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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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52 minutes ago, GordonS said:


  • Leaving the EU, the single market and the customs union is the biggest act of unjustifiable self-harm in the history of the United Kingdom, by a margin so great as to dwarf anything that's gone before.

We live in the dawn of the Age of Stupid. 

Can't disagree much with this.  I had a round trip through Amersham, Wycombe and Beaconsfield this morning to take my wee yin to school and go for the weekend's messages and other things and was saddened at seeing a good dozen vehicles with the flags of our Union and that of St George on various cars and vans.

There is absolutely nothing to celebrate.

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4 hours ago, Pet Jeden said:


Oh, don’t talk such delusional, misleading, nit-picking shite. These Kurz/Orban/Le Pen don’t get to initiate EU legislation but their parties’ MEPs sit in the parliament and get to amend legislation and  to pass/reject it. Their countries’ ministers sit in the Council which sets political priorities and gets to amend legislation and to pass/reject it - with a veto power for big things. 

Have a nice day.


In Scotland however, we are now directly governed by a dictatorship containing the likes of Mark Francois. 

Have a happy Brexit day.


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16 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Can't disagree much with this.  I had a round trip through Amersham, Wycombe and Beaconsfield this morning to take my wee yin to school and go for the weekend's messages and other things and was saddened at seeing a good dozen vehicles with the flags of our Union and that of St George on various cars and vans.

There is absolutely nothing to celebrate.

Image result for images of off licences"Peut-etre?

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11 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

et tu brute!  Is that you getting your retaliation in ahead of tomorrow's match?

Can't see us winning/drawing/scoring/keeping 11 men on the park, so...

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35 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Can't disagree much with this.  I had a round trip through Amersham, Wycombe and Beaconsfield this morning to take my wee yin to school and go for the weekend's messages and other things and was saddened at seeing a good dozen vehicles with the flags of our Union and that of St George on various cars and vans.

There is absolutely nothing to celebrate.

I'm looking forward to the confusion when these c***s wake up tomorrow and find out there are still Muslims about and they still have empty meaningless lives. 

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5 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I'm looking forward to the confusion when these c***s wake up tomorrow and find out there are still Muslims about and they still have empty meaningless lives. 

Again, I can't disagree with that.  Our bit of South Bucks is quite Muslimy and all I've seen is my son's cricket team fielding good players and the local Wycombe mosques working together to tutor young ones to pass the 11+ so they get as good an education as possible.

Cricket and A Levels?  Having access to world-class education free at the point of use?  The local Sikh, Pakistani, Sri Lankan and Bengali population buy in to this as do we middle-class Brits.  The outliers are the thick as pig shit working class whites.

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The BBC have sent Croxall (cc: @Melanius Mullarkey) to a pub with Union Flag bunting all over the place to talk to the patrons (I'm not saying clientele, we don't need to appease the French anymore) and what I saw of it while on my lunch at work was a guy applauding Boris for being a remainer but getting the deal done

Good television, I'm sure.

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52 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

A trip to bargain booze seems like the sensible idea ahead of tomorrows match tbh.

Indeed.  BTW don't think you've got away with this gem:

It is the ultimate red herring when people argue against independence with arguments on the SNP’s record in government and should never really be engaged.

I just haven't got round to it yet ;)

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19 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Indeed.  BTW don't think you've got away with this gem:

It is the ultimate red herring when people argue against independence with arguments on the SNP’s record in government and should never really be engaged.

I just haven't got round to it yet ;)

I can't wait.

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I think politics in the last few years have been, and still are, more divisive that at any time in my lifetime; and I was an adult in the Thatcher era.

People have also abandoned all reason and objectivity.

The idea that we can leave an institution that we have been inextricably linked with in cultural, legal and economic terms for 47 years in 11 months with a ‘deal’ that covers all bases is preposterous.  Anyone looking at it objectively would admit that.

We could well end up in a far worse situation than necessary at the end of the transition period because politicians like Johnson will not admit that their objectives and timetable were totally unachievable and because the poor fools who bought into their lies will not admit that they were hoodwinked.


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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

The idea that we can leave an institution that we have been inextricably linked with in cultural, legal and economic terms for 47 years in 11 months with a ‘deal’ that covers all bases is preposterous.  Anyone looking at it objectively would admit that.

Absolutely.  We all agree that Brexit is noxious.

How much worse the preposterous notion that we leave a near half-millennium old institution in cultural, legal and economic terms for a deal that is unquantified.

Any Natter (rightly) criticising Brexit in these terms has also to look at themselves.  

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3 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Can't disagree much with this.  I had a round trip through Amersham, Wycombe and Beaconsfield this morning to take my wee yin to school and go for the weekend's messages and other things and was saddened at seeing a good dozen vehicles with the flags of our Union and that of St George on various cars and vans.

There is absolutely nothing to celebrate.

I was in Sunderland the other day. I saw a taxi that had pictures of spitfires and poppies and Lest We Forget on the back window.

The taxi was an Audi.

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