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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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sadly, most people in Scotland simply don’t care.

This, exactly this!
The question is, how can this be changed? I’m raging, I’ve got 2 sons of voting age & 1 is vaguely in favour of Indy, the other won’t vote at all because “what difference will it make?” I’m seething that I’m not some sort of David Khoresh type individual that can convince people to my way of thinking.
If the populous of Scotland can’t see now that we are second class, in terms of UK, we never will.
Call Indy2 now!

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The SNP must keep this going. Not saying there should be walkouts every day, but make our voices heard in the most robust way possible even if it causes small disruption to the working of the Westminster parliament.

The people will be behind them, just look at the numbers joining the SNP this afternoon alone (over 1,000) The gloves are off and we must keep them off no matter what Unionist party or media outlet it upsets. 

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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Do you ever think SNPbad types ever look at the company they keep and have a wee moment of doubt from time to time? If I was even ambivalent on the subject and saw Mastermind arguing for one side I'd go as fast as I could in the opposite direction as a point of principle.

Long pondered this myself. Not just on this forum but across social media, the British Nationalist “no to Scottish sovereignty” lot tend to run the gamut from morons to far-right crackpots. 

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1 hour ago, Brother Blades said:

This, exactly this!
The question is, how can this be changed? I’m raging, I’ve got 2 sons of voting age & 1 is vaguely in favour of Indy, the other won’t vote at all because “what difference will it make?” I’m seething that I’m not some sort of David Khoresh type individual that can convince people to my way of thinking.

Perhaps the sad thing about today is that it's basically taken a stunt for this attack on devolution to even reach the news. A lot more people will know about it tonight thanks to Ian Blackford.

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Long pondered this myself. Not just on this forum but across social media, the British Nationalist “no to Scottish sovereignty” lot tend to run the gamut from morons to far-right crackpots. 

I think i’d seriously consider my world view if i found myself agreeing with the orange order, sdl, ukip, tories and the BNP.

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Long pondered this myself. Not just on this forum but across social media, the British Nationalist “no to Scottish sovereignty” lot tend to run the gamut from morons to far-right crackpots. 

The only way I would ever have a moment of doubt is if the Yes campaign spelt out a clear, concrete, definitive justification for us being better off outwith the UK. Economic case, guaranteed membership (or otherwise) of the EU, all infrastructure arrangements and all manner of other things. I’d have to be absolutely certain things would be better and there were no significant risks. I won’t hold my breath, however, and I’m more than happy as things are.
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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

In fairness the Shipman guy is correct.  Whilst we have a devolved government rather than independence the U.K. parliament can always usurp us.  That is what has happened here.


Indeed. Scotland could return 100% SNP, or Labour, MPs and they would be allowed to do eff-all in London.

The numbers aren't with us. That's why independence is the only option.


Here we have it:


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5 labour front benchers have resigned so they can vote and not abstain tonight [emoji16] westminter is a fucking cesspit


Based on the 75 rebels Corbyn could have defeated the gov tonight, yet he abstained meaning the EEA amendment was struck out. He had the numbers to bring one of the biggest votes down yet he fucking abstained. The man is a c**t


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19 minutes ago, Mastermind said:


The only way I would ever have a moment of doubt is if the Yes campaign spelt out a clear, concrete, definitive justification for us being better off outwith the UK. Economic case, guaranteed membership (or otherwise) of the EU, all infrastructure arrangements and all manner of other things. I’d have to be absolutely certain things would be better and there were no significant risks. I won’t hold my breath, however, and I’m more than happy as things are.


Funny, you don’t need a “clear, concrete, definitive justification for us being better off outside the EU” to continue supporting a Brexiting UK. You’ll therefore forgive me if I don’t believe you.

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1 minute ago, Antlion said:

Funny, you don’t need a “clear, concrete, definitive justification for us being better off outside the EU” to continue supporting a Brexiting UK. You’ll therefore forgive me if I don’t believe you.

This is an oddly regular stance tbh. People reel it out despite the utter clusterfuck that we're going into. None of these people want assurances for how the UK will look after Brexit, because their minds are already made up on independence. As far as I'm concerned, the lost cause types are exactly that. Lost causes. If the last couple of days still sees the same old pish getting reeled out then that's what they are.

Mastermind is a troll, but what he says there isn't uncommon.

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33 minutes ago, Mastermind said:


The only way I would ever have a moment of doubt is if the Yes campaign spelt out a clear, concrete, definitive justification for us being better off outwith the UK. Economic case, guaranteed membership (or otherwise) of the EU, all infrastructure arrangements and all manner of other things. I’d have to be absolutely certain things would be better and there were no significant risks. I won’t hold my breath, however, and I’m more than happy as things are.



11 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Funny, you don’t need a “clear, concrete, definitive justification for us being better off outside the EU” to continue supporting a Brexiting UK. You’ll therefore forgive me if I don’t believe you.

Did Mastermind vote leave then?:lol: 

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21 minutes ago, welshbairn said:


Did Mastermind vote leave then?:lol: 

No idea - but he certainly supports Brexit now. Unionism means Brexit. No matter how much even the likes of Ruthie and Mundell keep wittering that “they voted remain”, they’re more interested in keeping Scotland part of a departing UK, at any and every cost.

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40 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Funny, you don’t need a “clear, concrete, definitive justification for us being better off outside the EU” to continue supporting a Brexiting UK. You’ll therefore forgive me if I don’t believe you.

It was written on  a bus.

That's all "Mastermind" and other Leave voters needed.

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1 hour ago, Mastermind said:


The only way I would ever ave a moment of doubt is if the Yes campaign spelt out a clear, concrete, definitive justification for us being better off outwith the UK. Economic case, guaranteed membership (or otherwise) of the EU, all infrastructure arrangements and all manner of other things. I’d have to be absolutely certain things would be better and there were no significant risks. I won’t hold my breath, however, and I’m more than happy as things are.


The "certainties of 2014" no longer exist. We have IMO the least competent Govt/PM in my lifetime at Westminster, its a leap in the dark either way - if NS cant convince the Scottish electorate that shes more competent than May and were better off going it alone then so be it. If she doesn't have the cojones to go for it then hell mend her.

Edited by btb
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