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5 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Have I ever actually said anything racist though?

From what I recall.

1. Some pundits of bame origin seem to actually get an advantage on tv not discriminated against. This has become tokenism, as seen by motd and bbc Scotland. I actually backed this up with a document from the bbc themselves. It’s their own policy. Now there is actually more black pundits than white pundits and also female pundits are getting the same treatment as well. At no point did I say this was a problem, it was to counter the tokenism argument. I also realise that most white pundits are awful. Ian Wright was singled out, he said himself that he felt like a token court jester and left before coming back. He also has previous of inventing a racist attack by Peter Schmiechel when he tried to injure him. I do think he’s a good pundit now tbh. 
2. BLM protests are well intended but will do nothing in the long term and will actually divide further, you can see the effects of this in America. Political activism ok, rioting and looting not ok. Really don’t see how this is outrageous.

3. Banning statues and cereal boxes and or tv shows, especially ones that are ridiculing racists isn’t going to solve anything either. It will make people think that racism isn’t to be taken seriously and take the eye off the ball.

In a few months or a couple of years the police will again kill an innocent black person in America and it will all kick off again. This is just fire fighting and to tie the three points together the real cause of racism is poverty, lack of opportunities and drugs. This is what needs changed and then racism will die out because minority groups will be integrated not marginalised further by a meaningless pat on the head. 

You're not 1% as insightful as you think you are. 

The idea the any one course of action will "solve anything" is completely fucking ridiculous.

I don't think you are racist but your ill thought and out and terribly communicated takes are going to draw criticism. If you can't take that on the chin you might want to consider if it's doing you any good to post them.

What's the risk/reward ratio? 

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3 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Just waiting on DAFCs next post which is surely going to have all the answers seeing that protesting and removing edificaes which promote a hatred of selected sections of society are not the answer.

He's already told you. We should end poverty

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22 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Just waiting on DAFCs next post which is surely going to have all the answers seeing that protesting and removing edificaes which promote a hatred of selected sections of society are not the answer.

I don’t see any actual tangible arguments that will work from blm or anyone on here either tbh. All that’s happened is more division and hatred.

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2 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Nah he posted at length about blm in the thread over the summer, and surely his attitudes towards them is relevant to his wider feelings about racial issues? I dunno if it's weird to link what people have said before to what they're saying now.

^see above. For example, just last week you were complaining that no one gives a shit about other people's mental health. This has become a couple of people telling you they are worried about your mental health and you are lashing out at them because you've decided that anyone you think is bullying you (a very loosely defined group which includes a fictional cabal who plot to attack all your posts on an internet forum) are trying to trap you. Why would that benefit anyone? 

I don't think it's weird to use people's previously expressed views to interpret something ambiguous they've just said, no. That's entirely natural.  I don't remember those other posts though. 


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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

People post on the depression thread yet also come on here with the sole purpose of winding up and tormenting people further.

I didn’t say there was a cabal just a group of posters who seem to enjoy this the very existence of this thread and the post history and the regular users confirms it. From this you can see there’s a smaller more insidious group who like to stalk and provoke people with previous heads gone by red dotting their posts and content regardless of merit or worth. This will continue until that person reacts. They will bring up posts from months or years earlier until that poster quite rightly calls them out then they will judo flip the roles and declare that they’re the victim and that the other poster is to blame/paranoid/mentally ill/needs help. I realise that this is just a daft Internet forum and is pretty much meaningless but I really feel strongly about excluding and or bullying behaviour. 
I’m not even angry or worked up just disillusioned that grown adults feel the need to act like this. I might be damaged and worn down but if there’s one thing I’m very streetwise about it’s this type of behaviour and the playbook that gets used. I knew as soon as the first post popped up that it was bait and that this would end up on here and I could have told you who would be posting. I guess it’s a reaction to getting called out a few pages back. This thread serves no purpose for good and is pretty shameful even if it’s meant as a joke. Stand by what I said, most people don’t give a f**k and only pay lip service to supporting mental health. The worst thing you can do to someone is exclude, ridicule or gang up against them. This is the very essence of what causes damage to people and effects the same area of the brain as actual physical harm. Not saying that my views on race issues aren’t a bit controversial but believe me that because of what I’ve been through I know about abuse and the psychology that drives it. I’ve searched everywhere online for answers and watched hundreds of videos. I’ve experienced discrimination and abuse and lost out on jobs yet stood up against it and also openly spoke out about racism or sexism and been shunned for it. So forgive me for ranting and taking the view that most of what people say is a load of shite. Same as all the people protesting, where will they be next year? Still keen enough? How about actually doing something worthwhile and long lasting? It’s a very cynical view but one that I’ve based around years of observation of what people actually do. 
It’s not until the rich or powerful get effected then something will get done, case in point coronavirus vaccine.


life suicide GIF by David

Edited by eddiemunster
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1 hour ago, Andrew Driver said:

It might be a "daft internet forum" to you but to others it means so much much more.   

"It's the only reason I pay my electricity bill"  - Throbber  2018

"I've always dreamed of making it big time and P & B has allowed that to happen"  -  Tynierose  2019

"I' was born short-statured but when I log in I feel like Andre the Giant"  Bairnardo  2016  

"The wild dogs cry out at night, as they grow restless looking for some company.  I know what I must do right,  as sure as Killimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serangetti"  Toto  2009

"It's a good solid forum 4 on 5"   Henderson to deliver 2019

This quote is clearly from my troubled glue sniffing period. This is extremely triggering for me.

Please delete.

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3 minutes ago, Andrew Driver said:

I'm gonna keep it as a reminder that no levels of adhesives won't ever  better good ol' healthy eating and exercise.   But I understand reminders of prior addictions can flashback to darker days so I'm sorry if that triggering that  like a glue gun.   

What I will update is your P & Bov.  Daily Record rating.   Is it still 4.0/5 or it is worth a redress 


I rated throbber's onlyfans a 4.5/5.0 and in all good conscious will never be able to rate anything higher ever again.


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1 minute ago, Andrew Driver said:

Of the 20% of  P 'n' B which disappoints.   Can we have some feedback?   

Essentially I'm looking for an alt. trip advisor from your glue rec.  

It's the fucking adverts tbqfhwy.

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