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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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If the Tories persist with this tax haven hard Brexit then there's an opportunity for Labour to develop a reluctant Remain position that can see it stopped. The problem of suggesting that Labour need to shift Corbyn to become a pro-Europe party is that they owe their social democratic manifesto to him and they'll shed tons of votes, quite rightly, if they go back to the mess they were before the election.

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3 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

If the Tories persist with this tax haven hard Brexit then there's an opportunity for Labour to develop a reluctant Remain position that can see it stopped. The problem of suggesting that Labour need to shift Corbyn to become a pro-Europe party is that they owe their social democratic manifesto to him and they'll shed tons of votes, quite rightly, if they go back to the mess they were before the election.

I can't see Corbyn ever changing on Europe, May's probably more pro Europe than he is. He's past retirement age though, maybe he could be persuaded to stand down before the next election in favour of someone backing most of the rest of his agenda, but pro Europe. Andy Burnham maybe, he's more to the left on a lot of issues than you'd think.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I can't see Corbyn ever changing on Europe, May's probably more pro Europe than he is. He's past retirement age though, maybe he could be persuaded to stand down before the next election in favour of someone backing most of the rest of his agenda, but pro Europe. Andy Burnham maybe, he's more to the left on a lot of issues than you'd think.


Nah, not Burnham. He changes his principles and opinions like the weather and the soft left are not the ones to bring about real change in a Labour government. I can see maybe Clive Lewis sometime down the line but I also don't see Corbyn going for a while yet. 

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Corbyn is unlikely to stand down soon because that would be a betrayal of the members who voted for him.

However, those members voted for him as a refreshing change from other parts of the Labour Party that seemed too similar to the Tories.
If Labour keeps voting with the Tories on everything to do with Europe, they will eventually conclude that he is not the refreshing change that they thought he was.

I don't know how long that will take but it will happen I suspect.

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3 hours ago, Bairnardo said:


I imagine more work and energy is being put into something like the above behind the scenes than any sort of "divorce deal".

How do we get out of this shitstorm without the electorate feeling like they have been ignored....


All obvious leave voters could be put in hard labour camps until they apologise or die. Solving the problem and avoiding any issue of them feeling ignored.

it's not what I would do, it's just an option......... 

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3 hours ago, NotThePars said:


Nah, not Burnham. He changes his principles and opinions like the weather and the soft left are not the ones to bring about real change in a Labour government. I can see maybe Clive Lewis sometime down the line but I also don't see Corbyn going for a while yet. 

Burnham's a c**t and so is anyone who wants him as Labour leader.  Corbyn is going to f**k it up big time.  The non xenophobic youth of the UK who embrace the EU for what it can offer will see through his protectionist/isolationist position before the next election.


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11 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Burnham's a c**t and so is anyone who wants him as Labour leader.  Corbyn is going to f**k it up big time.  The non xenophobic youth of the UK who embrace the EU for what it can offer will see through his protectionist/isolationist position before the next election.


You're a c**t. People who think the Brexiteer Corbyn will inspire a populist movement sufficient to win an election Sanders/Trump style are deluded, all he's done is not lose as badly as expected. The EU issue is far more important and long term than who runs things at Westminster for a few years. 

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7 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

The eu is a pretty staunchly neoliberal party.

Anyone who thinks it's the greatest thing than sliced bread is a c**t (in keeping with the theme of the thread).

It's just a far better model than a bunch of competing neo nazi and populist nationalist states that Trump and his friends are encouraging. You c**t.

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11 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

The eu is a pretty staunchly neoliberal party.

Anyone who thinks it's the greatest thing than sliced bread is a c**t (in keeping with the theme of the thread).

cool story bro

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

You're a c**t. People who think the Brexiteer Corbyn will inspire a populist movement sufficient to win an election Sanders/Trump style are deluded, all he's done is not lose as badly as expected. The EU issue is far more important and long term than who runs things at Westminster for a few years. 

Other than your first sentence I would agree with all of that as my previous posts will testify.  Corbyn' position on the EU is unsustainable and I have said that often on here.

That said, being called a c**t by you isa real compliment on here.

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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

That said, being called a c**t by you isa real compliment on here.

I'm not the c**t who said he was going to vote for Brexit because he had to print a few CE labels. Well done for gaining enlightenment though.

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12 minutes ago, pandarilla said:


Who the f**k are you?

You c**t.

I'm presuming your name is in reference to the shite wrestler rather than the ground breaking Black American intellectual of the early 20th century?




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5 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I can't see Corbyn ever changing on Europe, May's probably more pro Europe than he is. He's past retirement age though, maybe he could be persuaded to stand down before the next election in favour of someone backing most of the rest of his agenda, but pro Europe. Andy Burnham maybe, he's more to the left on a lot of issues than you'd think.

It's not Corbyn that needs to change , it's the EU.

As we know however, the EU either refuses or is incapable of change. 

It needs to halt  the push towards ever closer union and return to a common trading market . 

It needs to stop expanding and bringing in ever more unsuitable and incompatible economies in it's vainglorious Empire building strategy.

It needs to accept that the inflexible and unrealistic dream of forging 27/28 disparate  and historically, culturally, religiously, linguistically, economically and ethnically diverse nations comprised of over 30 different countries into one compliant, homogeneous, bland and insipid nation state in it's quest to become a global superpower in order to control the  wealth, resources  and populations of it's constituent nations so that it can rival the USA, Russia and China is a pipe dream that can only lead to disaster.

Junker , Barnier and Verhofstadt  have all shown themselves to be inflexible, incapable of compromise and unwilling to actually 'negotiate'. They're a shower of shite.

The EU is a busted flush and the sooner we Leave the better.

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*Says that the EU refuses to or is incapable of changing.*

*Immediately advances to list the multiple ways in which the EU has changed and continues to change, and why such changes necessitate that the UK exits the EU as soon as possible.*

Edited by DrewDon
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*Says that the EU refuses to or is incapable of changing.*
*Immediately advances to list the multiple ways in which the EU has changed and continues to change, and why such changes necessitate that the UK exits the EU as soon as possible.*

EU, too diverse to compete with USA,Russia and China. Which are not at all diverse?
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17 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:

EU, too diverse to compete with USA,Russia and China. Which are not at all diverse?

Russia and China are both practically totalitarian states  which is what the EU will need to become in order to control the diversity, so thanks for highlighting that and proving my point. (Ask Greece, Spain, Portugal and now Poland if you doubt the totalitarian progress of the EU)

35 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

*Says that the EU refuses to or is incapable of changing.*

*Immediately advances to list the multiple ways in which the EU has changed and continues to change, and why such changes necessitate that the UK exits the EU as soon as possible.*

^^^And that proves you can read your prejudice into something that is quite the opposite. I have not listed how the EU has changed but I have highlighted how the EU has one trajectory and refuses to compromise on that. Take your time before rushing in to disagree with me next time so that you don't look so foolish.

48 minutes ago, welshbairn said:


^^^ What you  try to do do when you can't argue with truth . Poor you !

Btw, Why DID you post a picture of your faether?

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^^^ What you  try to do do when you can't argue with truth . Poor you !
Btw, Why DID you post a picture of your faether?

You've omitted the USA from the totalitarian list, thus, blowing your own argument on what it takes to compete.

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