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1 minute ago, Mortar Bored said:

My mum is in recovery after surgery on anal fissures right now.

Pass on my deepest sympathies. Mine got sorted eventually with some seriously strong steroid and/or cortisone cream. You get absolutely no sympathy from anyone, just chuckles at you waddling about in agony trying to stop your arsecheeks from touching.

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A few years back, I was at a party and my wife commented on the state of my lower legs. They were all swollen and purple.

That was just your fucking horrendous shoes, m8.
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Pass on my deepest sympathies. Mine got sorted eventually with some seriously strong steroid and/or cortisone cream. You get absolutely no sympathy from anyone, just chuckles at you waddling about in agony trying to stop your arsecheeks from touching.

Just got a text from her, she says the operation went well.
She has suffered the same as you for years, her current surgeon is apparently very good, he even cracked the joke on first examination" the last surgeon you had, made an arse of this"

She also said her new man-friend will be happy with the results, I'm really hoping it's because she won't have to rush to the toilet when on a dinner date!
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I get aura migraines about once every 3 months or so. My left eye goes blurred for about a half hour before an annoying headache rolls over into pretty much the worst headache imaginable in the right hand side of my head. Pretty much have to lock myself in total darkness and try to sleep it off, which isn't easy when it feels like someone's taken a hammer to a side of your head. 

Fun stuff.

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Do they teach you plagiarism at school these days?

I do apologise, good sir. Every time I see Shandon post, I've just got to get torn into they shoes.
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1 minute ago, Mortar Bored said:

Just got a text from her, she says the operation went well.
She has suffered the same as you for years, her current surgeon is apparently very good, he even cracked the joke on first examination" the last surgeon you had, made an arse of this"

She also said her new man-friend will be happy with the results, I'm really hoping it's because she won't have to rush to the toilet when on a dinner date!

That's the thing, because of the immense pain you delay shitting as long as possible, so when you have to go you really have to go, and you look white faced out of a torture chamber for 15 minutes after. Not ideal for a date. On the plus side my experience was about 20 years ago and it hasn't returned, apart from minor external piles issues which we needn't go into. You may be reassured to know that since the episode I am even more dedicated to keep my brown temple inviolate, despite being of a fairly liberal mind.

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Developed Tinnitus when I was 16-17 which has never went away. No idea how I got it but I've learned to ignore it. Hopefully it won't ever get worse as the worst forms of it can be utterly unbearable and it can make people suicidal.

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You've all got my sympathy FWIW. Kevin Smith's anal fissure tales are worth a listen for being alternately funny and horrific, if any of the sufferers need cheering up..

The wife would be good at this game; she's got a wristband with all of her conditions and allergies engraved for when she ends up in hospital again, as she ended up without her meds for days last time. Good times.

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1 hour ago, DJM1903 said:

Depression, Liver disease (i don't even drink!), chronic migraines and severe insomnia. Hey, at least the drugs are good! 


ETA - Asthma too. It's a c**t.

Having seen your stupendous pic on the Aberdeen thread, I don't think you can complain too much about these petty ailments. The Lord giveth with one hand and taketh with the other. 

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2 hours ago, hearthammer said:

I was on Methotrexate a few years back to combat my chronic psoriasis after id used a number of topical creams, ointments, etc, over a long number of years..  Stuff made me worse as it had little or no effect on my condition & made me feel absolutely hellish most of the time.  I was taken off it after about 6 months.  Ive also had Cyclosporin which had no real effect.  Ive been on Adalimumab (Humira) for about 4 1/2 years now &, although my skin is around 80% clear most of the time, it knocks 20 shades of shite out of my stomach regularly which restricts my social life & general wellbeing.

Like most modern drugs, they help/affect everybody differently & they all have their own degrees of side-effects that, again, affect everybody differently.

What's a hearthammer? Is it a symptom or a cure?

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51 minutes ago, Jamaldo said:

Developed Tinnitus when I was 16-17 which has never went away. No idea how I got it but I've learned to ignore it. Hopefully it won't ever get worse as the worst forms of it can be utterly unbearable and it can make people suicidal.

You utter utter utter b*****d. I have tinnitus which I mostly forget about until someone mentions it. You utter utter utter b*****d.

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