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The Official Former President Trump thread


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On 09/06/2017 at 14:25, Dee Man said:

The McCain questioning was nuts. I was listening on the radio at the time and had to watch it today just for the lolz. Here it is in glorious technicolour for anyone who missed it:



On 08/06/2017 at 17:37, welshbairn said:

He's having something like a stroke I think. He's usually a smart guy.

Turns out he has brain cancer.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:


Turns out he has brain cancer.

So he was lying that his performance was down to him being up late the previous night watching American Football?

Further proof that politicians can't be trusted.

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38 minutes ago, mjw said:

He's done an interview with the 'failing' NY times.
He's fucked his attorney general right under a bus.

That's probably illegal in a number of states.

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13 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

If the reports are true, Trump's decision to stop the CIA's Syrian rebel program is the best bit of news since the start of the war. It will no doubt have the neocons absolutely seething, which is a pleasing bonus.

It'll have everyone who distrusts Putin seriously concerned.  Which, in fairness, is quite a broad spectrum.

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45 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

It'll have everyone who distrusts Putin seriously concerned.  Which, in fairness, is quite a broad spectrum.

Hopefully he got some kind of military concession out of Putin out of it, not just a promise to keep quiet about you know what.

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Hopefully he got some kind of military concession out of Putin out of it, not just a promise to keep quiet about you know what.

I rather suspect he got a nice new dacha for Ivanka out of it, and very little else.
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Hopefully he got some kind of military concession out of Putin out of it, not just a promise to keep quiet about you know what.

They had an extra meeting at the G20 that Trump went into alone, Putin brought an aide to take notes.
He's got absolutely no come back if anything was 'lost in translation' in that meeting.
He's also now supposedly sounding out his lawyers about using pardons for his family and aides. The special prosecutor has got him flapping.
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17 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

If the reports are true, Trump's decision to stop the CIA's Syrian rebel program is the best bit of news since the start of the war. It will no doubt have the neocons absolutely seething, which is a pleasing bonus.

The idea that Trump is uniquely dangerous as a US president on foreign policy definitely doesn't stand up to close inspection. It's more his domestic agenda that is of concern. Wonder if John McCain leaving the scene for medical reasons made this easier to do somehow given the timing.

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