact, I'm not sure. 

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This would maybe be one criticism I'd have of Saints. In years gone by, they would maybe a couple of times a season drop prices to about that level but since Steve Brown took over, I'm not sure we've even had reduced prices once? Certainly not to that sort of level. As a result, it's both hard to answer your question as there is nothing to compare it against and also they have probably lost the fans that would take advantage of those sort of offers then maybe come to a few other games off the back of it. 
I was looking for something else recently and came across Saints reducing prices to £5/£1 for a midweek (rearranged) game against Hibs in February 2000. The crowd was 8,199.
Whether going back to doing that sort of thing would have an impact, I'm not sure. 
Would that have not have been the one that got abandoned at half time? Was there not then something about how you could get away with charging again because the match had begun, so they agreed to just slash the prices?
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2 hours ago, Costanza said:

Genuine question here, assume unlimited capacity for home fans and ticket prices reduced to a fiver; how many Saints fans would go?

It would depend if the game captured the imagination. Our European ties did – and we didn't reduce ticket prices then.

Celtic in the cup – home or away – isn't an exciting prospect for most, irrespective of price. I don't blame the club for charging what they have.

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2 minutes ago, Mr Heliums said:

It would depend if the game captured the imagination. Our European ties did – and we didn't reduce ticket prices then.

I doubt we'll ever know exactly, but I'm sure most of the European games had a hefty amount of "neutrals" there. We had multiple ICT/Falkirk fans on the match threads saying they attended.

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2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

I doubt we'll ever know exactly, but I'm sure most of the European games had a hefty amount of "neutrals" there. 

I'm sure there were a few. But we also ran a bus from Edinburgh – only time I can remember that happening.

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If anything shows how used our fanbase has become to our success over the last decade, its the notion of boycotting a Scottish Cup Quarter Final.

A decade ago, three stands to the old firm was the norm. The club listened to feedback and gave the fans the east stand back. Less home fans turned up. The club then changes back to mixed, but in the main positive, reactions from fans. Now the fans are angry as the club aren't cutting prices (or rather not cutting enough) for a Quarter final of country's premier cup competition.

There is a lot the club can improve but it feels to me that the relative comfort the club has experienced recently - no real danger of relegation but without the excitement of Europe or long cup runs - has lead to outbreaks of hyperbole whenever something isn't exactly to a section of our fanbase's liking. I think it's a minority of the regulars but a very, very vocal one.

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I'm quite surprised at the St Johnstone fan reaction on social media. Good to see that the majority on here see the situation for what it is but there's some amount of happy clapping pelters in your support. Some Samantha woman basically praising the board for this and thanking the club for the 'opportunity' for her to encourage some non-Saints fans to the game for a change. Not even an ounce of sarcasm.

You need to ask yourselves how can the likes of Accies and Livi compete without selling their souls. Such a St Mirren-esque move.

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25 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

I'm quite surprised at the St Johnstone fan reaction on social media. Good to see that the majority on here see the situation for what it is but there's some amount of happy clapping pelters in your support. Some Samantha woman basically praising the board for this and thanking the club for the 'opportunity' for her to encourage some non-Saints fans to the game for a change. Not even an ounce of sarcasm.

You need to ask yourselves how can the likes of Accies and Livi compete without selling their souls. Such a St Mirren-esque move.

Jesus Ludo this is fairly brutal even by your low standards.

Livi who've always given the OF 3 stands, and Accies who only have just over half the Main Stand for their own fans against either cheek?

Otherwise, interesting point.

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