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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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Not posted in here for a while but does anyone else partner not understand how to ventilate a house in the winter? 

She was complaining that the house hadn’t been heating up today into this evening, just home and both radiators in the living room have clothes over them as they were “slightly damp” but yet it’s the heating that’s no working.

Cannot wait for the complaints of condensation on the windows and calls for new windows…

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4 hours ago, Peil said:

a never ending jenga pile of recycling on the end of the worktop, even if I've been in town all day and she's at home it never gets moved.

get's right on ma onions

In the bin with it all. Any bin. 

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I bought us a 2024 calendar last week that also has the final 4 months of 2023 on one page. 

Scrolling through the calendar and I see she's filled in all family birthdays, medical appointments, holidays etc for 2024. Whose birthday isn't on the calendar even though it's a mere 4 days after hers? It's a petty point but could you imagine if a man was to forget a woman's birthday

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1 minute ago, FK1Bairn said:

I bought us a 2024 calendar last week that also has the final 4 months of 2023 on one page. 

Scrolling through the calendar and I see she's filled in all family birthdays, medical appointments, holidays etc for 2024. Whose birthday isn't on the calendar even though it's a mere 4 days after hers? It's a petty point but could you imagine if a man was to forget a woman's birthday

Could this be the most subtle dumping ever?

"Look at the calendar...notice anything? Pack yer bags"

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7 minutes ago, FK1Bairn said:

I bought us a 2024 calendar last week that also has the final 4 months of 2023 on one page. 

Scrolling through the calendar and I see she's filled in all family birthdays, medical appointments, holidays etc for 2024. Whose birthday isn't on the calendar even though it's a mere 4 days after hers? It's a petty point but could you imagine if a man was to forget a woman's birthday

Has she put hers on it? 

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2 minutes ago, FK1Bairn said:

Of course. She's also got my parents birthdays in even though we don't really see or hear from them much other than Xmas, birthdays, Easter etc. 

I wouldn't spend too much time mulling over the inner workings of the brain of a person who has to put their own birthday on a calendar.  I'd be more upset if my wife put my birthday on a calendar than if she didn't.

Has she also put Christmas on it? New Year? 

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6 minutes ago, hk blues said:

I wouldn't spend too much time mulling over the inner workings of the brain of a person who has to put their own birthday on a calendar.  I'd be more upset if my wife put my birthday on a calendar than if she didn't.

Has she also put Christmas on it? New Year? 

You're right, I'm just being old and crabbit

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2 hours ago, FK1Bairn said:

I bought us a 2024 calendar last week that also has the final 4 months of 2023 on one page. 

Scrolling through the calendar and I see she's filled in all family birthdays, medical appointments, holidays etc for 2024. Whose birthday isn't on the calendar even though it's a mere 4 days after hers? It's a petty point but could you imagine if a man was to forget a woman's birthday

Put yours up on the wrong date, 4 days before hers.

If she points it out say 'so you do know when it is bitch',

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year x.

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3 hours ago, FK1Bairn said:

I bought us a 2024 calendar last week that also has the final 4 months of 2023 on one page. 

Scrolling through the calendar and I see she's filled in all family birthdays, medical appointments, holidays etc for 2024. Whose birthday isn't on the calendar even though it's a mere 4 days after hers? It's a petty point but could you imagine if a man was to forget a woman's birthday

Make a plan for that day, not including her, perhaps a meeting with a few friends at the Local. If she complains, “well, I checked the calendar and there was nothing going on that day”. Then invite her along.

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She's making soup and god bless her ,she couldn't make it if her life depended on it (it gets served in slices)  also,I'm trying to find where in the recipe it says that lentils have to be thrown round the kitchen like confetti

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3 hours ago, TxRover said:

Make a plan for that day, not including her, perhaps a meeting with a few friends at the Local. If she complains, “well, I checked the calendar and there was nothing going on that day”. Then invite her along.


Either that or he should just mark his birthday with 'BJ' and see what happens ;)

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A parcel arrived for my stepdaughter. My wife said "We can take that with us whenever we're going to the doctors." Doctors time came and we jumped in the car and off we went.

"Have you got the parcel?"

Quick as a flash it became my fault, "No, you were already locking the door and we couldn't get in."

What? She'd forgotten all about it but was quick enough to remember I locked the door.

She also forgot her phone but I didn't get the blame for that, funnily enough.



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Travelling to London for a couple of days in January.
Had a swatch and I can use points to pay for flights, rather than sit for 4 1/2 hrs on a train.
Ask her if I can get a lift to the airport, "Depends what time as I have work meetings etc. etc."
Mind if she needs me to do anything I'm expected to drop everything and run.

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Pay for the month came in today, with the other to come tomorrow. Would appear that my plan to shovel all the bill money into the bills account to make sure we've fripperies like a mortgage payment, money for petrol and the like for what is the longest month of the year means 'I'm really killing the Christmas buzz', and I should pay more attention to making sure people who don't care get parcels they don't want.

We didn't do a food shop last month so she could buy things for other people. 

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Tanning down out there, we're all soaked.
SIL comes in, doesn't even take her jacket aff and lies the length of the couch.

I suggest that as an adult she might want to consider other folk would want a seat that isn't wet, but that she's now knocked that on the head.

Apparently I'm the bad yin in this scenario.

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