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The Official Former President Trump thread


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All this statue crap is just an excuse for fascists to hold a rally.

There were two sides in Charlottesville, one carrying swastika flags and chanting 'blood and soil', and EVERYONE ELSE.  There can really be no ambiguity - pick your side.  If you are trying to protest moral equivalence, you're fooling nobody - we can all see what side you are really on.

As for Nazism not being a real problem, I would normally agree except for the fact that the fucking president of the USA is giving them his tacit support. 

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He's the first one that goes off-script and stands with the Nazis. 

He's also the only one who says something, retracts under duress from his own cabinet and virtually everyone else, then the very next day doubles down on his original bigoted statement.

If nothing else, Trump's administration has now and forever lost the right to use his patented "what he really meant" defence.
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41 minutes ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

Large scale immigration has the net effect of decreasing freedom and opportunity for people currently in the US. I'm not a pure libertarian. For instance, I don't believe in service fees being the only funding for government or no social safety net or nonsense like that. There's no reason I can't take an other than pure zero government position on certain social issues as well.

So you're not a libertarian then, just a conservative who is much further to the right than the centre. Glad we've cleared that up.

41 minutes ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

The Klan at it's peak (the so-called 2nd Klan) was mostly about stopping Catholic immigration rather than issues with black Americans and was actually most popular in Midwestern states. Doubt there's any correlation between the 2nd Klan and Confederate monuments. 

The 2nd Klan was founded in Atlanta, with white supremacy (WASP hegemony) as its core ideal. They were burning crosses and lynching blacks across the South.

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Lynching the local African American community in the Southern States was open sport into the 1950s and came to a halt ie the cops eventually stepped in, with the rest of planet getting television. 

Up until then the local cops used to control the crowds so the local paper could get a clear picture of the poor sod hanging from a tree surrounded by smiling hillbillies.

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:


The Charlottesville attack shows homegrown terror on the right is on the rise


If anyone thinks I am going to try and get past these bouncers to go drinking in that pub - they can forget it.  I think I will just go elsewhere.

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2 hours ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

I am for putting him in jail. I have no problem with the government goading crazy folks to see if they will actually try and go through with a terrorist attack. He did. 

I'm against Nazis. I just think that radical Islam is a far, far more pressing problem. Nazis barely exist in the USA or the UK. They are the boogeyman meant to help get the left wing base out to vote. Politics theses days is more about making sure your people turn up rather than convincing people to change their perspective. That's why the Democrats in power in Virginia wanted this confrontation to happen and made sure that it did happen. 

False fleg! Have you donated to the fund for Alex Jones' divorce lawyer?


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1 hour ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:


The Klan at it's peak (the so-called 2nd Klan) was mostly about stopping Catholic immigration rather than issues Doubt there's any correlation between the 2nd Klan and Confederate monuments. 

You're right there is no correlation between the two, just that the fuckwits who support KKK or Nazi ideal have latched onto the "cause" and shown their complete fuckwittery for everyone else to see.  Scum of the earth the lot of them.

As it seems, so are you.  

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2 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


Didn't the government vote to silence Big Ben for four years?






*copyright Daily Mail

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3 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:


Punching Nazis is not only acceptable, it should be mandatory.

My grandfather used shoot them. Despite Mr Hitler having some kind of democratic mandate...


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It would be great to punch ProgressiveLiberal square in the puss.

Not for his apparent beliefs and views, but because he's a shite troll c**t who doesn't believe a word of it and is a huge liar. And then punch all the Nazis, then Trump. Get it roond all of ye, you absolute fandans.

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2 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

It would be great to punch ProgressiveLiberal square in the puss.

Not for his apparent beliefs and views, but because he's a shite troll c**t who doesn't believe a word of it and is a huge liar. And then punch all the Nazis, then Trump. Get it roond all of ye, you absolute fandans.

The folk on here love him.  If they didn't they would just ignore the c*nt until he either went away or eventually got so frustrated at being ignored that he would post something worthy of a ban.

