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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's amusing watching these Unionist wankers who spent years with personal attacks on Sturgeon suddenly go all snowflake.

The best bit is everyone already knows she fucking hates the Tories. I fucking hate them as well. It's not even news. 

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1 hour ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Today - "How dare Sturgeon use such offensive and divisive language!!"

Last week - "Wee Nippy Krankie and her supporters are literal Nazis who want to kill all English people"

Let's not forget how much love ex-prime minister BawJaws 'The Convict' Johnson has previously shown for Scotland and the Scots :-

1 - “Government by a Scot is just not conceivable”

Gordon Brown’s Scottishness is a “personal political disability” and he should not be allowed to become prime minister because of it, Johnson wrote in a diary piece for The Spectator in 2005.

The now Prime Minister wrote that Brown should not lead the UK “not just because he is a gloomadon-popping, interfering, high-taxing complicator of life, but mainly because he is a Scot, and government by a Scot is just not conceivable in the current constitutional context”.

Furthering his attack on Brown, Johnson wrote: “Gordon Brown makes so many speeches about ‘Britishness’ and ‘British values’. He’s not really interested in British values. He’s worried about his personal political disability as a Scottish MP, and so he should be.”

Ironically enough Michael Gove has enlisted Brown to help “save the Union” and prevent Johnson from suffering the ultimate embarrassment of “losing” Scotland. Those speeches on British values apparently don’t look so silly to Johnson any longer.

On a side note, in that same piece Johnson said that Scotland is “full of rotten boroughs”. Charming.

2 - “Devolution a disaster”

Johnson really isn’t happy that Scotland elects its own parliament, in fact he said devolution had been a “disaster” and was “Tony Blair’s biggest mistake”.

The Tory spin doctors went into overdrive when they realised that this claim is anathema to essentially everyone in Scotland, and instead tried to say Johnson had been talking about SNP leadership.

Unfortunately for those spin doctors, desperately trying to claim that Brexit will mean more powers for Holyrood, Johnson also said that he does not “see a case” for devolving further powers...

3 - “They will come, cap in hand to Uncle Sugar in London”

Johnson really doesn’t like devolution. In fact, of all the policies and positions this “shapeshifting creep” has taken, this one may be his most consistent.

Writing in The Telegraph in 2001, Johnson wrote that devolution was “unjust” as it allowed “Scots to make their own laws, while free-riding on English taxpayers”.

In an article that starts out in mock-Scots (“Och aye … puir wee students”), he also blasted the fact that “all 75 Scottish MPs voted” to ban fox hunting (how many MPs does Scotland have now again?).

Proving that he does have an occasional insight, in that same article Johnson also made light of “what is still laughably called the United Kingdom”. Apt.

4 - “Verminous Race”

Although not penned by Johnson, he published this “satirical poem” in the right-wing Spectator magazine in 2004, when he was editor.

It called the “Scotch” a “verminous race”, “Canny, pushy, chippy, they’re all over the place”.

It accused Scotland of “polluting our stock, undermining our economy” and said: “Suppress the tartan dwarves and the Wee Frees!”

It ultimately called for a “comprehensive extermination” of Scottish people, finishing with a reference to the Holocaust (“We must not flinch from a solution”). How witty.

5 - “A pound spent in Croydon…”

Boris Johnson was mayor of London for eight years, from 2008-2016. In 2012, he was out bragging about how much work he was doing.

Johnson explained how he was fighting for more funding for the English capital, saying: “My argument to the Treasury is that a pound spent in Croydon is far more of value to the country, on a strict utilitarian calculus, than a pound spent in Strathclyde.

“Indeed,” he went on digging, “you would generate jobs and growth in Strathclyde far more effectively if you invest in Hackney or in Croydon or other parts of London”.

The now Prime Minister’s London focus then should come as a surprise to no-one.

Far from trying to strengthen the Union by investing in the North of England or any of the devolved nations, he believes in trickle-down economics. Fund London, and let the wealth trickle down to the rest of the UK...






Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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3 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

You have to say - it's an absolute political masterstroke by Sturgeon.

People are now talking about how fucking detestable the Tories are.

Great how it's been amplified by certain sections of the UK media in the belief that it'll turn off moderate/wavering voters in Scotland. They don't realise that even moderates here detest the Tories, just a little bit less than SNP/yes voters do

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4 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

You have to say - it's an absolute political masterstroke by Sturgeon.

People are now talking about how fucking detestable the Tories are.

This. That cardboard cut-out c**t Starmer literally throwing himself in front of the bullets aimed at the Tories when just 48 hours ago he was claiming the SNP loved the Tories is especially amusing.

All the raspers saying "Sturgeon is such a good communicator, that she made this slip is almost unbelievable" too. 

Yes she is and yes it is, raspers. 

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Massive fleg as the background to the platform....folk behind NS on the platform looking utterly miserable. 

'Independence, Independence, Independence.....democracy, blah, blah..Westminster-horrific.'   'Policies?... Don't need any'

I did watch the 'speech', and thought that was a fair summary

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Massive fleg as the background to the platform....folk behind KS on the platform looking utterly miserable.


How fo you feel about some Labour figures coming to the defence of the Tories because she said she detested them?

They obviously don't know their own history - Nye Bevan must be birling in his grave.
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10 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Massive fleg as the background to the platform....folk behind NS on the platform looking utterly miserable. 

'Independence, Independence, Independence.....democracy, blah, blah..Westminster-horrific.'   'Policies?... Don't need any'

I did watch the 'speech', and thought that was a fair summary

Untrue, this seems, young ShiteTalker. 

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3 hours ago, Blue Brazil Forever said:

Wasn't there a decisive yes vote / no vote. I haven't noticed any concerted continuing clamour for a BrexitRev 2.

What has that to do with the Tories instigating a divisive referendum, carrying out a divisive referendum,  reacting to the results as divisively as possible, continuing to try and divide us more and more from European institutions … and then hypocritically whining about that wicked, divisive SNP?

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30 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Massive fleg as the background to the platform....folk behind NS on the platform looking utterly miserable. 

'Independence, Independence, Independence.....democracy, blah, blah..Westminster-horrific.'   'Policies?... Don't need any'

I did watch the 'speech', and thought that was a fair summary

Oh dear, were your wee feelings hurt because Sturgeon mentioned Keith & Labour in her speech 3 times? What a right wee shame for you & the other Tory enablers! 

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