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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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6 hours ago, Suspect Device said:

Tim Martin has his usual Brexit chat to Wetherspoons shareholders in the trading statement today.

The shareholders may be  trying to oust him.


Pubs boss Tim Martin has suffered a slapdown from City advisory firms that are urging JD Wetherspoon shareholders to reject several motions at the company's AGM next week.

Investor adviser Pirc has said Martin should not be re-elected as chairman because, as founder and a 32 per cent shareholder, he is not 'independent' enough for the job.

Glass Lewis is against Wetherspoon's pay scheme, under which its finance boss Ben Whitley has been given an 11 per cent pay rise to £192,000


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1 hour ago, Suspect Device said:

While there's no doubt that Brexit uncertainty was a major factor, surely the fact that engineering is more highly valued in Germany would be the main factor. In Britain we look down on engineering and prize the financial sector far more highly. Making money is more important than making goods.



And Elon Musk would probably rather visit Berlin than some shithole like Sunderland.

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9 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Yeah and what's with all these words?  The review should be full of pie charts, bar charts, line graphs and clip art diagrams that treat me like a five year old.

That way as a shareholder I only have to spend ten seconds deciding if I want to stick with Wetherspoons.

Oops.  I seemed to have used a lot of words here.  Sorry.


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To the posters who keep reporting Malky3 - please stop it. You might not agree with his opinions (I certainly don't) but him posting them does not break any of the forum rules, including spamming. 

If you don't want to see any more of his posts (or anyone else's for that matter), remember you can hover over their profile picture and click the [Ignore] button. 

@Malky3 - if you want to quote several posters, you can do it in a single post by clicking the [+] button to the left of the

button beside each post you want to quote. 


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On 13/11/2019 at 17:35, Cerberus said:



Gammon logic to this-
Who cares? Buy British.


The British Ever Ready Electrical Company was  a British electrical firm.

The company closed Tanfield Lea, its last UK factory, in 1996.

Tbf,   I found other UK manufacturers but they appear to be a bit Japanesey...

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1 hour ago, Blue-Toon said:

Meh. England being happy to have no political ties to other countries is old news by this point.

I'm looking forward to the polls after this:

Would losing a limb be a price worth paying for Brexit?
Would sacrificing your first born to the pagan god Breximus be a price worth paying for Brexit?
Would burning in the righteous fire of nuclear armageddon be a price worth paying for Brexit?

Guaranteed minimum 10% hard YES no matter the question.

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45 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Meh. England being happy to have no political ties to other countries is old news by this point.

I'm looking forward to the polls after this:

Would losing a limb 5% off the value of your Barratt home be a price worth paying for Brexit?
Would sacrificing your first born  your hummus supplies from Waitrose to the pagan god Breximus be a price worth paying for Brexit?
Would burning in the righteous fire of nuclear armageddon of your fortnight on the beach in Majorca be a price worth paying for Brexit?

Guaranteed minimum 10% 99% hard Yes No, no matter the question.


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2 hours ago, Blue-Toon said:

Of course it is, it probably always has.

The English are quite happy to be British/English and as long as we Jock, Taff, Mick go along with what the motherland wants and they'll throw the odd scrap/title to some then woohoo, let's have a party ; but as soon as anyone disagrees or gets uppity or makes life a tad difficult for the Guvnors - right off you go ; we don't need or want you.



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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Oh come on, Mixu. It's the Grauniad FFS. You have to take 50% of what cheerleaders like them and The Express say with a shovelful of salt. They are quoting "a GP" Dr Nick Mann - who appears to post on Hackney Momentum Youtube channel. Plus a Tony O'Sullivan of the Keep Our NHS Public lobby group. The factors quoted in the 6th last para certainly sound worrying - although I confess I don't know what "manufacturing diversion" and "parallel exporting" is. But I do know that one could hazard a  guess that these 2 individuals might just not be dispassionate and objective in assessing Brexit impacts.

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9 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Meh. England being happy to have no political ties to other countries is old news by this point.

I'm looking forward to the polls after this:

Would losing a limb be a price worth paying for Brexit?
Would sacrificing your first born to the pagan god Breximus be a price worth paying for Brexit?
Would burning in the righteous fire of nuclear armageddon be a price worth paying for Brexit?

Guaranteed minimum 10% hard YES no matter the question.

Probably from a guy who's in his 70s with f**k all life left to live but still telling teenagers it's a price worth paying

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Anyone on here from the Sutherland area?

How's the shiny new spaceport coming along?   


The UK Space Agency said the move could pave the way for spaceflights from the site between Tongue and Durness.

Highlands and Islands Enterprise will be given £2.5m from the UK government to develop the spaceport which could be up and running by the early 2020s.

 I have a vested interest👽

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