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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, williemillersmoustache said:

People that say "we should just get on with it" should have their vote taken away. And any children or pets.

Similar mindset to the following:

Sometimes soldiers sent behind enemy lines are issued cyanide tablets in case they are captured.

Maybe there are some of them  who afterwards say "okay, I wasn't captured but it would be a shame to have these go to waste."

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I was talking to a man this morning whose daughter works for the Prudential at Stirling. The word is that some jobs are be transferred to Edinburgh, but a larger percentage are to be "offshored", with Amsterdam being the favoured option. Brexit bonus right there.

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5 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Just watched a bit of Brexit debate on the television.

One person voted leave because "I found out that our fishermen can't just fish where they like because we are in the EU."


As usual, the fisheries thing has more depth than Bertie or others would have us understand.

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The ones that needed the subsides would surely have wanted to stay in the EU.

Too much of the land is farmed anyway but where the farms going to disappear to?  Will the rich farmers buy out the ones who are going out of business, they now have a chance to make a bit cash from the needy ones. 



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Anyone else catch the Paddy Kielty programme last night - My Dad, The Peace Deal and Me.  I thought he did the programmer really well. Brought out the Brexit challenge and impact without thumping on about the economy. 

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As pleasing as it is to see the Tory voting farmers get stuffed, the real losers will be the consumers.  

Food prices will rise and those on low incomes will be particularly hard hit.

Foodbank use has risen drastically in recent years; it’s going to increase far more if Brexit goes ahead.


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2 hours ago, HTG said:

Anyone else catch the Paddy Kielty programme last night - My Dad, The Peace Deal and Me.  I thought he did the programmer really well. Brought out the Brexit challenge and impact without thumping on about the economy. 

The only part that I saw involved Arlene Foster claiming that she'd leave TFS - like some South Vietnamese crook-politician on the last chopper out of Saigon - if the people ever had the temerity to join the Republic of Ireland. Turns out that the DUP does walking away as well as their ideological brethren across the water in Scotland when their club died. 


Edited by vikingTON
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47 minutes ago, virginton said:

The only part that I saw involved Arlene Foster claiming that she'd leave TFS - like some South Vietnamese crook-politician on the last chopper out of Saigon - if the people ever had the temerity to join the Republic of Ireland. Turns out that the DUP does walking away as well as their ideological brethren across the water in Scotland when their club died. 


Aye - didn't cover herself in glory there but she was at pains to remain fixed to her political position and not give an inch on that front.  Most of the other folk interviewed were a tad more flexible. Interesting to see how different people managed loss in different ways. 

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Anyone else catch the Paddy Kielty programme last night - My Dad, The Peace Deal and Me.  I thought he did the programmer really well. Brought out the Brexit challenge and impact without thumping on about the economy. 

Kielty came across very well
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I cannot understand why a reasonable stance like 'we're obviously completely opposed to this option and would campaign against it, but in the event of the people deciding otherwise we'd decisively represent our voters' concerns by securing autonomy and guaranteed minority rights in any new state' cannot be expressed by Foster and her ilk. Instead she'd rather swan off to a destination unknown and leave her precious community to look after themselves! It'd be like Nicola Sturgeon leaving the country after the 2014 referendum result and storming off to Catalonia in a huff; an absolutely laughable view of political leadership that would see a politician emptied here immediately. 

If the identity issue was removed from the debate tomorrow then the most logical solution to Brexit and the Irish border question is an Irish union with extensive and guaranteed autonomy and minority rights within TFS, Nobody expects Loyalist parties to actively campaign for that, but when the economic superiority of the South and the trade barrier arguments are so firmly lined up behind such an outcome it is ridiculous for Foster to disown her own population for daring to favour jobs and prosperity to being attached to a corpse draped in a Union Jack. 

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It seems an absolute certainty to me that there will be a customs union arrangement in Ireland. If that's the case, there will need to be a customs union arrangement for rUK. If that's the case, there will need do be freedom of movement because it's a basic tenet of a customs union. Brexit will add up to something close to the square root of f**k all.  A small war may be avoided but Barnsley Bob and his tattooed pitbull will be utterly fucking raging - which is fantastic. 

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