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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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The federal reserve bailed RBS out, albeit not directly. A bailout package was received by the UK Government for the Barclay's bail out in which the Scottish Government received a share through the block grant which was given to RBS.

So much shite in one post. Do you really think what you have posted is what happened? Really?
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4 hours ago, Michael W said:

About time someone said it, tbh. 

May is either an unexpected master of disguise, or she genuinely has no idea what the position is. I don't expect it's the former.

The especially troubling point is that of the entire cabinet, I think only Philip Hammond actually has any grasp of what's going on. Doesn't help when anyone saying anything on the subject is shot down almost immediately by Number 10, right enough. I really do try not to come across as a "Remoaner", but it is difficult when the government has no idea what to do. Whether that be down to shitebaggery or just a genuine lack of ideas, I really don't know. 

They don't have an earthly clue what to do, which probably means that whatever they do come up with will be a complete disaster.

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Based on today's brexit statement and subsequent questions from MP's, May seems so positive that Britain will get a "good" deal and will flourish within free trade regulations.

The amount of optimism here from May around this scares me, as i'm sure there will be several disagreements to come and I'm also certain that some countries will play hard ball over trade deals. It all seems very naive at the minute and Labour have to continue to hit the Tories hard over this.


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Based on today's brexit statement and subsequent questions from MP's, May seems so positive that Britain will get a "good" deal and will flourish within free trade regulations.

The amount of optimism here from May around this scares me, as i'm sure there will be several disagreements to come and I'm also certain that some countries will play hard ball over trade deals. It all seems very naive at the minute and Labour have to continue to hit the Tories hard over this

Agreed, there is so much uncertainty with future EU Trade deals, but we are currently the 5th largest import market on the planet with a trade deceit approaching £200Billion per year, it's still quite a strong bargaining chip that we hold with our European neighbours.
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6 hours ago, zidane's child said:

Based on today's brexit statement and subsequent questions from MP's, May seems so positive that Britain will get a "good" deal and will flourish within free trade regulations.

The amount of optimism here from May around this scares me, as i'm sure there will be several disagreements to come and I'm also certain that some countries will play hard ball over trade deals. It all seems very naive at the minute and Labour have to continue to hit the Tories hard over this.


The labour party are in no fit state to hit anyone hard on anything.

What might work would be a coalition along the lines outlined here :



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8 hours ago, Big Rider said:

A socialist humanitarian with a fear of the notion of Scottish self determination.

Hmmmm, think I'll note you down as a w**k then.

Of course you will, but you  realise that is a reflection on yerself, don't you?

I have no fear of Scottish self determination I simply think it would be the wrong thing to at this time as it wouldn't be in Scotland's best interest. As such I favour the Union. That's my entitled opinion.

When the Scottish Parliament attempts to run the country properly, fiscally competently and in the interests of all Scots not in the interests of the political  ambitions of one megalomaniacal leader  after another or narrow party political interests then I'll support Indy.

Our politicians haven't shown the political maturity required to run an independent Scotland. They can't even run a devolved Scotland effectively, so obsessed are they with our friends South of the Border. 

The trouble with us here is we try to be too much like the English. We should've found a different, more inclusive,  more progressive political way. Instead our political scene is way too tribal, divisive, entrenched, exclusive......That's Nationalism. No place for a Socialist.

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26 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Of course you will, but you  realise that is a reflection on yerself, don't you?

I have no fear of Scottish self determination I simply think it would be the wrong thing to at this time as it wouldn't be in Scotland's best interest. As such I favour the Union. That's my entitled opinion.

When the Scottish Parliament attempts to run the country properly, fiscally competently and in the interests of all Scots not in the interests of the political  ambitions of one megalomaniacal leader  after another or narrow party political interests then I'll support Indy.

Our politicians haven't shown the political maturity required to run an independent Scotland. They can't even run a devolved Scotland effectively, so obsessed are they with our friends South of the Border. 

The trouble with us here is we try to be too much like the English. We should've found a different, more inclusive,  more progressive political way. Instead our political scene is way too tribal, divisive, entrenched, exclusive......That's Nationalism. No place for a socialist.

Yet you had no trouble supporting the egos of Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and Liam Fox despite the UK parliament being unable to run the country properly, racking up trillions of pounds of debt (making the UK the second-most debt-ridden nation on earth), and being uninterested in the needs of the people of the UK.

