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"The ICT Thread - From the Premiership to the Seaside"

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I think Morrison can't see the wood for the trees.  He says if the fans don't buy season tickets the club goes bust but then he does things that pretty much every single season ticket holder opposes.  It's the way that the current board have treated fans for years - we don't give a f**k about anything you say, think or want, just cough up money again.  Eventually that road runs out.  He even seems to criticse the fans by effectively saying "oh well no-one cared when we announced we'd shut down the youth academy!".  I think I'm right in saying that was never announced, they said "oh we might have to shut down the youth academy depending on what happens".

The idea of all these unnamed people in football phoning him up and telilng him what a great idea this is is a complete fantasy as well.

The whole tone of the discussion and interview is the usual for Morrison - "we have to do this, we have to, there's no alternative".  You get the feeling that in just about every case with the board they decide something and then just cover their ears and fail to look at the problem in a different way.  

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Here's the second part of the interview.

Q: The ICT Supporters’ Trust feels there is a risk that with the move the club will be “completely disconnected” from the local community?

I have spoken to people in football, I spoke to an ex-chairman this morning and he told me ‘what a brilliant idea, whose idea was that?’ And I told him: ‘unfortunately it wasn’t mine.’ But they could see exactly where we are coming from.

Q: What is the status of the academy and what is the pathway to the first team?

There is an absolute path into the first team from the academy. Scott Kellacher is right behind it. We are in negotiations with an Inverness-based business which said they would sponsor and look after the academy for us so it takes the burden off us.

Re 1. I wonder who could have been behind this????

Re 2. Well you're in a much weaker position to negotiate to save the academy now you tit.

Edited by Stephen Malkmus
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Infuriating reading! His numbers seem to be plucked out of his backside, and they get bigger every time he says one. £200k, £300k, 500k! Never mentioning that Gardiner and Ferguson are both on six figures as I understand it. And then to say that the club have sloshed another £250k on the battery farm!

Get this man so far away from my club.

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Talk about holding a gun to your supporters' heads for your own incompetence in the people THEY have employed and constantly failed the club. The man is a clown going by that interview and is digging in on the 'I am the saviour' narrative. Maybe of they hadn't spunked all that money on overpaid shite, they wouldn't be on this hole. 

Hopefully ICT come out the other side of this and still have their club, but the damage these people have caused to an already fragile, young club might be irreparable 

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The logic seems to be that the club must remain full time, it absolutely must, but the club can't afford to be full time, it absolutely can't.  

Oh, and a bit of Doncastering there.  Is Inverness that bad?  He makes it sound like some sort of penal colony located somewhere on the Kamchatka Peninsula, rather than a nice wee growing city, located in the north east of Scotland, with road, rail, and air connections. Maybe he should stop making it sound like its such a punishment that even Fife is preferable, and it might be easier to attract players?


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13 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

The logic seems to be that the club must remain full time, it absolutely must, but the club can't afford to be full time, it absolutely can't.  

Oh, and a bit of Doncastering there.  Is Inverness that bad?  He makes it sound like some sort of penal colony located somewhere on the Kamchatka Peninsula, rather than a nice wee growing city, located in the north east of Scotland, with road, rail, and air connections. Maybe he should stop making it sound like its such a punishment that even Fife is preferable, and it might be easier to attract players?


It’s quite clearly the first steps in moving the whole kit and caboodle out of Inverness.   I don’t see any other way to see it.  

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38 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I have spoken to people in football, I spoke to an ex-chairman this morning and he told me ‘what a brilliant idea, whose idea was that?’


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28 minutes ago, Stephen Malkmus said:

Re 1. I wonder who could have been behind this????

Re 2. Well you're in a much weaker position to negotiate to save the academy now you tit.

Morrison says it wasn't him.

So obviously it was dreamt up by Gardiner and Ferguson.

And btw who is paying Fergusons wages now that he got us fuckin relegated.

Get rid of Ferguson and hopefully the donor who was paying him £5000 a week will spend his money guaranteeing new players wages.

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To be honest I didn’t think that the training move would bother people so much.


I have got to take responsibility as the chairman. The idea came to me, and I thought we cannot move down there. Then I thought about it and it works. And getting players is as important as the money situation. Last season I think we could have kept David Wotherspoon if he didn’t have to come up the road.


I have spoken to people in football, I spoke to an ex-chairman this morning and he told me ‘what a brilliant idea, whose idea was that?’ And I told him: ‘unfortunately it wasn’t mine.’ But they could see exactly where we are coming from.


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Far from the biggest issue here, and when it comes to names of leagues I'm not one for total pedantry - everyone knows what someone means when they say SPL despite it ceasing to exist 11 years ago - but people involved in Scottish football who refer to League One as "the First Division" need a lengthy stint in the gulag.

