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13 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Was on a video call earlier on and someone was eating with both sound and video on.  Unacceptable.

All through lockdown we had a school-wide Teams meeting. Essentially an hour per week, drop in session. It has been very good and still goes on now. 

Every week though is one guy with his video on, shovelling peanuts or something or other into his face for the full hour. And he is always coming in and talking with his mouth full. Disgusting. 


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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:

So, also good?

I used to be a member of them and found them completely and utterly useless.

There was a sizable chunk of members pissed off at the senior folk in the HQ taking huge salaries and in the election some guy stood saying he wouldn't take more than his modest civil service salary, unfortunately he didn't get enough votes because turnout was imo suppressed by not advertising the election in the way it had been in previous years.

Tldr: taking 5/6 times your memberships average salary isn't a good look for a self proclaimed socialist.

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44 minutes ago, 101 said:

I used to be a member of them and found them completely and utterly useless.

There was a sizable chunk of members pissed off at the senior folk in the HQ taking huge salaries and in the election some guy stood saying he wouldn't take more than his modest civil service salary, unfortunately he didn't get enough votes because turnout was imo suppressed by not advertising the election in the way it had been in previous years.

Tldr: taking 5/6 times your memberships average salary isn't a good look for a self proclaimed socialist.

I'm a member atm but the choice is them or Unison which tbh isn't the best! The stories about the reps for our org are tremendous though and I've heard the current one in numerous grievances and he's widely disliked by the upper hierarchy for good reason. Isn't afraid to get stuck in.

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Have to hand it to the Prof. I had thought him down and out, defeated, but no. 

He has come back with a counter-proposal. One that magically reduces his already minimal work load! Just had one meeting with the deputy, got one with the Prof himself later today and another tomorrow morning with the Head of School. 

I'll update tomorrow. But for me, this is just a lesson. I'm taking notes. If I ever get a new job somewhere, this is one path open to me. 

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6 minutes ago, scottsdad said:


Have to hand it to the Prof. I had thought him down and out, defeated, but no. 

He has come back with a counter-proposal. One that magically reduces his already minimal work load! Just had one meeting with the deputy, got one with the Prof himself later today and another tomorrow morning with the Head of School. 

I'll update tomorrow. But for me, this is just a lesson. I'm taking notes. If I ever get a new job somewhere, this is one path open to me. 


^^^ @scottsdadafter a meeting with The Prof.

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On 10/11/2021 at 14:20, ICTChris said:

Was on a video call earlier on and someone was eating with both sound and video on.  Unacceptable.

Depends what's being eaten. A banana is fine, unless you eat it slowly in one bite while staring down the camera.

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Like all P&Bers, and goodhearted people in general, I am absolutely in favour of doing the minimum required to look like you are actually worth employing (this in itself may be even less than the amount you are contractually obligated carry out). My caveat to this is that you avoiding work should not cause anyone else to do a fuckload more than they should be, and you should certainly never drop anyone else in the shit when that shit was entirely caused by you.

Today's c**t of the Day in my office (my immediate superior) was required to submit some information to his boss 6 weeks ago. He asked one of the guys in our team yesterday if it was possible to retrieve said data from another file on the project, immediately indicating that he A) hadn't submitted it, and B) had deleted multiple copies of it. This morning, I was cc'ed into an email chain where his boss was asking for the info, and his reply that he had submitted it to our team, and that yours truly should be able to retrieve it. This was followed by another email directly to me from the senior boss ordering me to submit the data immediately, which required me coming off another project leaving 2 other folk doing 3 people's work, and spending 4 hours retrieving this data that he could have fucking sent immediately when he got it six weeks ago. He went home at half 3 today, I finished the day submitting the work to the senior boss at 5.55pm, and being told quite forcefully it should't have taken me all afternoon to submit something that should have been submitted 6 weeks ago. I agreed with gusto.

Just received an email to say we have a team meeting at 8.30 tomorrow that involves the senior boss, but not our direct boss...

