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P&B Bird Watch


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I'm WFH today and currently sitting in the kitchen watching 4 of them on the bird feeders.  And a fat b*****d Grey Squirrel that I'm going to throttle if I ever catch it.

The favoured food of Grey Squirrels is a 177 pellet KB! [emoji6]
(Sorry didn't really mean that, but the Reds are almost gone round here now)
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C*nt ate all my fish one year when I lived in Dumfries!
Again , in Dumfries have had a Sparrowhawk visit a few times. Those guys are fast as f*ck of the mark from a standing star. They don't mess about!

Have a small natural pond at the very bottom of the garden, the Herons (a pair of em) stalk it every day for the small Perch in there, they'll wait forever, I can get quite close, but they're off soon as they hear the dogs.
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27 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:

The favoured food of Grey Squirrels is a 177 pellet KB! emoji6.png
(Sorry didn't really mean that, but the Reds are almost gone round here now)

One day it'll get so fat it won't be able to move quickly enough and it's going to get introduced to my steel toe capped boots.

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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2 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Most unusual one to fly into the garden was a curlew.

Never seen one in the garden, but lots of them congregate along with the Oystercatchers on some rugby pitches close to us.

Here's one that came surprisingly close to the hide at Musselburgh Lagoons last year.

smaller curlew.jpg

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3 hours ago, WILLIEA said:


Again , in Dumfries have had a Sparrowhawk visit a few times. Those guys are fast as f*ck of the mark from a standing star. They don't mess about!

Was having a wander round to the corner shop one day, when one of them flew down a few feet away, with a life sparrow in its clutches, awesome.

Edited by Bigmouth Strikes Again
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I stick out some nuts in the morning and within seconds loads of jackdaws descend on the feeder quickly followed by 3 pairs of wood pigeons who feed on the ground as the nuts get pecked out.

I also stick some fat balls out and the sparrows, starlings and tits go for that. 

Apples and grapes on the grass are taken up by the blackbirds and robin.

Never see any finches round my bit despite them being a popular visitor.

I get an occasional sparrow hawk visit which is always amazing. It took out a sparrow which was waiting above me when I was filling up the fat balls once. Just a couple of wee feathers floated down from where it was perched.

The b*****d bird is the magpie who struts about and all the other birds totally shite it. It sees off the flock of jackdaws no bother.

Looking forward to the birdwatch weekend. I can get an hours peace to sit down with a cup of tea and the binoculars. Who knows, I might get a swatch at the lovely pair of great tits at No.24 again....

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15 hours ago, Big Rider said:

I stick out some nuts in the morning and within seconds loads of jackdaws descend on the feeder quickly followed by 3 pairs of wood pigeons who feed on the ground as the nuts get pecked out.

I also stick some fat balls out and the sparrows, starlings and tits go for that. 

Apples and grapes on the grass are taken up by the blackbirds and robin.

Never see any finches round my bit despite them being a popular visitor.

I get an occasional sparrow hawk visit which is always amazing. It took out a sparrow which was waiting above me when I was filling up the fat balls once. Just a couple of wee feathers floated down from where it was perched.

The b*****d bird is the magpie who struts about and all the other birds totally shite it. It sees off the flock of jackdaws no bother.

Looking forward to the birdwatch weekend. I can get an hours peace to sit down with a cup of tea and the binoculars. Who knows, I might get a swatch at the lovely pair of great tits at No.24 again....

The only signs we ever see in our area of a sparrowhawk is the occasional large pile of pigeon feathers on the roads. The irony is the local sparrowhawk is about the only defence the little birds have against the wood pigeons - the fat fuckers swoop down & hoover up every scrap of food available all day long.

Blackbirds will take on the magpies, who won't tangle with a determined opponent. If you've got crows or rooks in your area, I'm guessing you'll be getting regular battles between them & the magpies.

Despite being a good 15 to 20 miles from the coast, we get an occasional flock of gulls coming in, landing in everyone's gardens & making a racket, resulting in the local rookery sending a team out to chase them off. Where they're heading in from or heading out to is anyone's guess.

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On 1/20/2017 at 18:51, Big Rider said:

I stick out some nuts in the morning and within seconds loads of jackdaws descend on the feeder quickly followed by 3 pairs of wood pigeons who feed on the ground as the nuts get pecked out.

Exactly what happens here.  The craws rattle the feeder and the fucking doos pick up the dross.

I also have a small feeder attached to the window and we get various tits and robins.  It may actually be the same robin.  Last spring I noticed him (her?) flying from the feeder to the bushes across the road several times a day.  Are they quite territorial?

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5 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Exactly what happens here.  The craws rattle the feeder and the fucking doos pick up the dross.

I also have a small feeder attached to the window and we get various tits and robins.  It may actually be the same robin.  Last spring I noticed him (her?) flying from the feeder to the bushes across the road several times a day.  Are they quite territorial?

Robins will fight to the death over territory.

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