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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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2 hours ago, Mr X said:

Gunther isnt banned. 

Even better then, nobody has been "hounded" off the forum.

2 hours ago, strichener said:

If you have evidence of any of this then that would be a good place to start.  Perhaps we can see the e-mail that was sent to the guys work or see why it went from his boss just laughing it off to him requesting a ban (why not just refrain from posting).  Then we have the mod that was contacted asking for him to exonerate specific posters.   It all seems to be a RADA quality performance by a clique of posters.

Of course if someone did contact the guys work then I agree that it is out of order but I have my doubts.

I think I've been pretty specific in saying that none of us know whether those two sent the email.

What I've said is if anyone thinks this grassing happened independently of 8Mile messaging folk all over the shop about taking Bobby down a peg and Grimbo posting his real name on Friday, they're fucking insane.

It has crossed my mind that the whole thing is made up but given all this weird shit came out after Tynieness's thread, that seems more of a leap than any other theory. In any case, those two have copped deserved bannings/suspensions for outright weirdo behaviour, this idea of them being chased off by a lynch mob just doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

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3 minutes ago, throbber said:

If it wasn't down to them contacting his work then why would Grimbo think calling him by his first name would be a good idea anyway? What was to gain by doing that other than by confirming he was an actual weirdo?

Also if they are responsible for the grassing then what a stupid way to go about doing it if you reveal that you know his name the night before you do it. Strange goings on.

This is the bit I don't understand on here, it appears to be ok if you're part of the "in crowd" to post anything about a poster if the "in crowd" thinks said poster is a knob/boring etc, plenty of back-slapping posts and those apparently not so important dots get dished out in support or against, it also appears to be ok to post pictures of said posters if said "in crowd" think it's appropriate, so why is it not acceptable for a knob/boring poster to name anyone on here.

It's either only the internet or it isn't, if it isn't only the internet then some were getting treated really badly over the last few days with not many fucks being given.

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12 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

This is the bit I don't understand on here, it appears to be ok if you're part of the "in crowd" to post anything about a poster if the "in crowd" thinks said poster is a knob/boring etc, plenty of back-slapping posts and those apparently not so important dots get dished out in support or against, it also appears to be ok to post pictures of said posters if said "in crowd" think it's appropriate, so why is it not acceptable for a knob/boring poster to name anyone on here.

It's either only the internet or it isn't, if it isn't only the internet then some were getting treated really badly over the last few days with not many fucks being given.

Personally I don't think posting someone's first name is particularly bad if you've found it out through a twitter the poster had linked to etc. Or even posting pictures or links to social media stuff that anyone has made freely available (like 8mile's twitter avatar or xbl's blog posts from way back). And I can't remember anyone going particularly mental when Bobby's real name was posted at first. It's really that in conjunction with somebody make a concerted effort to get info on Bobby's life and damage him in some way. That's just fucking creepy and way below the belt.

I obviously don't know whether 8mile or Grimbo actually sent the e-mail but it's a hell of a coincidence that they've started flaunting the fact they know Bobby's real name and then this happens straight after. That and all the other evidence against 8mile is pretty damning. One or both of them did it, or were involved or know who did.

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Can someone help an out of the loop brother out and start adding some actual detail to these posts about cliques, in crowds and gangs? I've barely even read the GN forum in years before this, I've honestly no clue what these posts are on about.

Or maybe they're simply the paranoid mewlings of the forum's other Holden Caulfield types.

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1 hour ago, ayrmad said:

This is the bit I don't understand on here, it appears to be ok if you're part of the "in crowd" to post anything about a poster if the "in crowd" thinks said poster is a knob/boring etc, plenty of back-slapping posts and those apparently not so important dots get dished out in support or against, it also appears to be ok to post pictures of said posters if said "in crowd" think it's appropriate, so why is it not acceptable for a knob/boring poster to name anyone on here.

It's either only the internet or it isn't, if it isn't only the internet then some were getting treated really badly over the last few days with not many fucks being given.

Who is in this "in crowd" you speak of? And who determines who is in or out?

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40 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Who is in this "in crowd" you speak of? And who determines who is in or out?

I think he means posters who aren't complete and utter helmets. 

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2 hours ago, Kool Keith said:

Mentioning someone's name on here as a form of one upmanship should result in an immediate ban imo.


WTM using it as his trump card against Ad Lib was particular embarrassing since almost everyone on this forum must've known he stood for office.

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2 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

Personally I don't think posting someone's first name is particularly bad if you've found it out through a twitter the poster had linked to etc. Or even posting pictures or links to social media stuff that anyone has made freely available (like 8mile's twitter avatar or xbl's blog posts from way back). And I can't remember anyone going particularly mental when Bobby's real name was posted at first.

It's the 2 faced nature of things that I'm highlighting, what is or isn't particularly bad to posters is an individual thing, if it's bad for a knob/boring poster to put names, pictures etc up then it's equally as bad the other way round, IMHO there's no equality on this issue and those that don't hold equality really shouldn't be throwing their toys out the pram when things escalate beyond names and pictures. 

It's really that in conjunction with somebody make a concerted effort to get info on Bobby's life and damage him in some way. That's just fucking creepy and way below the belt.

If that is indeed what happened, I'm sitting here without a dog in the fight I couldn't confidently call it either way.

I obviously don't know whether 8mile or Grimbo actually sent the e-mail but it's a hell of a coincidence that they've started flaunting the fact they know Bobby's real name and then this happens straight after.

Coincidences happen every day in every facet of life, I certainly wouldn't condemn anyone on a coincidence.

That and all the other evidence against 8mile is pretty damning.

It may well be but it doesn't make it fact.

One or both of them did it, or were involved or know who did.

I've not got the same degree of certainty.



1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Is this just going to be ignored?

What the f**k is going on?


1 hour ago, Alan Stubbs said:

Can someone help an out of the loop brother out and start adding some actual detail to these posts about cliques, in crowds and gangs? I've barely even read the GN forum in years before this, I've honestly no clue what these posts are on about.

There are cliques, in crowds and gangs anywhere there are differences, you don't need to put up names of who's in with who to know there are wee cliques on here.

Or maybe they're simply the paranoid mewlings of the forum's other Holden Caulfield types.

I'd be more concerned for those that don't realise how contradictory there position appears to be in this shambles.


1 hour ago, Rugster said:

Who is in this "in crowd" you speak of? And who determines who is in or out?

Obviously it'll be those that are in their wee cliques that decide, you don't need to be Columbo to notice them on here.

Edited by ayrmad
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