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Massive fire at high rise flats in London

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Probably been mentioned before, but who the f**k cares if May "engaged" with locals? What the front line services needed immediately was the question she should have been asking rather than a PR bonding with the natives stunt for the cameras. 

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12 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Probably been mentioned before, but who the f**k cares if May "engaged" with locals? What the front line services needed immediately was the question she should have been asking rather than a PR bonding with the natives stunt for the cameras. 

I expect the same people complaining would have been ridiculing such a PR stunt. 

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A couple of scuffles outside the town hall there. Guaranteed there will be groups of protestors on there way from all over the country with no plans of having a peaceful protest. 
Friday night's alright for fighting.

Few Socialist Worker placards on show earlier.
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Probably been mentioned before, but who the f**k cares if May "engaged" with locals? What the front line services needed immediately was the question she should have been asking rather than a PR bonding with the natives stunt for the cameras. 

The people who are directly involved would have been comforted knowing that the PM actually took the time out to make an effort to sympathise with their cause.
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2 hours ago, H Wragg said:


Meanwhile the Daily Mail have identified and posted pictures of the poor guy who seemingly had the faulty fridge.

Typical vindictive approach from the right-wing tabloids. Nothing to do with the Tories' 'campaign against safety legislation' or saving £2 per panel so that flammable panels were fitted instead of inflammable.

Am thinking this could break May.

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31 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Apparently the Socialist Worker Party have showed up at the protests.

After a nuclear holocaust the only things left will be cockroaches and some arsepiece selling the Socialist Worker. Difficult to tell the difference really.


Cockroaches could learn a thing or two about insidiousness from the SWP.

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57 minutes ago, blanco said:

I predict that large groups of protesters will soon be venting their rage at currys windows and will be liberating high ticket price electrical items to show how angry they are.

They wont have any houses to take them to.

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 The people who are directly involved would have been comforted knowing that the PM actually took the time out to make an effort to sympathise with their cause.


Indeed. She managed to get on scene away from the 'day job' easily enough, just not deal with any of her subordinates around the corner.


It's got to the point where you really have to start wondering if she's essentially a real life Nicola Murray with a Malcolm Tucker character instructing her to keep her trap shut in public, authorised only to give out soundbites carefully scripted for her. Essentially somebody who is just one poorly thought out sentence away from bringing the whole government down, but it's either her or the unelectable Boris at the helm for those absolutely desperate to cling to power.

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This is starting to feel a bit like 1996/97. Back then the Tories were absolutely mired in sleaze and utterly despised. They must be shitting themselves that the DUP pact will fail and force another election in the next few months.

Not even a large percentage of old duffers and assorted pull-up-the-drawbridge baby boomers will save them this time.

Fucking c***s.

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With the public anger growing at this tragedy and her desperation to stay in power by doing a deal with the DUP with it's implications for the peace process, it's increasingly looking like May is a threat to national security.

She needs to go, now.

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1 minute ago, pub car king said:

Apparently the EDL have turned up at the burnt out tower.

They're maybe going to fix it - good English tradesmen instead of all those Polish plumbers.

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Must have been awkward as f**k for May talking to the fire brigade with those guys probably knowing many made redundant.
Good enough for the cow

Reminded me of the scene in Family Guy when slavery is abolished.

"so, errr, well, you're free to go now, so, erm... we're cool right?!".
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