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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

Guess what rationale the unionists will use to deny a legal referendum. 

The issue you have to consider in your scenario is whether a referendum soon, say in the new parliamentary term, is actually in your interests if the polls are about where they are now and/or more people vote for unionist than pro-independence parties tomorrow.

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34 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:


To be fair these flights happen several times a year so there’ll always be one within a few weeks of an election if you look for it.


They are very common and we do exactly the same in NATO patrols over places like the Baltic states. They're perfectly legal and they are as nothing compared to the way NATO has bases and listening stations all round Russia. Yet whenever "news" editors decide that a flight is news-y enough, they report the flight without providing any context at all.

It's like journalists have never even heard of Google.

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They are very common and we do exactly the same in NATO patrols over places like the Baltic states. They're perfectly legal and they are as nothing compared to the way NATO has bases and listening stations all round Russia. Yet whenever "news" editors decide that a flight is news-y enough, they report the flight without providing any context at all.
It's like journalists have never even heard of Google.

I know exactly what they are I was in the RAF for 22 years and dealt with these flights as my job, the headlines are bollocks they’re not in UK Airspace they’re in the UK Flight Information Region (international airspace) the RAF mostly report them to justify defence spending on Eurofighter and to promote themselves for recruitment. The MSM pick up the stories as you say for more cynical reasons, rule Britannia etc.

These have gone on for decades and it’s one big chess game with NATO doing the same to Russia. The only reason for any concern to aviation is that these aircraft have no transponders turned on and are invisible to civilian RADAR and aircraft. This makes them a flight safety risk and is one of the main reasons they’re escorted by RAF fighters. It’s a nothing story the BBC and Daily Mail love to use.
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6 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:


I know exactly what they are I was in the RAF for 22 years and dealt with these flights as my job, the headlines are bollocks they’re not in UK Airspace they’re in the UK Flight Information Region (international airspace) the RAF mostly report them to justify defence spending on Eurofighter and to promote themselves for recruitment. The MSM pick up the stories as you say for more cynical reasons, rule Britannia etc.

These have gone on for decades and it’s one big chess game with NATO doing the same to Russia. The only reason for any concern to aviation is that these aircraft have no transponders turned on and are invisible to civilian RADAR and aircraft. This makes them a flight safety risk and is one of the main reasons they’re escorted by RAF fighters. It’s a nothing story the BBC and Daily Mail love to use.


Unbelievable that, in 2021, in a time when anyone can look up the context of these stories within minutes, the UK still falls for "Reds under the bed" headlines.

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Unbelievable that, in 2021, in a time when anyone can look up the context of these stories within minutes, the UK still falls for "Reds under the bed" headlines.

I’ve seen posts and news stories by Unionists media about the big bad Russians and their planes / ship and 99% of it is absolutely shit.

Same goes for the Nationalist social media with “the Russian ships appeared off the Scottish coast without being seen” Utter shite no ship can get from Russia to Scotland without being noticed [emoji23]

It’s actually a real eye opener to all media reports when you see media stories and you know what actually happened compared to what’s reported.
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So Scottish polls... how accurate are they?

Looking at polls where at least some of the sampling was within one week of the election day, here's how much over or under they were for each party's vote share, starting with the poll that was closest to election day.

2016 Constituency


  • SNP +1.5
  • Lab -0.6
  • Con -3
  • LD -0.8
  • Others +2.9


  • SNP +2.5
  • Lab -1.6
  • Con -3
  • LD -0.8
  • Others +3.9


  • SNP +2.5
  • Lab +0.4
  • Con -4
  • LD -1.8
  • Others +2.9

2016 Regional


  • SNP -0.7
  • Lab -0.1
  • Con -2.9
  • Green +2.4
  • LD +0.8
  • UKIP +2
  • RISE +0.5
  • Others -1


  • SNP +2.3
  • Lab -0.1
  • Con -2.9
  • Green +0.4
  • LD +0.8
  • UKIP 0
  • Others -0.5


  • SNP +2.3
  • Lab +2.9
  • Con -3.9
  • Green -0.6
  • LD +1.2
  • UKIP -1
  • RISE +1.5
  • Others -1

2017 General Election


  • SNP +2.1
  • Lab +1.9
  • Con -2.6
  • LD -0.8


  • SNP +4.1
  • Lab -5.1
  • Con +1.4
  • LD -1.8


  • SNP +4.1
  • Lab -2.1
  • Con -2.6
  • LD -0.8


  • SNP +3.1
  • Lab -2.1
  • Con -1.6
  • LD -0.8

2019 General Election


  • SNP -2
  • Lab +1.4
  • Con +2.9
  • LD -2.5


  • SNP -4
  • Lab +1.4
  • Con +1.9
  • LD +0.5


  • SNP -6
  • Lab +2.4
  • Con +3.9
  • LD +0.5


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3 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:


I’ve seen posts and news stories by Unionists media about the big bad Russians and their planes / ship and 99% of it is absolutely shit.

Same goes for the Nationalist social media with “the Russian ships appeared off the Scottish coast without being seen” Utter shite no ship can get from Russia to Scotland without being noticed emoji23.png

I remember an auld, pre referendum west coast, Labour MP standing up in the UK parliament and asking how could Scotland possibly be protected from Russian submarines? 

According to him, they were at that very moment patrolling the Clyde, and without the protection of the UK nuclear deterrent this could happen in an independent Scotland?

He really never thought that one through.





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8 hours ago, wirez said:

I remember an auld, pre referendum west coast, Labour MP standing up in the UK parliament and asking how could Scotland possibly be protected from Russian submarines? 

According to him, they were at that very moment patrolling the Clyde, and without the protection of the UK nuclear deterrent this could happen in an independent Scotland?

He really never thought that one through.





During indyref1 a Yoon colleague used that as a main reason why Independence wouldn't work. There is no sense in these people. Thick as fucking pig shit. 

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2 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
10 minutes ago, Stormzy said:
What's everyone's problem with Jackie Baillie? 

Shes fat, barren and has an old wife, and she also told some lies about a hospital.

Absolutley nothing to do with the whole Holyrood committee thing?

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13 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

What's everyone's problem with Jackie Baillie? 

Sometimes it is healthy when a party rep doesn't blindly follow party policy.  Scottish Labour is opposed to nukes.  JB is against her Scottish party's policy on Nukes.  I wouldn't give her the froth off my pint.  

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So basically she's fat, she is pro Trident and she said something about a hospital? 

The last one probably has a bit more merit than the first two in my opinion. 

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2 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:
22 minutes ago, Stormzy said:
What's everyone's problem with Jackie Baillie? 

So you like to rub one out whilst salivating over Baillie's election leaflets and listening to 'The Songbook'.?

It's 09.26 AM.

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