So obsessed have our politicians been with our neighbours across the channel that they haven't even exercised the powers they had properly. Instead our political scene is way too tribal, divisive, entrenched, exclusive......That's UK Nationalism. No place for a socialist.

But of course you wouldn't get all the negative attention you crave if you admitted this.

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Scotland spends too much time defining itself as not being England.Always claiming some moral superiority or other compared to England.Pretty boring.I think Scotland fans trying their best to behave better than England fans was an early incarnation of this phenomenon.Nice and simplistic for wee minds.Goodies and baddies neat and tidy.

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1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

Of course you will, but you  realise that is a reflection on yerself, don't you?

I have no fear of Scottish self determination I simply think it would be the wrong thing to at this time as it wouldn't be in Scotland's best interest. As such I favour the Union. That's my entitled opinion.

When the Scottish Parliament attempts to run the country properly, fiscally competently and in the interests of all Scots not in the interests of the political  ambitions of one megalomaniacal leader  after another or narrow party political interests then I'll support Indy.

Our politicians haven't shown the political maturity required to run an independent Scotland. They can't even run a devolved Scotland effectively, so obsessed are they with our friends South of the Border. 

The trouble with us here is we try to be too much like the English. We should've found a different, more inclusive,  more progressive political way. Instead our political scene is way too tribal, divisive, entrenched, exclusive......That's Nationalism. No place for a Socialist.

I'd be interested to hear your theory on how a minority government with no ability to run up any sort of deficit fails to achieve the sentence in bold above.



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5 minutes ago, Loondave1 said:

Scotland spends too much time defining itself as not being England.Always claiming some moral superiority or other compared to England.Pretty boring.I think Scotland fans trying their best to behave better than England fans was an early incarnation of this phenomenon.Nice and simplistic for wee minds.Goodies and baddies neat and tidy.

What does this self-hatred even have to do with the subject at hand?

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1 hour ago, Double Jack D said:

I'd be interested to hear your theory on how a minority government with no ability to run up any sort of deficit fails to achieve the sentence in bold above.



A minor point, however the Scottish Government do have borrowing powers.

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The idea that Scottish Nationalists are obsessed with England is exactly like the idea that they're obsessed with Braveheart.

In both cases, it is Unionists who are incapable of not bringing them up constantly. So much so that the echo of Braveheart/hating England chat rings in their ears and they actually believe it to be something they've heard someone other than themselves say.

My wish for Scotland to be an Independent country really has very little to do with England. I'd say our political differences and the impracticality of having an extremely diluted vote within the UK is a factor related to them but that is not a point of obsession or even dislike. By no means all of them but the Unionists who can't go two or three sentences without mentioning England seem to define themselves by their obsession with our friends south of the border.  It's a proper diddy attitude. 

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The idea that Scottish Nationalists are obsessed with England is exactly like the idea that they're obsessed with Braveheart.

In both cases, it is Unionists who are incapable of not bringing them up constantly. So much so that the echo of Braveheart/hating England chat rings in their ears and they actually believe it to be something they've heard someone other than themselves say.

My wish for Scotland to be an Independent country really has very little to do with England. I'd say our political differences and the impracticality of having an extremely diluted vote within the UK is a factor related to them but that is not a point of obsession or even dislike. By no means all of them but the Unionists who can't go two or three sentences without mentioning England seem to define themselves by their obsession with our friends south of the border.  It's a proper diddy attitude. 

I would see England as potentially great allies/friends after independence.
My want for independence is so Scotland can make its own decisions and run its own affairs. It's nothing to do with hating England. Pathetic mindset from yoons
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2 hours ago, Cream Cheese said:

It's exactly what happened. If you care to try and prove otherwise, then please do. Your failed attempts at everything are rather amusing.

I'll hijack some of that enormous amounts of water given to England to wash away your tears.  :bairn

Just so we can get this clear, you are claiming that the US gave the UK government a bailout for Barclays and a share of this was then, via Barnett, distributed to Scottish Government.  If this is your claim, then I am not really sure how I can disprove it, nor why the onus would be on me to do so.  Perhaps you can provide some documentary evidence that shows these transaction occurring.

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