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The European football level St. Mirren FC 2024/25 thread

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2 hours ago, Coventry Saint said:




Can't imagine what Jack Ross has done to leave Morton fans quite so rattled.

Wait... I remember now. 


Not rattled in the slightest as I couldn't give a rats arse if he stays or goes. 

Like most managers, if not all, in the Championship they will go to a higher level if they get the chance. That's not being rattled to say that just pointing out the reality of the situation should it arise.  





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3 hours ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

Like it or not Dundee are a big step up to what we are just now, they can offer so much more than we can. 

I think JR might want to complete a full season with us first, if he believes he can get us challenging at the top of this divison I don't think he'll leave. 

If we give it a good go and ultimately don't go up there will be more vacancies available next summer.

Won't be surprised if this tempts him though, a lot of potential at Dundee and the board backed Hartley with a top 6 budget this season.

Sorry but you really do write some nonsense at times. Have Dundee a new stadium , no. Have Dundee got a training ground academy, no. Yes Dundee are in the top league , yes they can pull a bigger crowd. However their squad needs over hauled. Ross has over hauled our squad already with just a few tweaks needed now. This still in the month of May. Add the fact players have signed simply because Jack Ross is manager in their own words. Ross is a man of principles I don't see him leaving . Saints gates have grown the public have bought into Ross and Jack knows this. Jack is not your run of the mill manager who will move at every turn he will stay I'm sure. ( hope ) 

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4 minutes ago, Colkitto said:

Not rattled in the slightest as I couldn't give a rats arse if he stays or goes. 

Like most managers, if not all, in the Championship they will go to a higher level if they get the chance. That's not being rattled to say that just pointing out the reality of the situation should it arise.  





For someone not arsed, you appeared on this thread pretty quickly after the rumours started.

But thanks for the reality check. This place was really fucking surreal before you stepped in.

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Jack Ross would be silly to turn down Dundee. Even if he did get you up next season Dundee have more resources and are a bigger club in pretty much every respect, it's a good move for him, expectations will be low and budget will be verging on top 6 in that league I'd imagine. Good news for you is there are a wealth of good unemployed managers looking for jobs, John Hughes would be a good shout...

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7 minutes ago, Coventry Saint said:

For someone not arsed, you appeared on this thread pretty quickly after the rumours started.

But thanks for the reality check. This place was really fucking surreal before you stepped in.

Can you let me know the stipulated time to post after news breaks about possible departure of manager so it doesn't appear that I give two fucks about it?

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Ross would likely be looking at playoffs next season which are notoriously difficult to navigate.  Anyone who thinks he would stay at St Mirren in their current plight with any Premiership club wanting him is daft.

Ross will likely do very well with St Mirren, but it's no guarantee. He hasn't had any level of expectation on him until now.

Dundee is a pretty substantial step up. A Premiership gig with a decent budget is a huge job for someone who has had little more than half a season at this level, and one he would be daft to turn down if it was offered.

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Sorry but you really do write some nonsense at times. Have Dundee a new stadium , no. Have Dundee got a training ground academy, no. Yes Dundee are in the top league , yes they can pull a bigger crowd. However their squad needs over hauled. Ross has over hauled our squad already with just a few tweaks needed now. This still in the month of May. Add the fact players have signed simply because Jack Ross is manager in their own words. Ross is a man of principles I don't see him leaving . Saints gates have grown the public have bought into Ross and Jack knows this. Jack is not your run of the mill manager who will move at every turn he will stay I'm sure. ( hope ) 

Dundee have plans for a new stadium and training complex in the pipeline.
Also Jack Ross left Alloa for St Mirren.
Obviously this is down the road and as said I would say St Mirren's playing resources are in a far better state respectively to their league than Dundee's at the moment.
Ross's turnaround of an imbalanced squad at St Mirren would be seen as a positive from possible suitors.
Ross has also met his immediate goal of keeping St Mirren up and has the club looking up in a pretty open Championship going into 2017/18.
It wouldn't take much of a swing in results for Dundee to be aiming for Top 6 next season.
Would this be enough for him to switch? I guess we will find out soon enough...
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If it's any consolation St Mirren fans, the Tele don't have a clue who we are after and have likely plucked Ross's name from a list. If we are interested, it's entirely coincidental and the news broken today won't have been a leak from our side as no one had heard about McCann until he was appointed.

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It wouldn't really be that much of a surprise if he left before the season was out, money talks, and you'd imagine Dundee would offer more money.

I'd hope he'd stay a bit longer due to the work he's put into building the team already, along with trying to build his CV instead of it appearing like he'll immediately leave the club as soon as someone higher in the league offers something. Long term, 3 clubs in two seasons doesn't look great. He'd put himself under a lot of pressure to have a good season with Dundee, and would have to avoid a run similar to the one we had prior to January. Otherwise his CV would look rather flimsy.

