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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

25-30 grand a year? I thought you capitalist wolves all earned megabucks.

Middle office support staff in the UK. Be surprised if it’s much over that. 35-40k in London, 25-30k elsewhere.

Stick a 1 in front of it and you won’t be far off the top end for the same job here.

3 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

The single largest part of the UK economy since Westminster refuses to tax oil and gas. The driver of our glorious future together, Ross.  The sunrise over the perfidious EU landscape. One million employees, 6.4% of GDP! 

4th or 5th largest contributor to the economy? Impact is often overstated, as you know. Just helps that those at the top all seem connected to it.

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4 minutes ago, Ross. said:

4th or 5th largest contributor to the economy? Impact is often overstated, as you know. Just helps that those at the top all seem connected to it.

London and the South East supports the whole of England.  Financial Services supports London. If there's a problem with finance, there's a problem with London and therefore England and by extension Scotland.  For someone who appears to be a financially involved person you seem awfully unconcerned that the UK no longer has unfettered access to the EU's financial markets.

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2 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

You won't pay CG here if you're investing in the RoI instead of London.


1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:

If an investment moves from London to Dublin, the UK loses out. QED.

You stated that CGT would not be paid in the UK if you are investing in the ROI.  Trying to change the narrative to hide your initial mistake is fooling nobody.  In your own time take me through the exact scenarios where a UK resident can avoid CGT just by investing in the ROI.

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1 minute ago, strichener said:


You stated that CGT would not be paid in the UK if you are investing in the ROI.  Trying to change the narrative to hide your initial mistake is fooling nobody.  In your own time take me through the exact scenarios where a UK resident can avoid CGT just by investing in the ROI.

you do realise that London is part of the wider world and trades are made every-fucking-where by every-fucking-body, right? Not just by UK residents. If those trades are made in Paris or Frankfurt, we miss out. 

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23 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

London and the South East supports the whole of England.  Financial Services supports London. If there's a problem with finance, there's a problem with London and therefore England and by extension Scotland.  For someone who appears to be a financially involved person you seem awfully unconcerned that the UK no longer has unfettered access to the EU's financial markets.

I’m unconcerned because from an employment perspective, it won’t make a difference to me. Brexit and Covid have already absolutely fucked me, I’ve been working 60+ hours a week almost the entirety of this year, with my workload increasing about 300% since Brexit became a thing. My employer has adapted their set up and our service will remain virtually identical post December31.

I think the bigger worry for the UK is still to come, when the financial folk who backed Brexit start using the damage caused by Brexit to push for an independent City of London, which has, in my opinion, always been the ultimate aim.

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2 minutes ago, Ross. said:

I’m unconcerned because from an employment perspective, it won’t make a difference to me.

Selfish.  No wonder you work in finance.

2 minutes ago, Ross. said:

I think the bigger worry for the UK is still to come, when the financial folk who backed Brexit start using the damage caused by Brexit to push for an independent City of London, which has, in my opinion, always been the ultimate aim.


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13 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Selfish.  No wonder you work in finance.


Selfish? No, just sick with the whole thing and being worked half to death as a consequence of it. I don’t think much will change. It rarely does.

Brexit was described as fantasy by anyone who suggested it before it happened.

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54 minutes ago, Ross. said:

...Brexit was described as fantasy by anyone who suggested it before it happened.

Can a parisitic entity survive without its host? The City of London isn't going to suddenly collapse post-Brexit for resaons you have outlined, but over the longer term not being able to pull the strings of UK politicians who can exercise vetos over European financial legislation and the ongoing ability of the EU to hinder access to the EU market is likely to put it into a long slow steady decline in global market share terms. The EU is going to shake them down for a much larger slice of the action from now on and will make sure there have to be plenty of EU based jobs and tax payments.

It was the combo of offshore tax havens to provide global money laundering and unimpeded EU access on financial services that helped make Thatcher's services orientated economy doable in the aftermath of destroying most manufacturing to kill off the unions and postwar socialism.

Most of the population especially outside the SE of England needed a Remain outcome to more easily be able to move away from that again as tax havens got cleaned up a bit to keep the EU happy, but many were blinded by jingoistic nationalism about fish and Polish plumbers into voting for a Leave that was good for Jacob Rees-Mogg types who have most of their assets squirreled away offshore in the Cayman Islands but not for them. If offshore tax haven assets had been more equitably taxed they would probably never have had to go through austerity post bank bailouts.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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Somebody did mention earlier that as of Jan 1st the uk would find it more difficult to remove/stop, migrants/immigrants can someone please explain why this is as find it funny that they managed to shoot themselves in the foot over this as it seemed to be the main reason lots of them voted for brexit rather than any sensible reason. 

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The Scottish fishing federation aren't happy with the deal. It's all coming out now that the text is being read. Boris got such a good deal for them that hes offering them support money 😆😆

Glenn Campbell covering it on Twitter, I'm sure the BBC will be all over the Scottish Tories on this...

On a happier note poor hard done by Jimmy Buchan and uber unionist Bertie Armstrong will be absolutely seething this xmas. Love it. 


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There will be a formal review of the agreement after four years with either side being able to withdraw.  Not sure that would happen but this could lead to perpetual negotiations, particularly on the issue of fisheries.  It will be interesting to see if the Tories pay a political price for this.

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57 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

There was an entire party dedicated to achieving Brexit.  Where is the equivalent London party?

The people who want it have spent the last few years funding the parties dedicated to achieving Brexit. They haven’t needed a separate party. They have bummed up English nationalism to do most of the job for them. So far, that has worked a treat.

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49 minutes ago, Ross. said:

The people who want it have spent the last few years funding the parties dedicated to achieving Brexit. They haven’t needed a separate party. They have bummed up English nationalism to do most of the job for them. So far, that has worked a treat.

I could well see those particular geniuses lobbying hard for the section of the Thames adjacent to the City, extending to the Isle of Dogs and inland a couple of miles, being set up as a free port as they're planning for other places.

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3 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

you do realise that London is part of the wider world and trades are made every-fucking-where by every-fucking-body, right? Not just by UK residents. If those trades are made in Paris or Frankfurt, we miss out. 

CGT is what you specifically stated, still awaiting evidence that this will be lost. 

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