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Blast From The Past!

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55 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

I much preferred when Glasgow moved away from that divisive, sectarian, t*m get up to a more inclusive design

LA1346 LSU403V, Partick 15/5/1993


Now that's a proper blast from the past. For balance the seating was green leather.

Was a bit of a bus geek when I was a kid. Had little Strathclyde Buses models in amongst the rest of my Corgi cars. Those were the days.

Edited by The Naitch
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3 hours ago, MEADOWXI said:

I preferred when different areas and cities had different looks, even the buses,

Glasgow was multi coloured

Western was black and white

Aberdeen (Grampian) was green

Northern Bluebird was Yellow

Edinburgh was maroon

Western were red.


Now everywhere is the same crap First grey. Used to feel you had gone somewhere if the buses were different colours.





There's a lot of brown going on here.

Image result for alexander's buses fife

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8 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

There's a synagogue just round the corner from me in Battlefield. At least, it used to be a synagogue ... it's now just a block of flats. But the gates still have the Star of David on them. No idea where the Jews went, right enough. 

Despite the old joke about what you call five Hutchie Grammar pupils in a tent is a kibbutz, the Jewish population in Scotland, never mind Glasgow, is in deep trouble - & it's mainly the younger generation. They won't admit it (& the self-deception in newspaper articles on the subject borders on the bizarre), but quite simply they don't want to know about a religion which in the internet age where you can find out about anything you want looks utterly bonkers. The social justice stuff, fine, but the rest of it just seems lots of empty rituals & blah blah about events a thousand years ago with precious little relevence today.

Circumcision is also a boner of contention amongst some new Jewish couples (to cut a long story short, the last ritual circumciser buggered off to Israel several years back, some of the younger generation saw this as an opportunity to not bother making an appointment with the next nearest one in Manchester, synagogue elders insisted their kid got snipped or they wouldn't be allowed to bring him in, so they stopped going...), but the main one is mixed marriages & choosing to let the kids decide for themselves when they get older - almost inevitably they choose agnosticism. Finally, like Christianity, their own factional splitting into Orthodox, Reform, Libertarian, Karaites, etc. has been as fatal as the fracture into 57 varieties has been to the quasi-religion of the Buckled Lefties.

Some might celebrate one less bunch of "sky fairy worshippers", but as one that's had more than a passing involvement with the history of Scotland, I can't but find it all a little sad. The Jews paid back Longshanks bloodshed upon them by helping Bruce's Scotland achieve recognition in Europe, & a Jew free Scotland somehow feels like a Scotland incomplete.

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15 hours ago, WaffenThinMint said:

Despite the old joke about what you call five Hutchie Grammar pupils in a tent is a kibbutz, the Jewish population in Scotland, never mind Glasgow, is in deep trouble - & it's mainly the younger generation. They won't admit it (& the self-deception in newspaper articles on the subject borders on the bizarre), but quite simply they don't want to know about a religion which in the internet age where you can find out about anything you want looks utterly bonkers. The social justice stuff, fine, but the rest of it just seems lots of empty rituals & blah blah about events a thousand years ago with precious little relevence today.

Circumcision is also a boner of contention amongst some new Jewish couples (to cut a long story short, the last ritual circumciser buggered off to Israel several years back, some of the younger generation saw this as an opportunity to not bother making an appointment with the next nearest one in Manchester, synagogue elders insisted their kid got snipped or they wouldn't be allowed to bring him in, so they stopped going...), but the main one is mixed marriages & choosing to let the kids decide for themselves when they get older - almost inevitably they choose agnosticism. Finally, like Christianity, their own factional splitting into Orthodox, Reform, Libertarian, Karaites, etc. has been as fatal as the fracture into 57 varieties has been to the quasi-religion of the Buckled Lefties.

Some might celebrate one less bunch of "sky fairy worshippers", but as one that's had more than a passing involvement with the history of Scotland, I can't but find it all a little sad. The Jews paid back Longshanks bloodshed upon them by helping Bruce's Scotland achieve recognition in Europe, & a Jew free Scotland somehow feels like a Scotland incomplete.

Image result for i see what you did there 

I think that the next nearest place of worship for Jews would be Giffnock. Amazing to think that of the 7,000,000,000 people in the world, fewer than 20,000,000 are Jewish. 

