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2 hours ago, craigkillie said:

How could you possibility legislate for that? Which offences would you be allowed to retaliate to without punishment? What degree of retaliation would be acceptable within these rules? Would he still be immune from punishment if he put him in a coma?

The important thing here is that if Kudela is found guilty, which I expect he will be, then his punishment far outstrips that of Kamara, which I'm sure it will. If Kamara did assault the guy and it was reported then I don't see how they can turn a blind eye to that though.

If he did assault him he should be charged with said assault by Her Majesty’s finest.

No way there should be one rule for footballers and another rule for the rest of us 

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16 minutes ago, G51 said:

That's not what I said. I said we cannot police the reactions of black players to racist abuse. I'm sure you appreciate that is very different to saying it's a free-for-all every time some kind of general abuse is given.

If other people feel that it's unacceptable for a black player to react to racist abuse by throwing a punch, then I'd be very interested to hear them speak up and say why.

I understand what you’re saying but it isn’t a feasible position for a governing body to take.  

Hypothetically, If uefa gave the slavia boy a years ban and kamara a 2 game ban for assault or whatever the charge is, would you find that unacceptable?

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Kamara will get a ban because he has to, due to skelping someone, as that's the rulebook. It'll be nowhere near the racists, nor what it would be if he hadn't been "provoked".

You open up a whole "two wrongs make a right" can of worms if you don't punish Kamara in some form. Even if they give him a suspended ban or something.

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1 hour ago, G51 said:

It absolutely is similar to a heat of the moment incident. This reminds me very much of Jonathan Liew's article about it - if we continue to police the reactions of black players to racist abuse and deem which reactions are "acceptable" and "unacceptable", then we stand absolutely no chance of ever eradicating racism from the game. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/mar/23/furore-around-glen-kamara-shows-how-racists-can-keep-getting-away-with-abuse

I'd be extremely surprised if there was a consensus among people that a five game ban was appropriate for what happened.

You say this as if a) this wouldn't be a good thing, and b) it wouldn't cut down on the number of players being racist on the pitch, which is an epidemic that appears to be growing at the moment.

What’s to stop player A from punching player B next season and dressing it up as retaliation for something that was said on the pitch?

People can’t take the law into their own hands regardless of what crime has been committed against them. It’s pretty much that simple.

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1 hour ago, G51 said:

It absolutely is similar to a heat of the moment incident. This reminds me very much of Jonathan Liew's article about it - if we continue to police the reactions of black players to racist abuse and deem which reactions are "acceptable" and "unacceptable", then we stand absolutely no chance of ever eradicating racism from the game. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/mar/23/furore-around-glen-kamara-shows-how-racists-can-keep-getting-away-with-abuse

You might have included the wrong link here, this article seems to be focussed on the difficulty black players face in the process of proving racism occurred rather than policing their reactions.

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25 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Kamara will get a ban because he has to, due to skelping someone, as that's the rulebook. It'll be nowhere near the racists, nor what it would be if he hadn't been "provoked".

You open up a whole "two wrongs make a right" can of worms if you don't punish Kamara in some form. Even if they give him a suspended ban or something.

Agreed. What’s going to be an even bigger can of worms, as is being speculated, is if the racist gets a token ban and a £2,000 fine, while Kamara gets a five game ban.   

And I’m sure all of us agree that we hope Kamara absolutely flattened him. 

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3 hours ago, craigkillie said:

How could you possibility legislate for that? Which offences would you be allowed to retaliate to without punishment? What degree of retaliation would be acceptable within these rules? Would he still be immune from punishment if he put him in a coma?

The important thing here is that if Kudela is found guilty, which I expect he will be, then his punishment far outstrips that of Kamara, which I'm sure it will. If Kamara did assault the guy and it was reported then I don't see how they can turn a blind eye to that though.

Do you really have  faith in UEFA doing that though?  Far be it from me to agree with the Rangers cause, but this has all the makings of a scandal.   

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First off, Kudela whispered his insult. Finding corroboration for that beyond what Kamara told his team mates is going to be (I think) a bit of a challenge. 

While Kamara, if he did lamp him in the tunnel in front of even two corroborative witnesses, is banged to rights. 

We have all formed (I think) a fairly consistent and sure idea of the course of events that evening. Proving them beyond an inevitable appeal to a dispassionate body is (I think) going to be a much tougher test. 

The outcome is going to be an injustice.


Edited by alta-pete
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3 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

Kamara will get a ban if they rule that he's leathered the racist in the tunnel. As he should. 

I'm still delighted that he did it, though. 

Exactly this. 

I had similar reservations to @alta-pete but I'm wondering if UEFA require the same burden of proof that a law court would. 

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Unless something else happened in the tunnel before the alleged "serious assault", it might also be difficult to argue that it was "the heat of the moment" given that he didn't leather him on the pitch, and waited until they were up the tunnel.

Agree with the opinion that if he did give him a smack, it was totally deserved.

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Still shocked that it was Kamara who belted him, I was sure that it would've been Goldson.  He'll obviously get a ban but hopefully the Sparta player receives a harsher penalty. 


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15 minutes ago, bennett said:

Still shocked that it was Kamara who belted him, I was sure that it would've been Goldson.  He'll obviously get a ban but hopefully the Sparta player receives a harsher penalty. 


Would have been better if one of his own team mates had hit him ...

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6 hours ago, G51 Red said:

Would have been better if one of his own team mates had hit him ...

Agree with this.They were two up in the game with minutes to go and everyone agreeing they were the better side.Racists are total cowards so he picked on Rangers least aggressive player of colour to spew his bile and ran away.If players really want this stamped out then the players of colour in the Slavia team should have thrown him under the bus.

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1 minute ago, DMCs said:

I think there will be sales this summer going by the boards earlier comments this season, so I think anything around £10m+ will be appealing for him.

It’s a strange one for me, as although he is probably not as influential compared to our other main sellable assets such as Morelos, Barisic and Kamara, I can see Hagi going on to be a massive player for us if he stays. His numbers are already very good.

But, if he goes and it means we get to hold on to the other 3 then I wouldn’t be particularly against the sale but it would be sad to see him go.

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