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The Official Former President Trump thread


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59 minutes ago, bigmarv said:

Nobody knows more about owning black people than me. 

Some people say I’m the best owner of black people in the country. 

And a dozen more 😂

“We have a lot of great things in store and a lot of interesting times.  And you’ve been seeing the polls.  The polls have been incredible.  We’ve had some polls with — and I could say “black,” I could say “African American,” or I could say both.  But I’ll tell you what: The polls are at a level that people have never — I don’t think they’ve seen, in terms of Republican.

And I won’t be satisfied until I get 100 percent, because nobody has done more for black people than I have.  Nobody has done more.”

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Donald Trump, at a campaign rally in Iowa, talking about the shooting at an Iowa High School that killed a 7th Year student and wounded a number of others, including a principal critically after he placed himself between the shooter and other students:

“It’s a very terrible thing that happened,” Trump said at a campaign event in Iowa on Friday. “And it’s just horrible to see that happening. It’s just horrible. It’s so surprising to see it here, but you have to get over it. You have to move forward. We have to move forward. But to the relatives and all of the people who are so devastated right now to a point they can’t breathe, they can’t live, we are with you all the way.”

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Meanwhile, in a democracy far, far away....

"Donald Trump’s campaign refused to sign a loyalty oath when registering for the primary ballot in Illinois for this year’s election that required the candidate to pledge not to call for the overthrow of the US government, The Chicago Sun Times has reported.

Joe Biden and Ron DeSantis have both signed the agreement, which compels candidates to promise they will “not directly or indirectly teach or advocate the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this state or any unlawful change in the form of the governments thereof by force or any unlawful means”."

Source - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-john-mccain-civil-war-2024-ballot-latest-b2474763.html


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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Meanwhile, in a democracy far, far away....

"Donald Trump’s campaign refused to sign a loyalty oath when registering for the primary ballot in Illinois for this year’s election that required the candidate to pledge not to call for the overthrow of the US government, The Chicago Sun Times has reported.

Joe Biden and Ron DeSantis have both signed the agreement, which compels candidates to promise they will “not directly or indirectly teach or advocate the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this state or any unlawful change in the form of the governments thereof by force or any unlawful means”."

Source - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-john-mccain-civil-war-2024-ballot-latest-b2474763.html


The State of an Illinois has been trying to delete that oath since the 70’s or so, it’s a relic of the Red Scare, and is not mandatory. So, while this isn’t surprising, it’s kinda a ginned up issue.

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24 minutes ago, TxRover said:

it’s kinda a ginned up issue

It would be if he hadn't signed it in 2016 and 2020 and been charged with what amounts to attempted insurrection.

Edited by welshbairn
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Listening to Trump’s lawyer actually argue that if the President orders an assassination of a political rival he cannot be criminally charged unless he’s impeached and convicted is horrifying…and scary as f**k!

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46 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Listening to Trump’s lawyer actually argue that if the President orders an assassination of a political rival he cannot be criminally charged unless he’s impeached and convicted is horrifying…and scary as f**k!

Add to that the millions of Americans nodding their heads thinking “yup, sounds about right”. 

Do these people ever consider why Ford pardoned Nixon? 

Yet again the cult leader should be allowed to rewrite the books, coz “they are all out to get him” or something 

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I suspect even a 6-3 Republican Supreme Court (when it gets there) will baulk at letting Biden assassinate Trump carte blanche.

Can you imagine if you could do whatever the fvk you wanted, if you can get a gang of only 34 people to support you (and vote against impeachment).

It is mental stuff Trump is asking for.  What's amazing is that his press conference is all about curbing Biden's power, which is the exact opposite of what they are arguing for inside the court room!




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3 hours ago, aDONisSheep said:

I suspect even a 6-3 Republican Supreme Court (when it gets there) will baulk at letting Biden assassinate Trump carte blanche.

Can you imagine if you could do whatever the fvk you wanted, if you can get a gang of only 34 people to support you (and vote against impeachment).

It is mental stuff Trump is asking for.  What's amazing is that his press conference is all about curbing Biden's power, which is the exact opposite of what they are arguing for inside the court room!




Technically, it’s 34 to vote against conviction, not impeachment, as the House votes only on the impeachment and the Senate votes only on conviction.

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You just know that the Democrats would refuse to murder their political rivals once it was confirmed they could, only for the next Republican president to stage a Night of the Long Knives to rid the country of the satanic paedophiles and Jewish space lasers.

Honestly, get with the program, guys.

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26 minutes ago, BFTD said:

You just know that the Democrats would refuse to murder their political rivals once it was confirmed they could, only for the next Republican president to stage a Night of the Long Knives to rid the country of the satanic paedophiles and Jewish space lasers.

Honestly, get with the program, guys.



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