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26 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Why? Why is it amazing?

Perhaps amazing was the wrong word! But I find it interesting that other major religions such as Christianity and Islam, have billions of adherents, whereas Judaism is only followed by around 16.5 million. 


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16 hours ago, WaffenThinMint said:

Despite the old joke about what you call five Hutchie Grammar pupils in a tent is a kibbutz, the Jewish population in Scotland, never mind Glasgow, is in deep trouble - & it's mainly the younger generation. They won't admit it (& the self-deception in newspaper articles on the subject borders on the bizarre), but quite simply they don't want to know about a religion which in the internet age where you can find out about anything you want looks utterly bonkers. The social justice stuff, fine, but the rest of it just seems lots of empty rituals & blah blah about events a thousand years ago with precious little relevence today.

Circumcision is also a boner of contention amongst some new Jewish couples (to cut a long story short, the last ritual circumciser buggered off to Israel several years back, some of the younger generation saw this as an opportunity to not bother making an appointment with the next nearest one in Manchester, synagogue elders insisted their kid got snipped or they wouldn't be allowed to bring him in, so they stopped going...), but the main one is mixed marriages & choosing to let the kids decide for themselves when they get older - almost inevitably they choose agnosticism. Finally, like Christianity, their own factional splitting into Orthodox, Reform, Libertarian, Karaites, etc. has been as fatal as the fracture into 57 varieties has been to the quasi-religion of the Buckled Lefties.

Some might celebrate one less bunch of "sky fairy worshippers", but as one that's had more than a passing involvement with the history of Scotland, I can't but find it all a little sad. The Jews paid back Longshanks bloodshed upon them by helping Bruce's Scotland achieve recognition in Europe, & a Jew free Scotland somehow feels like a Scotland incomplete.

The less religious nutjobs kicking about, the better, IMO.

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Here is 3 blasts from the past - all in one.

1. The Twilight Zone
2. Really basic special effects
3. Black and White TV.

I remember watching the Twlight Zone.
Rod Serling would be talking to the audience and everybody else would act as if he wasn't there.
I used to wonder how they were able to do that.
I think I understand now.

Twilight Zone Third Eye.jpg

Twilight Zone.jpg

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12 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Here is 3 blasts from the past - all in one.

1. The Twilight Zone
2. Really basic special effects
3. Black and White TV.

I remember watching the Twlight Zone.
Rod Serling would be talking to the audience and everybody else would act as if he wasn't there.
I used to wonder how they were able to do that.
I think I understand now.

Twilight Zone Third Eye.jpg

Twilight Zone.jpg

*insert joke about there was no make-up it was actually filmed in Fife here

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1 minute ago, Shandon Par said:

30 years ago today..


I was thinking of that today as there was some reports on the radio on the way to work today, and a family member said ' was watching TV in the evening and a News-Flash came on, and I knew they were on that ferry'.


Newsflashes in the days before 24hr news, I remember the end of the Falklands and the SAS ending Iranian Embassy seige as newsflashes.

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Just now, MEADOWXI said:

I was thinking of that today as there was some reports on the radio on the way to work today, and a family member said ' was watching TV in the evening and a News-Flash came on, and I knew they were on that ferry'.


Newsflashes in the days before 24hr news, I remember the end of the Falklands and the SAS ending Iranian Embassy seige as newsflashes.

I remember the newsflash for Lockerbie too. Interrupted something like Lethal Weapon or Trading Places on STV. 

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Just now, Shandon Par said:

I remember the newsflash for Lockerbie too. Interrupted something like Lethal Weapon or Trading Places on STV. 


How could I forget that one, was helping my mum decorate the living room before visitors for Christmas, that didn't get finished that night.


Piper Alpha was in the morning (happened overnight and saw on TV in the morning) ,

my Dad was offshore at the time, on a different rig, but had previously worked on Piper Alpha,

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4 minutes ago, MEADOWXI said:


How could I forget that one, was helping my mum decorate the living room before visitors for Christmas, that didn't get finished that night.


Piper Alpha was in the morning (happened overnight and saw on TV in the morning) ,

my Dad was offshore at the time, on a different rig, but had previously worked on Piper Alpha,

Hillsborough and Heysel both unfolded in front of the cameras to sheer disbelief.

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