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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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2 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Out of interest what's your suggestion when someone starts regularly spouting misogynistic and then suddenly anti semitic material?

Ignore it just in case the poster is mentally unwell? That seems a dangerous and cowardly precedent to set, and removes responsibility of people, y'know, not being bigots.

Hold a mental health intervention? That's unlikely to work. Remember when you were so desperate to be upset with BLM that you found articles from some nutter suggesting that structural racism wasn't real? When I pointed out to you that this and some of your other behaviour was troubling you replied with "lol someone thinks they're a psychiatrist!" And then spent months dropping "what, that's meant to be racist now? 😂" In every conversation possible like a dull, wet fart. So I'm not sure that would work.

I don't really see what other alternatives are open to us, being as we don't know his actual name. Happy for you to provide some actual thoughts and recommendations other than it being sad for people to make fun of bigots though.

I'm quite happy to rip the piss out of someone booted off a football forum for peddling anti-semitic conspiracy theories. As has been established on here bigotry isn't mental illness, and it's very predictable that your focus is completely misplaced

Maybe just report it rather than celebrating it. 

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8 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

BawWatchin was the one who admitted to being a Banana alias, correct?

Nope, not enough/sufficient forward slashes/strokes in his posts/submissions.

Edited by welshbairn
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2 hours ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

Very serious business:

People are clicking downward pointing arrows within red circles on the internet and it is a disgrace.

Time for Ofcom and Police Scotland to get involved here.


Sandy is a weirdo though, as has been shown numerous times over the years. 

1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

It’s an interesting development that when people go on racist rants one of the First things that’s trotted out is that they are having a mental health crisis. 

I never meant to quote this and can't delete it, soz bro. x

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3 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

Not everyone who posts bigoted and/or racist drivel is struggling. 


Why do you keep reading and now contributing to what is clearly such an awful thread. 


I think VT was alluding to the fact that you should probably get off your cross at some point.

Obviously stopping racist, sexist or horrible comments is a good thing but by doing so then belittling or mocking people as if you enjoy it brings you down to their level. I get it it’s an internet anonymous forum and people will act in strange ways to fit in but there seems to be a predatory nature to quite a few posters on forums and social media. Everywhere there’s always a troll who will poke other people to get enjoyment. It’s really sad, I don’t know if it’s the internet conditioning people to act like this or if it’s always been this way. Kids fair enough but grown men, it’s embarrassing.

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14 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

I'm sure baiting and winding people up who are struggling seems like a good idea.

It is to a few cliquey arseholes on here, aided & abetted by the moderating team who are quite happy to let them destroy peoples mental health to perpetuate the echo chamber mentality. As long as they can give each other the appropriate coloured arrow then that is all that matters, I hope @Div has a good pension plan in place as this site is dying on its arse because of those self righteous bullying wankers.

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25 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Obviously stopping racist, sexist or horrible comments is a good thing but by doing so then belittling or mocking people as if you enjoy it brings you down to their level. I get it it’s an internet anonymous forum and people will act in strange ways to fit in but there seems to be a predatory nature to quite a few posters on forums and social media. Everywhere there’s always a troll who will poke other people to get enjoyment. It’s really sad, I don’t know if it’s the internet conditioning people to act like this or if it’s always been this way. Kids fair enough but grown men, it’s embarrassing.

Fell asleep reading that.

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4 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

It is to a few cliquey arseholes on here, aided & abetted by the moderating team who are quite happy to let them destroy peoples mental health to perpetuate the echo chamber mentality. As long as they can give each other the appropriate coloured arrow then that is all that matters, I hope @Div has a good pension plan in place as this site is dying on its arse because of those self righteous bullying wankers.

The site is not dying on its arse. You keep peddling this pish but saying all the time does not make it true. You need to stop rising to bait continually and you’ll enjoy the site more. 

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30 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Obviously stopping racist, sexist or horrible comments is a good thing but by doing so then belittling or mocking people as if you enjoy it brings you down to their level. I get it it’s an internet anonymous forum and people will act in strange ways to fit in but there seems to be a predatory nature to quite a few posters on forums and social media. Everywhere there’s always a troll who will poke other people to get enjoyment. It’s really sad, I don’t know if it’s the internet conditioning people to act like this or if it’s always been this way. Kids fair enough but grown men, it’s embarrassing.

