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You’re born, you take shit.

Get out in the world, you take more shit.

Climb a little higher, take less shit.

Till one day you’re up in the rarified atmosphere and you’ve forgotten what shit even looks like.

Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Then ya deh.

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Am I the favourite there aye? In actually had the conversation with a work colleague. He's a total health freak whereas I'm safely in the ooppoite bracket. He could die before me quite easily though. No scared of it anyway. Life's too short


Jim Fixx



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I've met Death by the way. His name is Brian and he's a salesman for a power tool company. Brian D'Eath - I shit ye not

Steve D'Eath used to play in goal for Reading back in the 80s :)

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I've met Death by the way. His name is Brian and he's a salesman for a power tool company. Brian D'Eath - I shit ye not

I had to phone someone called Mrs D'Eath when I was a giggling youngster working for an agency. " It's pronounced Di Ath" she replied in a bored voice. "So not Death then?" "No." "I'm afraid your claim is declined."
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And maybe it's treacherous old age coming on, threatening the worst. Not much music left inside us for life to dance to. Our youth has gone to the ends of the earth to die in the silence of the truth. And where, I ask you, can a man escape to, when he hasn't enough madness left inside him? The truth is an endless death agony. The truth is death. You have to choose; death or lies. I've never been able to kill myself.

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Death will be fine it comes to us all and there's f**k all can be done about it.

What terrifies me is living out my final days riddled with ill health and a shite quality of life.


For me, I'd hate to be a burden to the ones I love. While I've no wish to end this sweet gig I'd rather be given a nice cup of 'special tea/brew' that ends me than drag on, even if I have a quality of life at the expense of my wife or kid having to take a hit on their quality of life.


My parents are in their 80's and obsessed with their deaths, its all about where the money is and what stuff is getting left to who (there's only me and my brother so it was already sorted). Its a pity, we've both told them to spend the lot, my dad's even talking of binning Sky sports because it costs too much money, the old buggers get 500 quid a week between them with no mortgage and they don't go on holiday any more. It is sad to see your parents go down hill like this, they're not doolally, just that their world has shrunk, and I've always had nothing but respect for them (not when I was a teenager right enough but everyone's mum and dad are dicks then.  :lol: ) and its difficult to watch them deteriorate. That's life and if I'm lucky I'll get to be the same.

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Are you trying to make a competition out of teen pregnancies?

I was at a funeral in Paisley a few years ago, and we clocked a which belonged to some woman who died aged 48 - beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother.

A fucking great grandparent at 48.

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I'm not worried about dying, but I worry pretty regularly that I may die before my children are adults. I've got things in place to assure they would be catered for if the worst happened, but I would be devastated to not see them grow up and make sure they find their feet in the world, and obviously give them whatever help I can.

I'm also worried about my parents dying. They've both recently retired and have both had fairly biggish health scares in the last 12 months. They're now back to a decent level, but I worry about them and what my Dad has returning to a worse state before his recent operation.

Sorry for your loss WB.

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I'm not worried about dying, but I worry pretty regularly that I may die before my children are adults. I've got things in place to assure they would be catered for if the worst happened, but I would be devastated to not see them grow up and make sure they find their feet in the world, and obviously give them whatever help I can.

I'm also worried about my parents dying. They've both recently retired and have both had fairly biggish health scares in the last 12 months. They're now back to a decent level, but I worry about them and what my Dad has returning to a worse state before his recent operation.

Sorry for your loss WB.


Cheers. My biggest worry is dying before my Mother. She's 88 but her sister is 101. I've spent my life drinking, smoking, and drug taking, and exercise only from work to pay for it, and an increasingly rare shag. I want to spare her the pain of seeing me dying first. Might have to go to the gym.

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Was having a crazy dream involving death last night Was trying to tell the wife and weans about it when I got home from work but just could not explain it to them Got told 90 minutes ago that my uncle had died on Friday We just found out today Mental!

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No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun – for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax – This won’t hurt.

~ Hunter S. Thompson's suicide note.

I'm 14 years younger but that about covers it.

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