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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, Fullerene said:

Yesterday on the television, I caught a glimpse of a program called "Rip-off Britain" presented by Angela Rippon and others.

One story was a man who wanted to book a family holiday.  He found a website that showed him a big house in the country - it looked like a palace.  You could almost imagine a butler coming out to greet you.  He booked it for a week.

When they actually got there, it looked nothing like the pictures on the website.  More like a broken down barn.  The paint was peeling off, the doors were stiff, some of the windows were broken, there was no electricity and no hot water.
They had a miserable holiday but decided not to complain.  However, it took months to get the deposit back and even that required legal action.

Later the man saw reviews about the place.  They all said "Stay away - this person is a crook".  Sure enough the owner was known to the police and had been involved in numerous other scams.

This sort of program receives a steady supply of such stories.

However let's change the story slightly.  Imagine a friend finds out about the planned holiday, already knows about the place and gives them advanced warning.
You would then expect that friend to be thanked.  End of story.

Relating this to Brexit, I think there are a lot of people who wouldn't thank you at all.

"We've booked this holiday already so I guess we just have to go through with it."

"I asked everybody if they want to go and they all said yes.  Do you seriously want me to ask them again?"

"You say the place is just a broken down barn but that is just your opinion.  We want to stay in a palace.  We are going."

Seriously I wonder how many people are going to enjoy their time in Brexitland.

Listen, the people voted for a holiday and the people will get a holiday.

Just get on with booking the holiday.

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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

Farage saying he thinks a second referendum is inevitable.

He would peddle that because for the past 2 years he has been largely irrelevant.

A second referendum would thrust him back into the limelight, the sniveling little shit.

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3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Corbyn can't go into cross party talks when no deal is a possibility because then that lets the tories say 'well we all agreed, we're all in this together' after no deal.

He could have had a brief initial meeting then come out and state a position on more detailed talks.

THAT would have been a sensible and defensible approach.


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Just now, Melanius Mullarkey said:

He would peddle that because for the past 2 years he has been largely irrelevant.

A second referendum would thrust him back into the limelight, the sniveling little shit.

Wonder if he would concede defeat again after the counting begins, only to pretend he knew it would be a win all along.

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14 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

How can May "rule out" No Deal?  It's the default setting, and if they can't agree to May's deal, that's precisely what's going to happen.    Are they trying to get May to further polarise the Tory party by stating that it's her deal or no Brexit at all?

Unless what they really want is a people's vote. and are trying to be clever and subtle by not referring to explicitly.  

I dunno.  Just seems like more Kenny Miller leadership from Corbyn to me.

Maybe I wasn't clear it's the not meeting May that I reckon is a political o.g. - how long would it have taken for JC to go to No. 10 and run through their Conference decision "Custom's Union, blah-blah, rule out No Deal exit, blah-blah, Second Referendum, blah-blah" - 10 mins? Then the ball is back in May's court.


Last night's VoNC shows how much the Remain wing of the Tories distrust JC, a stunt like this just makes it harder to keep them onside.


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9 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Corbyn can't go into cross party talks when no deal is a possibility because then that lets the tories say 'well we all agreed, we're all in this together' after no deal.

To be fair he did issue a 3 line whip for the legislation that set up no deal brexit as a possibility. The only way to take no deal off the table would be to revoke Article 50.

Edited by welshbairn
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The biggest thing I've noticed through the whole shit show is how right wing the main tv channels are. Sky you can understand being right wing as it's Murdoch controlled. The BBC though have been on a par if not worse. They have a cabal of right wing journalists presenting all their flagship shows and the commentators they get on to spout their views are the worse of the right from rags like the mail and the times. I've also noticed presenters views being accepted as fact. This morning John Huphries said "the country doesn't want a second ref" no evidence was put forward to support his position just general soundbites like "the country just want's them to get on with it" It's been a whole clusterfuck from start till finish with both May and Corbyn being nothing but self serving arrogant arseholes.
I love how the gammons can spout any old nonesense and not be challenged on it.Yesterday some old guy proudly waffled that Brussels was stealing "our money" then today some women was "we should go for wto rules"Both bbc beakfast news surely the reporter should in both cases just ask "please explain"
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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

If you could attribute any kind of strategy to Corbyn (I'm doubtful but let's go with it) I suppose making no deal happen, and be the tories' fault, to lock them out of power for decades is probably it.

Screw the country over so badly the government collapses, then having another referendum to rejoin the minute Labour gets into power?   

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I did post a while back that my mates sisters first civil service job was EU related and it was abundantly clear Davis had no clue as to how the EU actually worked. Hes a trougher always has been.
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5 minutes ago, doulikefish said:
1 hour ago, dirty dingus said:
The biggest thing I've noticed through the whole shit show is how right wing the main tv channels are. Sky you can understand being right wing as it's Murdoch controlled. The BBC though have been on a par if not worse. They have a cabal of right wing journalists presenting all their flagship shows and the commentators they get on to spout their views are the worse of the right from rags like the mail and the times. I've also noticed presenters views being accepted as fact. This morning John Huphries said "the country doesn't want a second ref" no evidence was put forward to support his position just general soundbites like "the country just want's them to get on with it" It's been a whole clusterfuck from start till finish with both May and Corbyn being nothing but self serving arrogant arseholes.