Do you sincerely believe that those calling out bigotry are as bad as the bigots because you think they might enjoy it? I dunno like.

4 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

It is to a few cliquey arseholes on here, aided & abetted by the moderating team who are quite happy to let them destroy peoples mental health to perpetuate the echo chamber mentality. As long as they can give each other the appropriate coloured arrow then that is all that matters, I hope @Div has a good pension plan in place as this site is dying on its arse because of those self righteous bullying wankers.

You baselessly smeared @Genuine Hibs Fan as an anti-Semite less than two days ago lol. It's not a surprise that everyone rounded on that.

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33 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Obviously stopping racist, sexist or horrible comments is a good thing but by doing so then belittling or mocking people as if you enjoy it brings you down to their level. I get it it’s an internet anonymous forum and people will act in strange ways to fit in but there seems to be a predatory nature to quite a few posters on forums and social media. Everywhere there’s always a troll who will poke other people to get enjoyment. It’s really sad, I don’t know if it’s the internet conditioning people to act like this or if it’s always been this way. Kids fair enough but grown men, it’s embarrassing.

In this example bawatchin was a seriously unpleasant individual. He'd be unlikely to be challenged in real life because anyone with any sense would avoid him. He chose to air his views and attitudes here and was quite rightly ridiculed.

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Just now, NotThePars said:

Do you sincerely believe that those calling out bigotry are as bad as the bigots because you think they might enjoy it? I dunno like.

You baselessly smeared @Genuine Hibs Fan as an anti-Semite less than two days ago lol. It's not a surprise that everyone rounded on that.

It’s basically ganging up on people and using an excuse to do it. Vast majority of this thread is simply the same dozen or so posters enjoying making people suffer for no real reason.

They will then stalk and harass the same posters over various threads and posts regardless of content quality.

I’m not condoning calling out bad behaviour and have been out of line myself once of twice but tbh you could name the dozen or so who are at it. 
When people have reduced social interaction and try to have a meaningful discussion and get excluded and ridiculed constantly it’s a bit much.

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37 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Obviously stopping racist, sexist or horrible comments is a good thing but by doing so then belittling or mocking people as if you enjoy it brings you down to their level. I get it it’s an internet anonymous forum and people will act in strange ways to fit in but there seems to be a predatory nature to quite a few posters on forums and social media. Everywhere there’s always a troll who will poke other people to get enjoyment. It’s really sad, I don’t know if it’s the internet conditioning people to act like this or if it’s always been this way. Kids fair enough but grown men, it’s embarrassing.

Digging with diligence

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27 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

It is to a few cliquey arseholes on here, aided & abetted by the moderating team who are quite happy to let them destroy peoples mental health to perpetuate the echo chamber mentality. As long as they can give each other the appropriate coloured arrow then that is all that matters, I hope @Div has a good pension plan in place as this site is dying on its arse because of those self righteous bullying wankers.

You called me an anti semite two days ago with no basis in reality, and are now inferring the people calling out actual anti semitism are cliquey arseholes. Take a day or two off my man

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Always bizarre when folk start talking about how P&B is dying, considering I'd guess the site's never had so many users/paying members. It always just comes across as "I don't enjoy the site anymore".

@Div - how's the site's popularity these days? Is the hot tub likely to close due to falling revenue?

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
Poor mentioning tekkers.
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49 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

It is to a few cliquey arseholes on here, aided & abetted by the moderating team who are quite happy to let them destroy peoples mental health to perpetuate the echo chamber mentality. As long as they can give each other the appropriate coloured arrow then that is all that matters, I hope @Div has a good pension plan in place as this site is dying on its arse because of those self righteous bullying wankers.

We as  a moderating team have tried to help you in the past and made allowances for your mental health.

Your accusations are baseless and offensive and quite frankly you can go f**k yourself.

I'm done with you.

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11 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Always bizarre when folk start talking about how P&B is dying, considering I'd guess the site's never had so many users/paying members. It always just comes across as "I don't enjoy the site anymore".

@Div - how's the site's popularity these days? Is the hot tub likely to close due to falling revenue?

He's just had it extended. Just waiting on lockdown being lifted so we can go round and see it

4 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

We as  a moderating team have tried to help you in the past and made allowances for your mental health.

Your accusations are baseless and offensive and quite frankly you can go f**k yourself.

I'm done with you.


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