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18 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

The logic seems to be that the club must remain full time, it absolutely must, but the club can't afford to be full time, it absolutely can't.  

Oh, and a bit of Doncastering there.  Is Inverness that bad?  He makes it sound like some sort of penal colony located somewhere on the Kamchatka Peninsula, rather than a nice wee growing city, located in the north east of Scotland, with road, rail, and air connections. Maybe he should stop making it sound like its such a punishment that even Fife is preferable, and it might be easier to attract players?


Its Gardiner and Ferguson who are slagging off Inverness, both, especially Gardiner, have been heavily criticised by the fans and this is payback, both of them have no real interest in Caley or the Highlands and just want to run the club down.

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This is an absolute shambles. If Caley go tits up Morrison will now say it's all the fans fault they didn't buy tickets etc etc. I know accommodation in Inverness isn't cheap but £200k.

Has the fee to Kelty been disclosed?

If, and it's a big if, it was a move to a central location such as Stirling but Kelty isn't exactly handy.

Feel for the fans as Gardiner seems to have the board wrapped around finger.

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Just now, Steve Carrella said:

Having read Morrison's interview I'd be concerned if I was a face painter owed money by ICT.

I think that is where this is going to be honest.  What has been hinted at is that quite a few of the other major shareholders (Dougie MacGilvary and family and Alan Savage) want to take over but don't want to have to pay off the money that Morrison and others have put in and are owed.  So if the club went into administration the money owed to him and others could be CVA'd down to a lower ammount.  That's very dangerous of course and would definitely put the club's future at risk.  But I can't really see any other outcome if the current incumbents don't walk away.

Another point about it is that I don't think Morrison, who is a wealthy man by all accounts but not so wealthy that he can cross out £1m a season, can afford to walk away and the only way he'll get his money back is for us to get back into top flight.  Hence we've got the Operation Moonshot sensibility - stage concerts to make loads of money!  Get involved in a strange battery farm property deal to make £3m!  Appoint coach from English Premiership on a huge wage and move traiing to accomodate him!  It's moonshot after moonshot and none of them have worked.  The only way we can go is to build the club up again, the way it was done before, and that isn't going to be a quick and easy job.  It's certainly not a job for Ross Morrison and Scott Gardiner, or any of the current board.

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, RH33 said:

This is an absolute shambles. If Caley go tits up Morrison will now say it's all the fans fault they didn't buy tickets etc etc. I know accommodation in Inverness isn't cheap but £200k.

Has the fee to Kelty been disclosed?

If, and it's a big if, it was a move to a central location such as Stirling but Kelty isn't exactly handy.

Feel for the fans as Gardiner seems to have the board wrapped around finger.

Kelty's 10 miles from the Forth road bridge.

Edited by welshbairn
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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Kelty's 10 miles from the Forth road bridge.

Fort George is ten miles from the Kessock Bridge

(Ok maybe a bit more)

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1 hour ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Listening to the Wyness Shuffle while I was doing some mundane work earlier on, don’t usually listen to other clubs podcasts but was interested to see what the thoughts of the fans were.

Was expecting to just find it an interesting listen but actually really found myself feeling sorry for the fans after it and being a bit emotionally invested in it. 

Really do feel for you guys, it’s going to be some shitshow to look on to from the outside. 

I did the same, and I'd recommend it to other non-Caley fans. 

It's a real "there but for the grace of God" situation. There's real emotion involved and the feeling I get is that it mostly stems from the helplessness of the situation. 

To a greater or lesser extent, we're all beholden to the whims of whoever currently holds the keys to our football clubs. 

I'm glad to see there seems to be some mobilisation in the support, and that there's a willingness to say "this cannot stand". 

Some of these people in charge of football clubs need to realise there's more to life than winning. Maybe that's not a popular statement, I don't know, but it should be a reality at this level. 

Your provincial football club should be, first and foremost, a net positive member of its local community. That should be the mission and the intent of all 42 senior football clubs. It's an impossibility for all 42 to win all the time, by the very definition of sport there will be winners and losers in a perpetual cycle. The fundamentals - community involvement, local pride, sustainability - need to be taken care of as non-negotiables first, and then trying to put out the best football team comes second, otherwise we'd all be as well just watching Manchester City. 

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:


I have spoken to people in football, I spoke to an ex-chairman this morning and he told me ‘what a brilliant idea, whose idea was that?’ And I told him: ‘unfortunately it wasn’t mine.’ But they could see exactly where we are coming from.


Nice of him to let Donald Trump field this question. 

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