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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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Better than my other half who just chucks them in the bottom of the sink. Because I'm a mug I pick them out and put them in the food bin, she must think they spontaneously combust or something. I left it once to see if she noticed, but after six were left staining the sink I cracked.

That’s minging.
Get her telt.
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The vaguest of responses to where something is. Answering "In the living room"to where the keys are is not a narrowing it down much. 

A) There are two living rooms **insert Vic and Bob ooooooh gif here**

B) There are multiple places in each room where they could be. 

The urge to yell "BE SPECIFIC" is almost overwhelming. 

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23 hours ago, Cyclizine said:

Better than my other half who just chucks them in the bottom of the sink. Because I'm a mug I pick them out and put them in the food bin, she must think they spontaneously combust or something. I left it once to see if she noticed, but after six were left staining the sink I cracked.

My wife leaves her tea bag in the mug

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Arent they supposed to be ripped open with the tea put in the food bin and the paper bag disposed of elsewhere?


But life is far too short for that pish. 

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Friday night she suddenly started panicking whilst I was in bed that her one of her pet rabbits is possibly dying and we need to go to the out of hours vets. Turns out he was fine.

£250 paid out just to find out that the rabbit had slight constipation and should be fine in a couple of hours.

Then today, I find out that she’s broken the chest of drawers, first by putting away something that’s still damp, causing mould in the bottom shelf, and then overloading one of the shelves causing it to break, so that’s another expenditure. [emoji19]

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Guest Moomintroll

Reading through this litany of fuckwittery, I can only conclude that a) I really do not appreciate my wife enough, or b) she has an account here and I am about to be emptied as some of these posts are way too close to home.

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5 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Arent they supposed to be ripped open with the tea put in the food bin and the paper bag disposed of elsewhere?

I rinse out any tins etc for the blue bin, but I'm damned if I'm ripping up tea bags, I just horse the used tea bag into the brown food waste caddy.

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Friday night she suddenly started panicking whilst I was in bed that her one of her pet rabbits is possibly dying and we need to go to the out of hours vets. Turns out he was fine.

£250 paid out just to find out that the rabbit had slight constipation and should be fine in a couple of hours.

Then today, I find out that she’s broken the chest of drawers, first by putting away something that’s still damp, causing mould in the bottom shelf, and then overloading one of the shelves causing it to break, so that’s another expenditure. [emoji19]
id have replaced the rabbit. my partner is a shit for over filling drawers. its not just tge chance of damage that frustrates me its not being able to look through the clothes without emptying half the drawer then puttinv everything back in.
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On 11/01/2019 at 19:55, ah-dee said:

im in the same boat as you guys when it comes her spending/shopping. ive mentioned it on here before that i gave her a substantial amount over the last few months (£3.5k give or take) and £1.5k was paying off a studio account she had. just today for example i have taken in 3 deliveries for her. all unnecessary shite.

shes out for tea with her pals tonight so the boot in the pie shall be administered tomorrow morning and may be repeated.

That sounds more like an addiction than an annoyance that can be cured with a kick in the pie. Cognitive behavioural therapy if available might be worth a go, but she'd still probably need a kick in the pie to agree to it.

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Reading through this lot makes me appreciate escaping from it even more.

FWIW, my pet hate was coming home to a cooked meal sitting in the microwave (which I hated) for me to heat up as she couldn't be arsed waiting for me. She only worked part time, I would add.

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That sounds more like an addiction than an annoyance that can be cured with a kick in the pie. Cognitive behavioural therapy if available might be worth a go, but she'd still probably need a kick in the pie to agree to it.
i dont doubt its an addiction. things get replaced for no reason when theres absolutely nothing wrong with them. this weekend was the bedroom curtains. last week was the livingroom lamps. drives me insane.
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The milk to cereal ratio fiasco has arisen again.

Went into the kitchen this morning to be confronted by a bowl, practically 80% filled with milk.

”what’s that” says I.

”my finished cereal” says she.

”there’s probably half a pint of milk in that bowl. How much cereal did you Have?” Says I.

”just a couple of spoon fulls, wasn’t really hungry to be honest. “ She says.

“And you used about half a pint of milk just to lightly coat the 10 Cheerios you had, I take it?” Says I.

She walks off in a huff.


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