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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The Coronor rules it out but it sounds like he topped himself but wanted his family to get the insurance.

Should have died from embarrassment for driving a Skoda.

"Skoda, Too bad it's a Skoda."

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On 21/11/2016 at 15:18, King Dom's Moustache said:

Absolute heads gone from me.

Arguably one of my finest posts is now confined to the dustbin because RG is a grass.

f**k you GrassyGuy, may your FM threads be forever red dotted and ignored.


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6 minutes ago, alang1993 said:

Only managed to read 3 or 4 pages of it before it got deleted, anybody able to give a summary of what I missed?

The tl;dr is that it was the shit slinger. Evidenced through a historic 'anonymous' Facebook message to Adam where he used the term "alki-junkie" and several times threatened to "alert" his employer to his online content. Subsequent search of the term "alki-junkie showed it to be used by only one man before, and more than once....the shit slinger. Putting him very much in the hot seat for this latest employer tale telling. Well...that and him being an übercunt

Edited by Christophe
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14 minutes ago, alang1993 said:

Only managed to read 3 or 4 pages of it before it got deleted, anybody able to give a summary of what I missed?

The main issue was there was apparently going to be a Celtic fan led red dot assault on two posters but I wasn't invited to this campaign. It's like school all over again in being picked last for the football team.  Oh, there was also threats mate to people's bosses and crazy messages sent on fake Facebook accounts but that's pretty trivial in the grand scheme of things. :rolleyes:

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The tl;dr is that it was the shit slinger. Evidenced through a historic 'anonymous' Facebook message to Adam where he used the term "alki-junkie" and several times threatened to "alert" his employer to his online content. Subsequent search of the term "alki-junkie showed it to be used by only one man before, and more than once....the shit slinger. Putting him very much in the hot seat for this latest employer tale telling. Well...that and him being an übercunt

I agree with this. The fact that he suggested Skidmarks as a suitable victim of a dotting campaign also suggests that he has some sort of personal vandetta against Skidmarks.

I think it's him. And I have a hunch he's been pm'ing Grimbo about it, discussing his intentions.
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1 minute ago, alang1993 said:

Only managed to read 3 or 4 pages of it before it got deleted, anybody able to give a summary of what I missed?

Some c**t (allegedly) grassed Bobby up to his boss, Bobby asked the mods to ban his (Bobby's) account, wild accusations to whom the "grass" might be went apeshit, me & Miley were leading contenders. A mod then said Bobby had said none of the folk named where the one's that grassed, then a poster screenshot an (alleged) text/PM from Bobby claiming he wouldn't agree to defending certain other posters, so the thread went mental with accusations again, then other (alleged) hate campaigns from the past got mentioned & the accusers started to blame me & Miley for that. Miley posted about the hypocritical stance from a certain poster who admitted to receiving pics of Miley & his kid from another poster via PM. Miley then took a barrage of abuse & admitted that he'd tried to organize a counter attack to (alleged) hate/dot campaigns.

That's what I mind of it, anyway.




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The "sharing pictures of 8Mile's kid" episode was the most risible act of deflection in the whole sorry episode.

Bobby, who despite protestations until the last few pages, actually thought it was 8Mile and Grimbo the whole time, PM'd screenshots of 8Mile tweeing him "hi mate" at around the time of the grassing. 8Mile's profile picture was him and his daughter and so about 4 pixels of them were inadvertently shared in the process.

Tbh that awful bit of whataboutery was when I was finally convinced. That and 8Mile bringing up WTM various time, who hadn't been involved at all other than being suggested as the sort of poster would be involved. Not only a horrible creep but tried to throw others under the bus as well.

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