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Historic child abuse in football

Miguel Sanchez

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I'm a bit surprised that there's not been a thread anywhere on this, but an assortment of former players down south have been coming forward in the past few weeks about how widespread child abuse was in football: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/38090926

I'm hesitant to add "in their time" on the end of that given what we've seen in the past when victims of abuse - against an individual or individuals - start to come forward. What I find somewhat unusual about this Bennell character at Crewe is how he was convicted at the time and there are only now more people coming forward saying they were abused by him. It's not like a Savile where everyone comes forward when he's gone and he's never brought to justice, this guy was. Either way, horrible stuff.

Edited by Miguel Sanchez
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2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

These things are tragic and those who abuse weans should face the full weight of the law.  This is all I'll say on the subject.

Cheers for gracing us with your completely obvious yet passive aggressive comment on the matter (you can almost taste the smarm in the final sentence) you absolute tit.

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To be honest, I suppose it's no great surprise that there's a history of this.  It emerged as  an issue at Celtic from way back and as Nevin observed, football probably did represent an environment ripe for this stuff, during a period that seemed to enable it.

I saw a tabloid headline today about Robbie Savage suggesting that there might be thousands of victims.  I've no idea about whether that's an accurate estimate or not, but either way, it's a horrible story and it's impossible not to be moved by the distress of some of the ex-players talking about it yesterday.

What it surely does, is move things away from this representing fertile ground for jovial supporter taunting.  

It sometimes seems daft these days, that full disclosure is needed in order to coach a bunch of kids in front of their parents.  It's not though; the alternative is worse.


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This Bennell guy sounds an absolute nightmare. It also sounds like there were concerns raised about his behaviour on several occasions before he was convicted. These things were dealt with very differently in the past and you'd hope that a coach who behaves in the way Bennell did wouldn't be able to get access to children today.

Guardian article on the case - https://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/nov/26/barry-bennell-victims-football-paedophile-interviews?CMP=share_btn_tw

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Darts players are proper men :lol:

Horrendously overweight sweaty stinking losers who spend their life sitting in a pub = proper men.

What a total c**t he's made of himself.

Eta: and he seems to be digging an even deeper hole for himself, as if the homophobia and having a go at victims of child abuse weren't enough.
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