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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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7 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

I thought this Australia deal was just the precursor for the UK to join the Trans Pacific trade pact which will be massive. 

Then on to Canzuk!

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Canzuk is only a proposal not a reality. 

There is no formal agreement, just a Brexiteers pipe dream which Australia has already shattered by prioritising trade with the EU instead of the uk.

Dream on Fools.

It is not 'massive' with a  total population of 127 million, 100 million if you now take Australia out of it, and the EU has over four times that population within it's 27 Countries.

The EU the largest trading Bloc in the world, bigger than anything the unionists and brexiteers can ever dream up, is the way forward for an Independent Scotland.


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9 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

And Canada has provisionally applied for a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union.

Much like Australia having trade deals with the EU that wouldn't impact our trade deals with either nation. They have nothing to do with each other but then again you constantly misrepresent facts to suit your narrow minded delusional mindset. 

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

How will an independent Scotland in the EU trade with its biggest and most important customer, the Uk ?

great query and an effective solution is admittedly beyond the wit of man*

*if that man was a isolationist fuckwit such as Johnson, Gove, Davis etc

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7 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

How will an independent Scotland in the EU trade with its biggest and most important customer, the Uk ?

On exactly the same terms as the rest of the EU. It would be illegal for the rUK to discriminate in the way you appear to suggest.

Is that not obvious, even to you?  By being a member of a trading bloc, you get all the advantages of membership.

However, we can all celebrate together, whatever happens! We will at least we will be able to buy champagne at a reasonable price from our EU partners.

Do you really prefer English Sparkling Wine?

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Was on a fairly tranquil touristy river cruise in narrowly brexitish Chester today and saw one of the riverside cabins (which go for stupid money) flying a St Andrews cross with a circle of stars on it. It was beautiful. 

Edited by coprolite
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9 hours ago, tamthebam said:

I think you can still buy Guinness in England which comes from a country that left the UK and is in the EU.

You may even be able to buy Irish butter.

Apparently, you can also buy Irish cheese. If true,





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17 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

How will an independent Scotland in the EU trade with its biggest and most important customer, the Uk ?

You are aware that the westminster tory government, ironically having railed against the EU and wanted no part of it, have applied for a free Trade Agreement with the EU, it is a fuckin joke considering the mess we find ourselves in due to Brexit and now the tories want a piece of the pie, shocking.

Right, it is true that Scotland would want to continue trading with the uk afetr Independence and our EU membership, no doubt you are jumping on the Andrew Marr's bandwagon of the hard border which the EU would impose, this obviously would present a problem which if we would want to continue trading with the UK would have to overcome.

Again though you make the mistake of all unionists of thinking that the remaining uk will be a major trading player and the be all and end all of all things, there are far bigger trading blocs for us to pursue.

Since Brexit trade between Ireland and the uk has decreased significantly as in preparation for Brexit the Irish have since 2016 increased their beef and cheese trade with the EU away from the uk.

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17 hours ago, Stormzy said:

Much like Australia having trade deals with the EU that wouldn't impact our trade deals with either nation. They have nothing to do with each other but then again you constantly misrepresent facts to suit your narrow minded delusional mindset. 

If you had watched the Andrew Marr interview with Truss yesterday you would have found that the proposed deal with Australia was hugely imbalanced to the tune of uk exports to Australia costed at £900 Million, meanwhile Australia's imports to the uk amounted to over £4 Billion.

It is now five years since the Brexit referendum and your tories are still scrambling around the world with their begging bowl for a trade agreement, it is a mess and a government absolute shambles.

Canzuk and Trans Pacific my arse, check the EU Trade Agreements on Google and you will see the EU has World Trading covered with countries  large and small already on their books. Even westminster has applied for a trade agreement with the EU, how fuckin shameful is that, and we all know how well that was received.

Brexiteers snubbed the EU and now it's payback.

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