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6 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

If it's any consolation St Mirren fans, the Tele don't have a clue who we are after and have likely plucked Ross's name from a list. If we are interested, it's entirely coincidental and the news broken today won't have been a leak from our side as no one had heard about McCann until he was appointed.

Alex Neil would be a good fit for Dundee, I would imagine he must higher up Dundee's list of candidates.

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Can you let me know the stipulated time to post after news breaks about possible departure of manager so it doesn't appear that I give two fucks about it?

Why post about something you don't 'give two fucks about' at all? Odd behaviour.
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Perhaps there's a bigger budget at Dundee, but with the championship being so open next season, Ross has every bit of chance to have a go and get St Mirren challenging at the top. Whilst getting that 6th position with Dundee would be a slim potential at Dundee. Think another season at St Mirren, continuing on the momentum that he's got, would give him better career options. 

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5 hours ago, Coventry Saint said:

I'm sure Ross would jump at the chance to become the next Paul Hartley. :lol:

I firmly believe he'll stay to have at least one stab at promotion from this league. We've got a young, talented squad and budget to use to bring in more players.

My biggest concern is that we might struggle to sign Loy after Ross has told Dundee to f**k off.

Why would he stay to have a stab at promotion when he could just skip the risk of ballsing it up and jump straight into the Premiership with us?

4 hours ago, fraser_smfc said:

I just can't see Jack moving to Dundee at all. Although it would be a step up, it would be a marginal one. For me it's just not big enough a move to justify the risk of leaving a club at which he has been and could still be very successful. That's before you look at whether Dundee could stump up the required level of compensation to prise him away.

I'm resigned to losing him sooner rather than later, but not this soon. I think that exit route (on current career trajectory at least) would far more likely be a Hearts, Hibs or an Aberdeen or England (circa League 1) rather than a Dundee/Dundee United.

This is all before you factor in whether Jack Ross is sincere in his commitment to building a successful squad and club and returning St Miren to the top flight. For what it's worth, I think he is sincere in this regard.

Just as an aside, is there anything to substantiate the "boyhood Dundee fan" claim? Just curious as I've not heard it mentioned.

Again, if he's got aspirations of managing in the top tier, why would he throw away the opportunity just because he "could be" very successful. He could just as easily not be a success next season, risk harming his CV and not get another crack at the Premiership.

4 hours ago, buddie06smfc said:

Dundee's performance against us in January is enough to put anyone off moving to them. Awful team.


Not even their desperate measure of announcing Mallan as man of the match could make the man consider moving there.


Awful team, yet still finished 9 or 10 places above your mob.

3 hours ago, NorthBank said:

Cannot agree with that. A premier league club who just avoided relegation. What are their prospects for next season? - the same again. With us he can actually win something, boost his reputation and move on to a big club. Dundee do not fall into that category.

Surely our prospects for next season would be determined by Ross' ability to manage the club if he got the job? Are you saying if he got the job we would be fighting relegation again. Poor lack of confidence in your manager's managerial skills IMO.

2 hours ago, weecountywaspie said:

Don't think Jack Ross would take a Step back going to Dundee


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"Jack Ross has principles". Are these the same principles that he (apparently) flung up the Hearts club doctor? Or the principles of ditching Alloa at the first sight of a new job? 

He may well stay at St Mirren but it won't be because he has principles, it'll be because it's the best thing for Jack Ross. Football fans need to stop believing shite like that.

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"Jack Ross has principles". Are these the same principles that he (apparently) flung up the Hearts club doctor? Or the principles of ditching Alloa at the first sight of a new job? 
He may well stay at St Mirren but it won't be because he has principles, it'll be because it's the best thing for Jack Ross. Football fans need to stop believing shite like that.

Excellent post!
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I think there is a good chance that he will go. Leaves us in a good state and gets a Premiership gig. Given the way him and Fowler turned over a squad in January he's going to attract clubs.

He left Alloa in a good position to get a promotion to a full time club and we were in a shambles, so why would it be surprising if he leaves us to go to Dundee right now?

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"Jack Ross has principles". Are these the same principles that he (apparently) flung up the Hearts club doctor? Or the principles of ditching Alloa at the first sight of a new job? 
He may well stay at St Mirren but it won't be because he has principles, it'll be because it's the best thing for Jack Ross. Football fans need to stop believing shite like that.

If you were given the opportunity to move from part time to full time in your field of work, would you do so at the first opportunity?

I wouldn't grudge him a move to a league above but it's hilarious all the same to watch these Dundee punters get so worked up.

They went public with their pathetic pursuit of Mallan, let's hope this has a similar outcome.
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