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A few year back out department got so badly slaughtered in a survey, the head of the department panicked and called a meeting for us to address issues.

After listening to us slaughter the place for an hour, she turned around and said she couldn’t make any of the issues we raised go away, so we either had to move department or quit.
Yup. Pretty much how it works.
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A few year back out department got so badly slaughtered in a survey, the head of the department panicked and called a meeting for us to address issues.

After listening to us slaughter the place for an hour, she turned around and said she couldn’t make any of the issues we raised go away, so we either had to move department or quit.
The whole "nothing's going to change, deal with it" attitude is lazy as f**k. I doubt most of them even pass on their underlings' concerns in case they annoy someone further up the food chain.

If your employer's response to legitimate workplace concerns is "tell them to find another job if they aren't happy", you'd surely be looking for a new job yourself.
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Why would a company send round an anonymous questionnaire that wasn't anonymous? That just would just breed mistrust? Where I work if the team is too small there is no team level breakdown given so you can be as honest as you like, surely the point of the whole thing in the first place.


Mine would be people who don't close the fridge after taking what they need.

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My workshy colleague has caused an epic meltdown this morning.  He was working on something yesterday, set up a follow up meeting for 08:30 this morning and then emailed everyone to say that he wouldn't be in until later as he had a dental appointment.  There was no reason to set the meeting for 08:30 and when the meeting was held most of the attendees didn't know why it had been scheduled so early.  Normally we don't have meetings before about 10am unless there are specific reasons to do so.  The only reason he has set up this meeting is so that he won't have to do it.  Its unbelievable behaviour, so unprofessional.  Half our team are now baying for him, I think management may have to step in.

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1 minute ago, ICTChris said:

My workshy colleague has caused an epic meltdown this morning.  He was working on something yesterday, set up a follow up meeting for 08:30 this morning and then emailed everyone to say that he wouldn't be in until later as he had a dental appointment.  There was no reason to set the meeting for 08:30 and when the meeting was held most of the attendees didn't know why it had been scheduled so early.  Normally we don't have meetings before about 10am unless there are specific reasons to do so.  The only reason he has set up this meeting is so that he won't have to do it.  Its unbelievable behaviour, so unprofessional.  Half our team are now baying for him, I think management may have to step in.

Is your - sorry, your colleagues' - mouth still sore now?

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When he came back online he put a message in our group saying that it wasn't a case of him taking anything back on as we are all one team.  Amazing.

He's utterly brutal as a colleague.  He's like a child, wanting everyone to do things for him but if anyone asks him to do something he refuses or at least resists enough to make it awkward.

Bear in mind, we area ll adults.  He's in his 40s.  We are all in fairly well paid, professional jobs.  Astounding stuff.

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Guest Moomintroll
My workshy colleague has caused an epic meltdown this morning.  He was working on something yesterday, set up a follow up meeting for 08:30 this morning and then emailed everyone to say that he wouldn't be in until later as he had a dental appointment.  There was no reason to set the meeting for 08:30 and when the meeting was held most of the attendees didn't know why it had been scheduled so early.  Normally we don't have meetings before about 10am unless there are specific reasons to do so.  The only reason he has set up this meeting is so that he won't have to do it.  Its unbelievable behaviour, so unprofessional.  Half our team are now baying for him, I think management may have to step in.
Get him right in the fucking sea.
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30 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

When he came back online he put a message in our group saying that it wasn't a case of him taking anything back on as we are all one team.  Amazing.

He's utterly brutal as a colleague.  He's like a child, wanting everyone to do things for him but if anyone asks him to do something he refuses or at least resists enough to make it awkward.

Bear in mind, we area ll adults.  He's in his 40s.  We are all in fairly well paid, professional jobs.  Astounding stuff.

You seem to be working with the guy that our company finally binned last week after 3 years of such shite.

My condolences

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5 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

He can’t attend, sound meeting rescheduled for this afternoon then. f**k ye.

The meeting was held at 08:30 - hardly anyone could attend because it was rescheduled during the evening and people didn't get the notice.  Also, most of the people due to attend are based in London and they generally get in later due to the length of commutes.  So the meeting was rescheduled for when workshy colleague was due in, prompting a passive-aggressive response from him when he got in.

As above, it's more work not to do the meeting than just to fucking do it.  

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