I love how the gammons can spout any old nonesense and not be challenged on it.Yesterday some old guy proudly waffled that Brussels was stealing "our money" then today some women was "we should go for wto rules"Both bbc beakfast news surely the reporter should in both cases just ask "please explain"

Or indeed ask experts for their views, rather than get Edna, aged  84, and Brian, 19, from Darlington to speak their brains.

It may be rather snobbish of me, but I really feel that vox pops have no place on proper news programmes.  

All that being said, some of the parliamentarians being asked to comment aren't making any more valid arguments than Edna or Brian.

Edited by Savage Henry
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4 minutes ago, doulikefish said:
1 hour ago, dirty dingus said:
The biggest thing I've noticed through the whole shit show is how right wing the main tv channels are. Sky you can understand being right wing as it's Murdoch controlled. The BBC though have been on a par if not worse. They have a cabal of right wing journalists presenting all their flagship shows and the commentators they get on to spout their views are the worse of the right from rags like the mail and the times. I've also noticed presenters views being accepted as fact. This morning John Huphries said "the country doesn't want a second ref" no evidence was put forward to support his position just general soundbites like "the country just want's them to get on with it" It's been a whole clusterfuck from start till finish with both May and Corbyn being nothing but self serving arrogant arseholes.

I love how the gammons can spout any old nonesense and not be challenged on it.Yesterday some old guy proudly waffled that Brussels was stealing "our money" then today some women was "we should go for wto rules"Both bbc beakfast news surely the reporter should in both cases just ask "please explain"

It's All About Opinions 

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1 minute ago, Savage Henry said:

Or indeed ask experts for their views, rather than get Edna 84, and Brian, 19, from Darlington to speak their brains.

It may be rather snobbish of me, but I really feel that vox pops have no place on proper news programmes.  

All that being said, some of the parliamentarians being asked to comment aren't making any more valid arguments than Edna or Brian.

People are sick of experts, m9, we just need to get on with it.

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Just now, Mark Connolly said:

People are sick of experts, m9, we just need to get on with it.

True.  That's what we voted for.  Sticking it to know-it-alls and so called experts.  Pay nurses economists wages, is what I say!



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Article in the Times exposing some MPs' worrying inadequacies.



...but even now many MPs are chillingly indifferent to basic facts.

Liz Truss, the chief secretary to the Treasury, claimed on Politics Live in November that being in the single market means being in the EU. It doesn’t. Norway, Iceland and Switzerland are all in one and not the other. She hadn’t checked either Wikipedia or past statements by leading Brexiteers. For once, that would have been a reality check.

Dan Hannan, of Vote Leave, said in the campaign that “nobody is talking about threatening our place in the single market”. Boris Johnson said he’d vote to stay in it. Owen Paterson, championing Leave in 2015, backed membership of the single market, adding: “We can participate in the market . . . without being saddled with the EU as a political project. Those, such as the business chiefs of the CBI, who confuse the memberships of the EU and the single market are misleading the British people.”

Or take transition. David Davis revealed another hole in his understanding in November when he asserted that it would be fine to leave with no deal; we could just negotiate a free trade agreement during the 21 months of transition that followed. This was stunning idiocy from a former Brexit secretary. There will be no transition period unless we have agreed a deal first.

Then there’s Nadine Dorries, a prominent Leaver, attacking May’s deal for leaving us with “no voice, no votes, no MEPs”. What did she think leaving Europe meant? Or another former Brexit secretary, Dominic Raab, admitting he hadn’t quite understood how much trade goes through Dover and Calais; Andrew Bridgen imagining that Brits have a right to Irish passports; John Redwood claiming, inaccurately, that all Britain’s non-EU trade is conducted on WTO terms; and Chris Grayling, the transport secretary, having no idea that if we left with no deal most road hauliers would have no right to drive in Europe.

We're doomed.

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Cutting through the bullshit.  Here are statements I belief to be facts rather than just opinion or supposition.

The type of amendments the DUP and Tory hardliners want will not be agreed by the EU27.

Some form of Customs Union is essential to avoid a hard border in Ireland.  The CU would need to be U.K. wide.

Most Tories will not accept any form of Customs Union as part of a Brexit deal.

Given these three facts only a second Referendum or support for Grieve’s proposition will break the deadlock.


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6 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Cutting through the bullshit.  Here are statements I belief to be facts rather than just opinion or supposition.

The type of amendments the DUP and Tory hardliners want will not be agreed by the EU27.

Some form of Customs Union is essential to avoid a hard border in Ireland.  The CU would need to be U.K. wide.

Most Tories will not accept any form of Customs Union as part of a Brexit deal.

Given these three facts only a second Referendum or support for Grieve’s proposition will break the deadlock.


I'm probably missing something, but isn't Grieves proposition a second referendum also?

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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:


Most Tories will not accept any form of Customs Union as part of a Brexit deal.



About a third to a half of them would so it could permanently split the Tory Party. Wahay!

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