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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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13 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

There seems to be a trend in broadcasting news that every question has to be reduced to a binary absolute choice or it's befuddled and confusing. Either that or they're all trying to portray Labour as weak and indecisive when they have a clear and rational strategy.

The cynic in me often wonders if that's a deliberate ploy to help the idea that a leave vote in the referendum allowed them to leave at all costs

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44 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Agree no deal needs to be avoided at all costs, but think fears of a return to something anything like as intense as the Troubles were are overblown. The IRA were given sanctuary by the RoI last time around in a way that is unlikely to ever be repeated again in the present day and today's younger generation on both sides of the divide are far less likely to be willing to do what their grandfathers did back in the late 60s and early 70s because that would mean straying way too far from their Sky TV, iphone and computer.

I lived and worked in the Republic for just under a year in 1980.   By which time the IRA had gone from, prior to the Troubles, occasional hold-ups of rural

bank branches, through the escalation in the '70's.  As I recall,  by the time I arrived, the Irish Government viewed the IRA as a threat to the Irish State,

and were jailing IRA members as fast as they could catch them.

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That's the official version of events. What really happened in reality was a lot more murky than the TV news version on both sides of the border, but it tends to be the UK side of that equation that gets highlighted more. The reality was somebody could show up at a hospital in the border counties of the RoI with a gunshot wound and would be treated with no questions being asked and the Gardai would turn a blind eye to IRA weapons caches and activity along the border. There was no extradition of terror suspects and fugitives back to the UK and there were very good reasons to believe that Charles Haughey was probably an IRA gunrunner when the Troubles started, but that didn't stop him from later becoming the Taoiseach. Nothing like that is likely to happen now.

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I don’t think it’s either.  I think they’re trying to undermine the strategy.

That said I’d like a more vitriolic response from those been interviewed.  Something along the lines of “You’ve asked a number of opposition MPs that question and we’ve all given you the same answer.  Are you really that stupid that you don’t understand it?”


This is where I'm going to struggle on the doorsteps when campaigning starts. I have never known such a widespread epidemic of wilful stupidity. I can respect differeing opinions - I cannot repect throwing your descendants' futures away because you can't admit you fell for lies and media spin.

Labour's position is, and always has been, explained perfectly well.

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I see the papers are going with the "unelected" patter for the SC judges. So lets just reason this all out....

We hate the EU because we want to take back control of our laws.

Decision made in UK law by UK judges.... Its a deep state coup by unelected judges who have become politicised....

So we dont want politicised judges, but we dont want unelected judges.... So we elect them, but they cant be politicised??

About 287 available contradictions to be easily extrapolated from the above.

The sombre part now though....The media really are getting frenzied now, and as a result sooner or later we are heading for another Jo Cox moment.

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1 hour ago, beefybake said:

I lived and worked in the Republic for just under a year in 1980.   By which time the IRA had gone from, prior to the Troubles, occasional hold-ups of rural

bank branches, through the escalation in the '70's.  As I recall,  by the time I arrived, the Irish Government viewed the IRA as a threat to the Irish State,

and were jailing IRA members as fast as they could catch them.

News to me.

Edited by Jacksgranda
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38 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

That's the official version of events. What really happened in reality was a lot more murky than the TV news version on both sides of the border, but it tends to be the UK side of that equation that gets highlighted more. The reality was somebody could show up at a hospital in the border counties of the RoI with a gunshot wound and would be treated with no questions being asked and the Gardai would turn a blind eye to IRA weapons caches and activity along the border. There was no extradition of terror suspects and fugitives back to the UK and there were very good reasons to believe that Charles Haughey was probably an IRA gunrunner when the Troubles started, but that didn't stop him from later becoming the Taoiseach. Nothing like that is likely to happen now.

"political activists", shirley?

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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I see the papers are going with the "unelected" patter for the SC judges. So lets just reason this all out....

We hate the EU because we want to take back control of our laws.

Decision made in UK law by UK judges.... Its a deep state coup by unelected judges who have become politicised....

So we dont want politicised judges, but we dont want unelected judges.... So we elect them, but they cant be politicised??

About 287 available contradictions to be easily extrapolated from the above.

The sombre part now though....The media really are getting frenzied now, and as a result sooner or later we are heading for another Jo Cox moment.

I'm honestly concerned we're heading for something more akin to Spain 1936. Shouldn't last three years, though - the majority of voters (leave and remain) would be more of a danger to themselves, and the issue of firearms would be an interesting live study of Darwin's theories.

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12 hours ago, Donathan said:


The IRA will re-arm almost immediately after a no deal and we'd likely see several terrorists attacks on British and Irish soil within the year leading to tens of thousands of deaths. 


10 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I'm honestly concerned we're heading for something more akin to Spain 1936. 

Project Hysteria supplants Project Fear. Of course Brexit is a terrible idea but the four horsemen of the Apocalypse haven't set off quite yet.

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27 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I cannot repect throwing your descendants' futures away because you can't admit you fell for lies and media spin.

Even away from politics, a considerable number of people are simply incapable of backtracking and admitting that they made an arse of anything (which of course can be hugely entertaining when there's nothing of importance linked to it).

The problem is that it's not just about appearing weak in the eyes of others.  You'll find people voting the same way again in any second referendum simply to tell themselves that they got it right the first time around.


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The Tories are so far down the "Boris vs The Establishment" road that I doubt anything will make them reconsider prior to the GE, their "respect the SC but disagree with them" response was the only option open to them - three cheers for Boris the man of the people. 

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21 minutes ago, btb said:

The Tories are so far down the "Boris vs The Establishment" road that I doubt anything will make them reconsider prior to the GE, their "respect the SC but disagree with them" response was the only option open to them - three cheers for Boris the man of the people. 

Crooked American billionaire property developer = man of the people.

Entitled Eton educated lying buffoon = man of the people.

We live in bizarre times.


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