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The Official Former President Trump thread


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The problem is it's so transparent when he's reading a script and when he's speaking off the cuff giving his real view on things. Because he does it all the time and invariably tweets it. He's owning himself on multiple platforms in real time. :lol:

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2 minutes ago, senorsoupe said:

Trump's party certainly hasn't been behind him.  Republican Senators have been tweeting condemnation of the Nazi's and white supremacists while the president is describing some of them as good people.  

Because not every single person who went to protest the removal of the statue was a Nazi. Some were confederates, some were peaceful protesters there because they didn't agree with the removal of the statue. 

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Because Trump is the first and only President in history to have a speech writer

The difference is, the other Presidents don't then turn around and directly contradict the speech a few hours later, as Trump has done repeatedly. It's when he goes off-script that we see the real man.
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9 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Because not every single person who went to protest the removal of the statue was a Nazi. Some were confederates, some were peaceful protesters there because they didn't agree with the removal of the statue. 

Because what the confederacy stood for was just swell?  Considering the main organizers of this rally were white supremacist/white nationalist groups I doubt there were a significant number of people there just for the statue.  The rally was primarily a white nationalist rally using the statue as a flimsy pretext

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Because not every single person who went to protest the removal of the statue was a Nazi. Some were confederates, some were peaceful protesters there because they didn't agree with the removal of the statue. 

See the 'peaceful protesters' who noticed people with swastikas and burning torches and didn't think 'f**k this' and head home.
They don't get to be called 'peaceful'
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2 hours ago, senorsoupe said:
Trump's party certainly hasn't been behind him.  Republican Senators have been tweeting condemnation of the Nazi's and white supremacists while the president is describing some of them as good people.  


For me; this is the most encouraging aspect of the whole sorry affair. While Ratb*****d panders to his ugly base (as he was ordered to do by his boss, David Duke), decent Republicans are distancing themselves from him.

I'm sure they're aware that once his presidency is merely an embarrassing stain on American history; they will still have political careers to manage, constituents to face, children to raise.


Edited by Shotgun
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For me; this is the most encouraging aspect of the whole sorry affair. While Ratb*****d panders to his ugly base (as he was ordered to do by his boss, David Duke), decent Republicans are distancing themselves from him.

I'm sure they're aware that once his presidency is merely an embarrassing stain on American history; they will still have political careers to manage, constituents to face, children to raise.

It's moderate conservatives who will ultimately either bring a Trump down or enable him.
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I thought this was quite instructive. So many of the monuments were put up at a time of major racial tension/civil rights problems. It's not about re-writing history, it's about tearing down statues specifically erected to let black folk know they're 2nd class citizens.



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Every so often on a P&B thread you get some arsehole trying to be edgy by giving the impression that they are playing devil's advocate.

It isn't edgy it's being an apologist in another guise.

As for Trump, you can't be neutral on this issue however hard you try.  Anything other than condemnation is support, anything other than opposition is encouragement.  He will be held responsible for his words of succour on this issue by many in the U.S.

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8 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:


"US President Donald Trump has again blamed both sides for the violent unrest in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one protester dead and others injured.

In a statement on Monday, he had condemned white supremacists.

But in New York on Tuesday he also blamed left-wing supporters for charging at the "alt-right".

He also defended the time it took to make his statement, saying he had wanted to establish all the facts.

Mr Trump had been accused over the weekend of failing to condemn the far right specifically."

I actually feel sorry for him here, he is in a position where his every action or word spoken as president has been relentlessly attacked, What he said on Saturday was pretty basic, this is totally true but he said was in effect that there were 2 sides to this story and blame for both. Nothing said there isn't true, I have no problem seeing far right racist assholes being de-platformed because there is no place in society for their petty views.

But Antifa are still a group of thugs who have a history of violent acts and vandalism who only look good in this situation because of who they were opposing, they still vandalised the town and assaulted people and there is reports of one right wing guy who may have have been left with permanent eye damage after a acid/mace attack (there are conflicting reports and there is no clarity yet) Does that justify what happened to them? of course it doesn't, but it doesn't wash away what they did either. 

Trump has basically been left in a situation where he has absolutely not said enough, but despite what he did say being correct, he is still wrong as far as many are concerned.


You're an absolute moron.

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Every so often on a P&B thread you get some arsehole trying to be edgy by giving the impression that they are playing devil's advocate.
It isn't edgy it's being an apologist in another guise.
As for Trump, you can't be neutral on this issue however hard you try.  Anything other than condemnation is support, anything other than opposition is encouragement.  He will be held responsible for his words of succour on this issue by many in the U.S.

I absolutely can criticise anyone who involved themselves in violence on either side, without it diluting my strong views against white supremacy and racism.

To suggest otherwise is a very dangerous attitude to hold.

Trump has a greater responsibility to condemn racism and white supremacy in stronger terms given his position, however.

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12 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Bit of a jump. In most cases there's far more examination of common interests and the like with more honesty than dating websites. It would be interesting to check the stats about the numbers of couples who are happily married after 20 years of an arranged marriage v random encounters or Tinder, though there probably aren't. Forced marriages are a different matter, akin to slavery. 


It's not really about whether the end result is happier for the couple. You may be right. Long term cousin marriage lowers IQ, with all that means for society. It also results in clannish societal organization and destroys any notion of gender equality in most societies where's it practiced. The West hit on the a pretty good societal organization for individual freedom to flourish, strong nuclear families, strong national bonds, weak tribal bonds inbetween. 

I will say it's really strange how must hostility my thoughts that it would be better for British society if more Pakistanis married British people, or at least British born Pakistanis. That seems like a no brainer.

I'd also like to point out to the people who are acting flabbergasted by my position on immigration and integration, I'm far closer to the mainstream than anybody else here on that topic. Get out and talk to people. Or at least educate yourself about the opinions held by your fellow citizens.

12 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:


There Was Another Right-Wing Terrorist Incident This Weekend

A three percenter tried to blow up a truck bomb in Oklahoma City.

Those crazy three-percenters, eh?

Ok, I'm 100% sure if you look around you can find several wierdos associated with 3%ers, but this is just embarrassing. Don't you know to double check sources like Mother Jones before posting with a quick Google search? He's a member of a Facebook group and told undercover federal agents that he agrees with 3%er ideology. Lol.  

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