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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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On the Jlloyd Samuel thing, I work with a guy who stays in High Legh. Seen him this morning. His laddie had just sent him a video of him driving past a a burning car. f**k me I had actually watched a video of Jlloyd Samuels demise without knowing it! Mental.

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19 minutes ago, Dindeleux said:



Seriously sad. f**k off. Seriously sad is when someone you actually know and/or have at least some kind of connection to passes away.

When my gran died I was seriously sad. When Tommy Burns died I was a bit sad but not as much as when my gran died.

I’m not celebrating the fact the guy has died but if people are actually crying/losing sleep over some footballer they have absolutely no connection to then, in my opinion, that is a real heads gone.

When the singer killed himself last week I saw a guy posting on here saying he was “beyond devastated”. I actually cringed reading it.



beginning to think I was giving you too much credit by calling you edgy

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So you laugh at them. Without knowing what connections they had to a Scottish singer.

Re-read my post.

Cringed, not laughed.

If someone had a connection to the Frabbit singer (or Samuel) then fair enough. My opinion is that it was a “I’m so sad, please like this comment” attempt from the majority.

Only my opinion mind. Could be completely wrong.
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Re-read my post.

Cringed, not laughed.

If someone had a connection to the Frabbit singer (or Samuel) then fair enough. My opinion is that it was a “I’m so sad, please like this comment” attempt from the majority.

Only my opinion mind. Could be completely wrong.
Sometimes the death of a celebrity goes beyond its just someone you never met. Music tends to be a popular one for this and in some cases I agree (folk in their 20s gushing over Bowie etc) the boy from Frabbit struck a chord. The nature of his music, the fact that they arent massive meaning a lot of big fans of theirs may well have met him or seen him multiple times at intimate gigs.

Mostly though, I think the social media appeal, the cctv of him leaving that hotel, his tweets etc made it a real sad story. I found it saddening and I had never even really heard of Frabbit.

A lot of times I too find celebrity grieving stupid, but that case certainly wasnt one of them. The boy had serious demons obviously, and in mental health awareness week, folk should take a moment to pause for thought. The way we regard mental health in this country is a national fucking disgrace on par with how many food banks we have.

If anyone was going for a "please like this comment" it was you. It missed the mark though. These things happen. Maybe best off just moving on.
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The post Dindeleux made wasn’t particularly offensive (or funny) and something similar has probably been said up and down the country on various forums.

When Tiote died last year Jimmy cracked 2 similar sort of jokes about the situation, the first one obviously didn’t get the attention he craved so he cracked another one a few hours later which obviously went unchallenged because of his P&B status.

Celebrities deaths are so common and no matter who it is, someone out there somewhere will crack a joke about it. Don’t think Dindeleux deserves a particularly hard time over this even if he is a total weirdo.

Stop sticking the boot into Jimmy, the man was a saint.
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Just now, Bairnardo said:
4 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:
Has Jimmy been punted?

Where have you been?

Been busy the past few days so not really been on here, I’m assuming that’s a yes. 

What did he do? 

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Been busy the past few days so not really been on here, I’m assuming that’s a yes. 
What did he do? 
Gave Tynieness a load of abuse I believe, in amongst some sort of heated arguements on the Hearts Celtic thread a couple of weekends ago.
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1 minute ago, MONKMAN said:

Been busy the past few days so not really been on here, I’m assuming that’s a yes. 

What did he do? 

He complained that the Royal blood was getting polluted by a mulatto.

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1 minute ago, G_Man1985 said:
8 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:
Has Jimmy been punted?

He hasn't been punted as people have said he has gave them red/green dots?

Apparently you can get punted and still have dotting powers for a while.

According to a mate.

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I’m not sticking the boot into him but because of his popularity on here he could get away with posting things that others would be slaughtered for.

It’s the same situation with celebrity deaths, some celebrities it’s fine to make jokes about but others it’s not. There are clearly people who are connected emotionally with the Frabbit singers death and anyone who cracked a joke about that would get completely slaughtered/banned for it but if it were another household Scottish celebrity who had died like Sean Batty then I doubt people would be taking it so seriously.

Yes but to be fair, its Jimmy!
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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Apparently you can get punted and still have dotting powers for a while.

According to a mate.


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Seriously sad. f**k off. Seriously sad is when someone you actually know and/or have at least some kind of connection to passes away.

When my gran died I was seriously sad. When Tommy Burns died I was a bit sad but not as much as when my gran died.

I’m not celebrating the fact the guy has died but if people are actually crying/losing sleep over some footballer they have absolutely no connection to then, in my opinion, that is a real heads gone.

When the singer killed himself last week I saw a guy posting on here saying he was “beyond devastated”. I actually cringed reading it.

When you've got Banana liking your posts, that's a huge big sign of being a fud.
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Gave Tynieness a load of abuse I believe, in amongst some sort of heated arguements on the Hearts Celtic thread a couple of weekends ago.

Fair enough. Was the abuse out of order, or was it merited and a case of a mod being a c**t?

Always liked Jimmys posts, straight to the point and said what most thought. It’s safe to say he won’t be back, he wouldn’t embarrass himself by crawling back.
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