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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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20 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

Not even the full Scottish, cappuccino’s or scones can take away the sadness I feel today, being dragged around Xmas shopping . I have however accumulated lots of house points, she’s happy. I’d rather be knee deep in oil but hey ho ho ho

Is this genuinely your life? You don't actually have to act as if you're in a shit sitcom

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13 minutes ago, dayman fighter of the nightman said:

Do you not have to rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher? Might as well just wash them yourself save the hassle of packing and unpacking!

Even washing them by hand you should be rinsing them beforehand 

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I actually don’t mind washing the dishes. What I can’t stand is the folk who wash and then leave the dishes out drying on the rack. Get some kitchen roll/a towel in about that you lazy c***s.

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1 minute ago, Adam said:

I actually don’t mind washing the dishes. What I can’t stand is the folk who wash and then leave the dishes out drying on the rack. Get some kitchen roll/a towel in about that you lazy c***s.

they come out with ‘it’s more hygienic’ idle b*****ds 

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I actually don’t mind washing the dishes. What I can’t stand is the folk who wash and then leave the dishes out drying on the rack. Get some kitchen roll/a towel in about that you lazy c***s.

What kind of utter creep uses kitchen roll to dry their dishes?

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Seems extraordinarily wasteful. Kitchen towel, despite the various brands' claims to the contrary, falls to bits the minute it gets wet and if you have a whole sink's worth of dishes to dry, you'd need to use about a roll of kitchen roll to dry them all.

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8 hours ago, Cerberus said:

What's wrong with drying dishes with kitchen roll?

Better that than some scabby tea towel that's thrown about the counter and possibly the floor and been damp and air dried a load of times.

You're obviously doing it wrong if you're drying the dishes 'loads of times' before using a clean one.

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I'm not desperate for her to go and stay at her mum's but once she's said "Im going," I've already planned out my next two hours. TV, bit of scran, maybe a beer. Me time.
Two hours later she hasn't moved. Don't tell me you're going until you are actually going.

This x 1000.  Similarly if she tells me she has plans for a Saturday with her mates in about 6 weeks time I am immediately planning my day.  Either a trip to the football or go see my mates, pub etc.  I'm not sitting around doing nothing just because she is out.  Our weekends tend to be spent together so it's rare to have a free day where I can do whatever I want. 
If it's the other way round? She'll organise nothing and then complain about how bored she is in the house with nothing to do.  How could you not arrange a single thing in over a month? 

^^^^^^^ This. Why cant she just go wben she said she was going to go ffs
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FFS I would hate to leave my phone open on this thread for the missus ( you know the ones we are meant to be moaning about) to read while i went for a piss n a fart and sent the dog to fetch me a beer n not bitching about shit like dishwasher's. She would piss her self laughing at me on the "footy forum" reading about "MEN" chatting about the best way to do the fu**ing dishes. the "Used to be a man but now i flick my bean as i flick through dishwater monthly at the same time" thread for this pish.

Mods please. Half a fecking page wasted with them quotes!
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The wife is now retired at 55 as we have had our own business for years that i still work in, so yes mostly my dinner is ready when i get in, if its not and she has been out on the credit card spending our hard earned then we will just eat out and let someone else have the dilema of to dishwash or not, have been married for 27 years and if anyone got slapped it was me (rightly so) also we have spent the past 12 years on holiday in India (goa) so im not the rascist type, sorry to disapoint.

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