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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, Snifter Pee Rot said:

This is why Albania said GTF to being a third country destination even when being offered a fortune to take them.

How much were they offered? It's just that the Albanians say the offer never happened, nobody from the Home Office has contradicted them, and how would it actually work? People managing to survive a dinghy trip across the channel would be flown to somewhere far closer to their own countries, and be permitted to apply for UK asylum from there? Why not just allow that in the first place, instead of all that dinghy and drowning nonsense?

Edited by welshbairn
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No way should they be able to enjoy hotels and benefits at our expense after breaking into the country illegally. It's insane how weak the system is here but that's why UK is a magnet for these daily hordes. Can see it seriously impacting up here very soon also. Nicola gives them the vote as soon as they gain refuge status, absurd in my book but it's all part of the plan whatever that is. Johnson should go though, not willing or able to take the action needed. Weak.
These "asylum hotels" down there are often full board beach front accommodation costing up to £200 a day per migrant plus weekly payments. They're in these hotels as the system is flooded and can't cope otherwise the bill would be circa £800 a month. Would like to know the entire cost for the 40k that have landed here since covid including the appointed lawyers and court cost not that they are being processed anytime soon given numbers. You can also add in the security risk costs. No doubt some are ISIS or similarly minded. Nobody should get asylum here coming from Calais anyway. You paid a trafficker cash to break in from a safe country. Case c!osed.
We're going to have to wait till 2025 for that? Hundreds of thousands more are going to be here in that case plus their dependents, all on Jock Tamson and Tommy Atkins. May as well just let them all in and save the legal costs. Could UK take 5-10m more? We absorbed that from the eu.
Over 10m of the UK population was not born here. It was 9.3m in 2018 so it will exceed 10m now. Most are from eu although a large chunk are third world.
Asylum is a boom industry. It doesn't just pay traffickers, it also pays lawyers, hoteliers, various public service officials including social workers, NHS, police, security services and councils. It's one big payday with zero benefit to the tax payer footing the bill. This is why Albania said GTF to being a third country destination even when being offered a fortune to take them.
Sit down, you thick racist arsehole [emoji23]
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I haven't seen the "Sturgeon is replacing us all with Yes-voting immigrants" conspiracy theory getting a run out for a while. Incredible the knots some folk will tie themselves into to avoid acknowledging their own lack of morals and empathy.

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15 hours ago, magic sign said:


The sad thing is, even though this discussion was over a year ago the same people are still grinding the same "they should claim asylum in the first safe country" myth and we're no closer to a setting up a reasonable system for those people in Calais to claim asylum and have there eligibility assessed efficiently. In the meantime people are still dying trying to get here.


I love how she continually says 'people listening to this will say....' acknowledging the fact that her 50 listeners are all Gammon as f**k. 

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I read today 50 have been put up in a hotel near me, no doubt the snp brigade and soft as shites will be delighted to see free board and lodgings for this mob. Won't be needing your charity, very nice digs for years to come. The council are not happy about it mind, must all be racists per that Dundee tadger. 

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f**k me, the number of people that are willing to display the cost of everything but understand the value of nothing.


The very notion that people risk everything they have, including the lives of their children and loved ones for the luxury of a premier inn, is so laughable it makes me want to cry.


Why do these cuntards feel the need to display their ignorance?


Yours, bleeding liberal as ever


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f**k me, the number of people that are willing to display the cost of everything but understand the value of nothing.
The very notion that people risk everything they have, including the lives of their children and loved ones for the luxury of a premier inn, is so laughable it makes me want to cry.
Why do these cuntards feel the need to display their ignorance?
Yours, bleeding liberal as ever
You know I actually typed a response to their drivel, but realised there was no point. They're obviously trolling or more likely beyond hope. Either way best just to ignore or wait until they meet the same fate as every other raging gammon has met on here.
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47 minutes ago, magic sign said:
1 hour ago, aDONisSheep said:
f**k me, the number of people that are willing to display the cost of everything but understand the value of nothing.
The very notion that people risk everything they have, including the lives of their children and loved ones for the luxury of a premier inn, is so laughable it makes me want to cry.
Why do these cuntards feel the need to display their ignorance?
Yours, bleeding liberal as ever

You know I actually typed a response to their drivel, but realised there was no point. They're obviously trolling or more likely beyond hope. Either way best just to ignore or wait until they meet the same fate as every other raging gammon has met on here.

c***s gotta be c***s!


it’s just sometimes I feel the need to call them c***s!

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UK’s Brexit losses more than 178 times bigger than trade deal gains
Exclusive: All trade deals combined worth less than 50p per person a year, analysis of government figures shows

But they knew what they were voting for.

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Is that all you have to you show, son. The R word? Shows you up for the rancid empty little arsehole you are, and the gang of total nambies on here thumbing you up. 

Fucking state of this pish. "Son" [emoji23]

I read today

Well done. Baby steps cunto [emoji23]
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Guest Bob Mahelp

As heartbreaking as it is to see, I'm glad that in this tragedy the BBC and others have at least tried to put names and stories to the victims. 

A young family. An intelligent, beautiful young woman denied asylum by the UK, desperate to make a life with her fiance. Each one had a story. 

For too often and too long the right-wing media in the UK have succeeded in de-humanising migrants and refugees. They're just disturbing numbers of people trying to 'get here' for free money. If they are given faces, it's usually those of young men who according to those who influence, are all economic migrants and nothing less.

It's not worth giving them a face, a name, a story. 

Disgusting, and anyone who feels that way....or in fact gives their vote to a political party who use de-humanising tactics to enact racist politics.....should be ashamed of themselves. 



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