I have held the view from an early age not to share a platform with fascists; in the digital era that also means not enabling them by responding to their pish.



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7 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:

Watching the 'alt-right' commentators and journalists in America trying to spin this is quite a sight. My personal favourite claiming that the Neo-Nazis are national socialists and therefore leftists.

The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP or Nazis) were a complete mess of wacky mysticism, psuedoscience and random factions from the left and the right. They emerged from a group of mystics, the Thule Society, that tried to link modern Germany to Norse gods. They lived in a time when the far left had initiated a series of revolutions against the dying German Empire and the returning soldiers had banded into Freikorps, militias that sought to "restore order". Hitlers magnetic personality and wacky rants hit a strong note in a society that was full of revolutions, it was kind of a far right conservative imitation of the lefts promises to destroy big capitalism and replace it with fairer distribution. Ernst Rohm was a Freikorp leader and nearly as important as Hitler in the NSDAP and their street thugs, the Brown Shirts (SD), he wanted a right wing revolution to redistribute wealth. "The Nationalist revolution". But quite early, Hitlers popularity with the working class was noted as being staunchly anti Bolshovik by the factory owning classes who started bank rolling him as a populist bulwark against a full blown socialist revolution. Them, the Marxists of various stripes and the social democrats had a decade long running bloody street war. Hitlers NSDAP always sat and voted with the right blocks in the reichstag. After seizing power they purged the most vocally "left\redistributive" elements of the party in a series of murders including the Strasserites and the SD leadership. In power they had a very controlling, command economy but also undertook some of the biggest pre-war privatisations in Europe. 

They are such an utter mess that modern ideas of "left"\"right" tend to get blended in together in their early days. But they were always explicitly racist, violently nationalist, murdered any trade unionists or other left wing activists they could get away with and very closely allied with the upper echelons of German capitalism. 


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1 hour ago, mizfit said:





*copyright Daily Mail

Some spectacular coverage of the Daily Mail's coverage on the bbc website yesterday: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40937841


Earlier, Brexit Secretary Mr Davis had said there was "hardly a health and safety argument" for silencing the bells.

"I think it's mad," he told LBC radio.

"I'd forgotten of course, I've been out of government for a lot of years, and I've forgotten how long it takes to get the approvals for this and the approvals for that.

"There's a sort of rude phrase which I will shorten to 'just get on with it'.

"When I was in business, it was my standard line, just get on, just do it, don't faff."

The Telegraph reported on a "backlash" from other MPs and columnist Frances Wilson wrote: "Silencing Big Ben is like stopping the heartbeat of our democracy."

The Mail's pish has to be seen in its entirety to be believed:


"almost unbroken" service you say???


The Great Bell, which has sounded on the hour for 157 years, last fell silent in 2007 and before that, for major refurbishments between 1983 and 1985.

It will still sound for important events including New Year and Remembrance Sunday, while one working clock face will remain visible during the works.

:lol: So the Luftwaffe couldn't silence it during the largest conflict in human history when they were dropping hundreds of bombs on the place and it's an outrage it's being turned off now, although it was turned off ten years ago and thirty years before that because it needed fixed. BUT ELF AN SAFETY, INNIT?

The comments on the bbc page are also hysterical.

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24 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

It would be great to punch ProgressiveLiberal square in the puss.

Not much moral high ground when you want to punch someone for his words. It falls in to the same kind of thinking of our ever so precious university students trying to "no platform" everything in sight and the screeching Daily Mail's attacks on "Brexit wreckers". 


Meeting street violence with violence to protect people is acceptable. But when there is such strong unanimity on the idiocy of someones words, the best response is laughter. 



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Aye I remember all the laughing US liberals did towards the Donald then he became the President.


1 hour ago, Jmothecat2 said:

Watching the 'alt-right' commentators and journalists in America trying to spin this is quite a sight. My personal favourite claiming that the Neo-Nazis are national socialists and therefore leftists.


I agree with them which is why I'm looking forward to the upcoming elections in the DPRK which i'm sure Freedom House will uphold as free and fair.

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