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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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28 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Not so sure....maybe in some circles north of the border and across the Irish Sea Britain is an irrelevance and is the enemy, as adequately stated in the prose on this forum, but for rUK and the Commonwealth countries Britain is very relevant, revered and idolised.



Yes, the Mau Mau hold Britain in the highest regard 

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It's like a failed celebrity from the 70's or 80's who pops up on weird TV programmes trying to relive  their brief fame from yesteryear. When really they should just retire and die. 

Yet still the Scottish people voted to remain part of Britain. Three years on and you are still absolutely fizzing. What a minter.
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10 hours ago, DublinMagyar said:

Revered and idolised. By the dozens of nations that gained their independence?

Of course they gained their Independence.. That was the natural and correct course of action. In most ( not all) cases , Britain facilitated and encouraged Independence and helped to create the necessary institutions required to achieve that end.  The World moves on ......Britain had an empire upon which the sun never set covering 25% of the World's land mass.

In an age where every European nation had Empires from Turkey to Portugal including even Belgium ffs!!!!!  Britain was the best at Empire building.

Post Empire we were at the forefront of creating those international organisations that we take for granted today, The UN,  WHO,  Nato, Then we f*cked up by joining France and Germany's attempt to create a modern European Empire.

Still, The World moves on ....... Now we have Brexit and all is well with the World once more !

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9 hours ago, Cerberus said:

If you read the report to the end you will see it makes the case for Brexit rather well. Good article!

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Of course they gained their Independence.. That was the natural and correct course of action. In most ( not all) cases , Britain facilitated and encouraged Independence and helped to create the necessary institutions required to achieve that end.  The World moves on ......Britain had an empire upon which the sun never set covering 25% of the World's land mass.
In an age where every European nation had Empires from Turkey to Portugal including even Belgium ffs!!!!!  Britain was the best at Empire building.
Post Empire we were at the forefront of creating those international organisations that we take for granted today, The UN,  WHO,  Nato, Then we f*cked up by joining France and Germany's attempt to create a modern European Empire.
Still, The World moves on ....... Now we have Brexit and all is well with the World once more !

I agreed with this post up to the point of 'fucking up by joining France and Germany'. The eu has been arguably one of the best peace creating organisations.

I'd also remove the word 'encouraged' from your early point about empire breaking up. Yes we facilitated these nations setting up on their own, and deserve a lot of credit for that, but we hardly encouraged it. We were slowly shafting these places for our own financial ends (even if it did bring some clear benefits to the colonies along the way. Many of these so-called benefits of union came as a result of good individuals - rather than the general apparatus of empire-building state.)
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Even the best government that ever existed in Britain, the Labour govt of 1945, decimated our still existing colonies to fund the welfare state. We hardly willingly let go of our control over Egypt or Kenya either.


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After the Second World War, the UK was broke and hardly in a position to challenge any colony seeking independence.
Maybe we deserve credit for seeing the writing on the wall and helping was going to happen anyway but that is about it.

You could argue that the peace in Europe that followed was due to the massive stand off between the United States and the Soviet Union that prevented any other disputes gaining ground.
You could also argue that the Second World War was a serious bloody nose and a lot of people said "let's not do that again."

What has not been mentioned is dictatorships - such as Spain, Portugal and Greece use to have as well as more obvious countries.
Dictatorships love a good war.
Some countries joined the EU to ensure an end to dictatorship and in that sense the EU has brought peace to Europe.

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There is no doubt that with regards to Europe as a whole, the EU has been hugely beneficial and created stability. Some folks have short memories. Europe is one of the powderkeg regions of world history. And recent history at that.

Only in Brita......sorry England, have the xenophobes triumphed.......so far.

Edited by git-intae-thum
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If Britain encouraged and facilitated independence, why did I work beside guys who had fought against these countries seeking independence for the British army?

Even the best government that ever existed in Britain, the Labour govt of 1945, decimated our still existing colonies to fund the welfare state. We hardly willingly let go of our control over Egypt or Kenya either.

I actually knew people who fought against the mau mau in Kenya, against the separatists in Malaya and against EOKA in Cyprus. That is real facilitation.

I just think that other empires could have been more aggressive in their desires to cling on to the colonies.

I think the British establishment realised that the writing was on the wall and we gradually wound our neck in.

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