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The Official Former President Trump thread


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6 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

Reynards favourite hobby.


On 16/10/2013 at 09:40, Reynard said:

At this time of year in 732 the forces of good defeated the vile muslim Saracen c***s that had been raping and slaughtering their way up through Africa and into Europe. This was their first attempt at conquering Europe and they were driven out slowly precipitating Charlemagne and the Holy Roman empire And then the crusades in response to this attempt to set up a worldwide caliphate.

Unfortunately, over a thousand years later, the west is once again being taken over by this vile ideology. But we seem to be a lot more welcoming this time. I think it's all over for us now.

But anyway, we can celebrate the destruction of their first attempts and the creation of "Europe" as we roughly know it as a result of this significant victory in the city of Tours in 732



Still Reynard's (and maybe the site's) GOAT post.


Just checked the time stamp. 9:40am that was sent. Even better.

Edited by NotThePars
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Just now, AUFC90 said:

:lol::lol: i'd be shocked if he hasn't posted worse, complete and utter cretin of a man.


9:40, mate. I know the man was fucking furious all the time but to write that shite in the REASON TO BE CHEERFUL thread when you've still got 50 minutes till This Morning is on the tele.

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This is fun, the alt right leaders standing in a circle wearing shades and a few in smart suits confined in a sheep pen with some media bods, all streaming themselves live, then the police tell them to leave, which they do after minor protests, leaving the fanboys behind to get hit by coins and the like by protesters. (that bit's not quite clear, they may have tried to bash the protesters and got bashed back)


Edited by welshbairn
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During the Presidential elections, commentators started talking about how suitable and qualified Ronald Reagan was to President compared to Trump.
I never thought I would ever hear such praise of Reagan.

Now - Presidents George H Bush and George W Bush have spoken out against racism - and maybe people will start talking about what a decent guy George W is.
What is the world coming to?

I worry that in twenty years time - people will be saying "This guy is awful - I wish we could get Trump back."
Hopefully it will never come to that.

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7 hours ago, Crùbag said:

There's no such ethnic group. Until a century ago many parts of the south still spoke the different languages of the different ethnic groups that had invaded/ emigrated there - Gaelic, Dutch, German, Danish, Slavic tongues, French, different Creoles, Spanish as well as some extant native tongues. They had different tongues, religions, nationalities, cultural traditions, music and skin colours - even within 'white' people.

Invented histories for Nazis, eh?


From that hairball her team pulled out more than 60 unique genetic communities—Germans in Iowa and Mennonites in Kansas and Irish Catholics on the Eastern seaboard. Then they mined their way through generations of family trees (also provided by their customers) to build a migratory map. Finally, they paired up with a Harvard historian to understand why communities moved and dispersed the ways they did. Religion and race were powerful deterrents to gene flow. But nothing, it turned out, was stronger than the Mason Dixon line.


“I have to admit I was surprised by that,” says Ball. “This political boundary had the same effect as what you’d expect from a huge desert or mountain range.”


% foreign born 1860 (Civil War), 1920 (100 yrs ago as you say)

United States - 13.2%, 13.6%

Alabama - 1.3%, 0.8%

Arkansas - 0.8%, 0.8%

Georgia - 1.1%, 0.6%

Louisiana - 11.4%, 2.6%

Mississippi - 1.1%, 0.5%

North Carolina - 0.3%, 0.3%

South Carolina - 1.4%, 0.4%

Tennessee - 1.9%, 0.7%

Virginia - 2.2%, 1.4%

Only in the last 20 years have these states started to be over 2% foreign born, and it's jumped up fast. Before that they almost all descended mostly from the original colonists, and those original white colonists were almost exclusively British outside of a few areas.

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Weird how shocked you are by that Vice video. What did you think Nazis are like? Have you never heard what they have to say?

Vice did an episode on the 3%ers if your curious to see how they differ from the Nazis in the video posted above. Unfortunately they interview the $LPC to get the counter and they talked about right wing violence which had nothing to do with the 3%ers without making the lack of official connection clear. Of course there are crazy people that try to latch onto any fringe ideology.

7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Your Nativist and White Nationalist co-travellers don't seem so ambivilent. Even annoyed that Trump allowed his daughter to marry one apparently. Donald's still the Daddy though.

