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Score now it’s either 5-0 or 6-0 to Hibs - I’ve lost count to be honest 

we have been ok but Hibs are on a whole new level with their passing 

The game that will really show our form and where we are at is the home League Cup game v Clyde on 17th July - if we win that I’ll be happy 

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22 minutes ago, DutchBorderer said:

Official Twitter account having a bit of a 'mare tonight. Has since been undone.


The excitement of the Bronze Licence announcement this morning clearly gone to the head of our social media officer. What a start to the season

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12 hours ago, tamthebam said:

and folk complain the club never updates them with the important news.. 


Bronze licences. Please take one. Never in doubt 😬
At least we can look down on no-mark diddies like Broxburn, Dunbar and Whitehill now

I'm disappointed. However, The Pointing and Laughing Committee will reconvene on the Livi and ICT threads.

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