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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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5 minutes ago, renton said:

It's getting like the Great War battles of 1916-17: No way forward, no way back just keep doing the same thing hoping for a different result.

It’s contempt pure and simple.  It’s like continual reference to the 17.4m who voted Leave without a single mention or thought given to the 16.1m who voted Remain.


Edited by Granny Danger
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Hopefully the EU27 will stand by there position that an extension must have a purpose.

Once again Labour seem to be backtracking on a second referendum; worrying but not surprising.  Maybe Corbyn thinks he is going to get his GE after all.


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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

Hopefully the EU27 will stand by there position that an extension must have a purpose.

Once again Labour seem to be backtracking on a second referendum; worrying but not surprising.  Maybe Corbyn thinks he is going to get his GE after all.



I would vote labour in the next GE. But only in the event that they can find someone to lead the party.

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3 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

What they really should be doing is campaigning for an independent NI or forming an axis of twats with the SNP as both groupings are odious fuckwits.


Well you'll know all about the twats from NI. You'll see plenty of them at Ibrox week in, week out.

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16 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Can anyone explain why the BBC is now producing vox pops with woefully ill-educated members of the great British public on a daily basis ?

After they surrendered editorial independence when they caved in to the various Iraq enquiries, they have to balance normal people with extraordinarily thick brexiteers, and people who think a cold snap means climate change isn't happening with climatologists.

Edited by welshbairn
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It's All About Opinions
It is indeed, and I'm all for that even if I don't always agree, but I really prefer them to be reasonably informed.

But it seems that the BBC editors are incapable of finding, or perhaps more accurately broadcasting, any supporter of Brexit who doesn't come across as a lobotomised Danny Dyer.

Worse than that, these 'innits' are seldom ever challenged on their views - maybe a wise course of interviewing. I would comment on the Remain mob, but they seem noticeable only by their absence on the BBC.
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11 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

It is indeed, and I'm all for that even if I don't always agree, but I really prefer them to be reasonably informed.

But it seems that the BBC editors are incapable of finding, or perhaps more accurately broadcasting, any supporter of Brexit who doesn't come across as a lobotomised Danny Dyer.

Worse than that, these 'innits' are seldom ever challenged on their views - maybe a wise course of interviewing. I would comment on the Remain mob, but they seem noticeable only by their absence on the BBC.

Thing is it's very hard to find Brexiteers to go beyond the "keep the pakis out" and straight bananas level of argument. Even clever people like Rees Mogg thinks it might take 50 years to recover from a hard brexit but can't explain why he wants it, other than meaningless cliches about sovereignty, while I haven't heard anyone claim how they have been badly affected by anything the EU have done.

Edited by welshbairn
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41 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Can anyone explain why the BBC is now producing vox pops with woefully ill-educated members of the great British public on a daily basis ?

Probably due to the difficulties in locating any other type of public. 

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57 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Can anyone explain why the BBC is now producing vox pops with woefully ill-educated members of the great British public on a daily basis ?

It is shit populist nonsense masquerading as serious journalism.  The only excuse is they need to feed the 24 hour news cycle and it’s an easy and ‘engaging’ way to do so.

I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who finds it offensive.


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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

It is shit populist nonsense masquerading as serious journalism.  The only excuse is they need to feed the 24 hour news cycle and it’s an easy and ‘engaging’ way to do so.

I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who finds it offensive.


You should start listening to the Today programme instead of just looking at the headlines on the website.

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