I'm a Nativist, but not a White Nationalist. Again, those people at Charlottesville are few and far between on the ground. I've literally only met one anti-sematic person in my life, and he was German. You guys were second on his shit list by the way. I think his exact quote was something like, "I don't like the Poles and I don't like the French, but I really fuckin hate the British." Although I'm not sure if continental Europeans lump you guys in with the English as one group like we do here in the US. I went to London with him and he couldn't stop making comments about how much he hated everyone and everything we encountered. :lol: I asked him why he was anti-sematic, but he didn't give a real reason.

Edited by TheProgressiveLiberal
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They were, every single one on that video, giant man-children.

The immaturity absolutely reeks from their pores. Just wee boys mentally - but with big guns (just the way wee boys like it).

I'd love to see what becomes of them in 30 years.

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The thing that was surprising about the Nazis wasn't the racist views, that although absolutely disgusting are sadly not surprising, but seeing them armed with guns, knives and baseball bats. Watching a white nationalist hitting a woman who had her back turned to him, twice in the head with a baseball bat. Seeing a guy literally threaten to head up with men armed with guns to get people if the police didn't assist them, and to see a man murder someone for protesting and then see the white nationalists then see that as a victory as one of the opposition was killed, not one of them. And Trump, the president of the United States, thinks there is moral equivalence between them and anti-fascists.

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8 hours ago, welshbairn said:

This video that Crossbill posted of Christopher Cantwell, an internet shock jock of Radical Agenda, whatever that is, and star arsehole in the Vice piece, just after the Vice timeline is worth a watch. :lol:


^^^ snowflake 

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11 hours ago, welshbairn said:

How is the Confederate flag less ideological than the Nazi flag? It was more or less forgotten till the Sixties, and is specifically held up as a momento of and support for White domination. How many Southern Blacks or Liberals have it flying in their garden? Like the Scottish flag my arse.

It's not even the official flag of the Confederate States of America.

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3 hours ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:


From that hairball her team pulled out more than 60 unique genetic communities—Germans in Iowa and Mennonites in Kansas and Irish Catholics on the Eastern seaboard. Then they mined their way through generations of family trees (also provided by their customers) to build a migratory map. Finally, they paired up with a Harvard historian to understand why communities moved and dispersed the ways they did. Religion and race were powerful deterrents to gene flow. But nothing, it turned out, was stronger than the Mason Dixon line.


“I have to admit I was surprised by that,” says Ball. “This political boundary had the same effect as what you’d expect from a huge desert or mountain range.”


% foreign born 1860 (Civil War), 1920 (100 yrs ago as you say)

United States - 13.2%, 13.6%

Alabama - 1.3%, 0.8%

Arkansas - 0.8%, 0.8%

Georgia - 1.1%, 0.6%

Louisiana - 11.4%, 2.6%

Mississippi - 1.1%, 0.5%

North Carolina - 0.3%, 0.3%

South Carolina - 1.4%, 0.4%

Tennessee - 1.9%, 0.7%

Virginia - 2.2%, 1.4%

Only in the last 20 years have these states started to be over 2% foreign born, and it's jumped up fast. Before that they almost all descended mostly from the original colonists, and those original white colonists were almost exclusively British outside of a few areas.

Gaelic was apparently spoken until the early 20th Century in the Carolinas - possibly by local born people whose grandparents had been the original immigrants. Sacandinavian languages were too - you have placenames like Norway in South Car. Spanish was widely spoken. I believe Chinese travellers were common in the 19th Century. Germans got everywhere. Irish were there. French are still there - or at least their great-great-grandchildren are. I believe there are still Native/ First Nation communities and languages there.

There is NO such thing as one ethnic South America race.

Even in Scotland - even in the 'pure' Gaelic speaking communities of the North West - a mixture of Picts, Scots, French, Norse and Spanish - and within that you have Arabic and African.

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3 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:

The thing that was surprising about the Nazis wasn't the racist views, that although absolutely disgusting are sadly not surprising, but seeing them armed with guns, knives and baseball bats. Watching a white nationalist hitting a woman who had her back turned to him, twice in the head with a baseball bat. Seeing a guy literally threaten to head up with men armed with guns to get people if the police didn't assist them, and to see a man murder someone for protesting and then see the white nationalists then see that as a victory as one of the opposition was killed, not one of them. And Trump, the president of the United States, thinks there is moral equivalence between them and anti-fascists.

And there is the crux of the matter.  Anyone who pulls the "there was violence on both sides" line is doing so with an agenda.  

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