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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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The performance by Nicola Sturgeon today's going to give a majority SNP government, isn't it? Add on the rise in support for the Greens after Patrick Harvie's incredible piece and a huge Indy presence is almost certain. The faces of some Lab and Tories looked like they knew the Union just died.
Looking forward to some upcoming polls
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this breach of the code stuff could really haunt the tories in the  election campaign now..  it's now an easy attack line for the SNP/Greens with the proven and egregious breaches in the other parliament.

Fits nicely into the idea Westminster is corrupt too.

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If the reports that a coalition with the Greens is being considered even if there's an SNP overall majority are true, the weight of that for demanding a section 30 must be significant. Denying a majority government that mandate would look rather like totalitarianism. 

Edited by Saltire
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this breach of the code stuff could really haunt the tories in the  election campaign now..  it's now an easy attack line for the SNP/Greens with the proven and egregious breaches in the other parliament.
Fits nicely into the idea Westminster is corrupt too.
People in glass houses and all that.
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2 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:


If Nicola had resigned then I'm sure that the reaction throughout the country would be the opposite to what the tories imagined, a Scottish First Minister being hounded out of her job by a westminster based tory political party, there would have been an outcry which the SNP would have exploited to the max.

Any suggestion that the tories ousting Nicola would severely weaken the SNP is pie in the sky, the cause for Independence within Scotland is strong after Brexit, and if voters see the SNP as a vehicle towards that goal then so be it, the Ship is Mightier than the Crew and the SNP Ship is still on passage throughout this fiasco.

I don't agree with your analysis of this at all.

I think the Tory rationale for going after Sturgeon Is crystal clear.  It was utterly cynical, immoral and pretty disgusting given what gave rise to it, but attacking her would have seemed tactically sound if they'd had a better case and if they'd made a better job of it.

Toppling Strugeon would, I think, have been massively damaging to the SNP in May, and as such, would have derailed the momentum towards another referendum.  Sturgeon is the party's greatest asset and there is no obvious successor nearby.

For anyone who favours independence, it's hugely important that the Tories failed quite so spectacularly in a quest now exposed as so tawdry. 


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34 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

The performance by Nicola Sturgeon today's going to give a majority SNP government, isn't it? Add on the rise in support for the Greens after Patrick Harvie's incredible piece and a huge Indy presence is almost certain. The faces of some Lab and Tories looked like they knew the Union just died.

This afternoon's proceedings were quite something indeed.

The dignity of the covid session was juxtaposed by quite the most desperate and ill conceived political manoeuvre that was redolent of trump's counter factual nonsense of the 6th of January.

Contributions by Harvie and Swinney swelled my heart and tear ducts whilst others gave measured contributions that pointed towards how grubby it is going to be to be associated with a generic unionist block.

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3 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

I don't agree with your analysis of this at all.

I think the Tory rationale for going after Sturgeon Is crystal clear.  It was utterly cynical, immoral and pretty disgusting given what gave rise to it, but attacking her would have seemed tactically sound if they'd had a better case and if they'd made a better job of it.

Toppling Strugeon would, I think, have been massively damaging to the SNP in May, and as such, would have derailed the momentum towards another referendum.  Sturgeon is the party's greatest asset and there is no obvious successor nearby.

For anyone who favours independence, it's hugely important that the Tories failed quite so spectacularly in a quest now exposed as so tawdry. 


Totally agree, this was a deliberate, desperate and targeted attempt to bring her down - kill the queen bee, kill the hive. Despite what some would have us believe, she’s a hugely popular and capable politician, head and shoulders above anyone else in Scottish or UK politics. They know that if they could get her then the fallout for the SNP would at the very least have led to a reduced share of the vote in the election and, more importantly for them, would have taken talk of a referendum off the table for the foreseeable future. This is a sure sign that the opposition parties know that the union is living on borrowed time and the possible humiliation was worth the risk.

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4 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:

Totally agree, this was a deliberate, desperate and targeted attempt to bring her down - kill the queen bee, kill the hive. Despite what some would have us believe, she’s a hugely popular and capable politician, head and shoulders above anyone else in Scottish or UK politics. They know that if they could get her then the fallout for the SNP would at the very least have led to a reduced share of the vote in the election and, more importantly for them, would have taken talk of a referendum off the table for the foreseeable future. This is a sure sign that the opposition parties know that the union is living on borrowed time and the possible humiliation was worth the risk.

Yes, it probably felt for the Tories that they'd little to lose.

It's still stunning quite how artlessly they played it though.

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Just now, Monkey Tennis said:

Yes, it probably felt for the Tories that they'd little to lose.

It's still stunning quite how artlessly they played it though.

Totally. Another good thing to come out of this is that the inevitable “Project Fear 2 “ will likely con fewer people this time round. It will be very easy for the SNP and Greens to use this fiasco to counter any scare tactics.

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