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Like all P&Bers, and goodhearted people in general, I am absolutely in favour of doing the minimum required to look like you are actually worth employing (this in itself may be even less than the amount you are contractually obligated carry out). My caveat to this is that you avoiding work should not cause anyone else to do a fuckload more than they should be, and you should certainly never drop anyone else in the shit when that shit was entirely caused by you.
Today's c**t of the Day in my office (my immediate superior) was required to submit some information to his boss 6 weeks ago. He asked one of the guys in our team yesterday if it was possible to retrieve said data from another file on the project, immediately indicating that he A) hadn't submitted it, and B) had deleted multiple copies of it. This morning, I was cc'ed into an email chain where his boss was asking for the info, and his reply that he had submitted it to our team, and that yours truly should be able to retrieve it. This was followed by another email directly to me from the senior boss ordering me to submit the data immediately, which required me coming off another project leaving 2 other folk doing 3 people's work, and spending 4 hours retrieving this data that he could have fucking sent immediately when he got it six weeks ago. He went home at half 3 today, I finished the day submitting the work to the senior boss at 5.55pm, and being told quite forcefully it should't have taken me all afternoon to submit something that should have been submitted 6 weeks ago. I agreed with gusto.
Just received an email to say we have a team meeting at 8.30 tomorrow that involves the senior boss, but not our direct boss...
You're getting fired m8, I wouldnt worry about getting in on time tomorrow.
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Just now, Bairnardo said:
3 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:
Like all P&Bers, and goodhearted people in general, I am absolutely in favour of doing the minimum required to look like you are actually worth employing (this in itself may be even less than the amount you are contractually obligated carry out). My caveat to this is that you avoiding work should not cause anyone else to do a fuckload more than they should be, and you should certainly never drop anyone else in the shit when that shit was entirely caused by you.
Today's c**t of the Day in my office (my immediate superior) was required to submit some information to his boss 6 weeks ago. He asked one of the guys in our team yesterday if it was possible to retrieve said data from another file on the project, immediately indicating that he A) hadn't submitted it, and B) had deleted multiple copies of it. This morning, I was cc'ed into an email chain where his boss was asking for the info, and his reply that he had submitted it to our team, and that yours truly should be able to retrieve it. This was followed by another email directly to me from the senior boss ordering me to submit the data immediately, which required me coming off another project leaving 2 other folk doing 3 people's work, and spending 4 hours retrieving this data that he could have fucking sent immediately when he got it six weeks ago. He went home at half 3 today, I finished the day submitting the work to the senior boss at 5.55pm, and being told quite forcefully it should't have taken me all afternoon to submit something that should have been submitted 6 weeks ago. I agreed with gusto.
Just received an email to say we have a team meeting at 8.30 tomorrow that involves the senior boss, but not our direct boss...

You're getting fired m8, I wouldnt worry about getting in on time tomorrow.

Potentially. I'm sure I only thought the words "fucking lying c**t", but they may have slipped out...

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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Given that you spend about 50 years in employment and that your job takes up most of your waking hours, wouldn't you prefer to find or work towards securing a job you actually like rather than waste the bulk of your adult life trying to avoid shite work?

I must be missing something here because what you are describing sounds like a pretty fucking depressing way to spend your few years of life?

I like the challenge.

Testing how little I can get away with. Giving, and having acceptance, for ludicrous explanations for not working. Contributing deliberately inane shite to meetings that idiots actually take seriously and discuss.

The opportunities are endless.

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11 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I like the challenge.

Testing how little I can get away with. Giving, and having acceptance, for ludicrous explanations for not working. Contributing deliberately inane shite to meetings that idiots actually take seriously and discuss.

The opportunities are endless.

Have you thought of standing for Parliament.....

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On 10/11/2021 at 08:42, Oystercatcher said:

I once worked in a shop in the St Enoch centre in Glasgow.

I was in the rota to work hogmanay 1997, the boss had given himself the day off, so he said to me a few days before, "see what the other shops are doing and if  you are the only ones left open you can close early."

Our day was 9-6, by 5pm every shop had closed it's doors and our wee shop was the only one with it's lights on in an utterly deserted shopping centre.

My bus back to EK was every half hour, so i thought fair enough, I'll close early, get the bus at 6 instead of half past.

I closed the shop and left at 5:50.

Between 5:50 and 6pm the managing director of the company phoned, obviously no answer.

A few days later the manager pulled me into the office all officious like and said, "I'd like to talk to you about the closing procedure of the shop on the 31st December last year."

i said yeah, whats the problem, I was then told that the MD had phoned and no one answered, I told him I left at 5:50 as he said If it was dead I could.

"I don't ever remember saying that" was his reply.

I got a final written warning


The manager in question left a few years later and became a polis, the right profession for the f*ckin snake





Day after day stuck in that wee shop. I bet you didn't even have an individual fruit trifle either.


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1 hour ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I like the challenge.

Testing how little I can get away with. Giving, and having acceptance, for ludicrous explanations for not working. Contributing deliberately inane shite to meetings that idiots actually take seriously and discuss.

The opportunities are endless.

I'm glad I don't work with you.


They wouldn't tolerate two of us behaving like that


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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

...your job takes up most of your waking hours...

168 hours in a week, assuming 8 hours sleep per night, gives 112 waking hours. My 38 hour week takes up 34% of my waking hours.

Sent from my work computer, calculation performed on company-issued calculator

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12 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I like the challenge.

Testing how little I can get away with. Giving, and having acceptance, for ludicrous explanations for not working. Contributing deliberately inane shite to meetings that idiots actually take seriously and discuss.

The opportunities are endless.


11 hours ago, oaksoft said:

For 50 years?

Not judging here but I must admit I've never been like this so we're not on the same page at all.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to cure cancer and I never believed I was doing anything vital but I did always enjoy the nature of the work and keeping busy. If a job was rubbish or stressful, I found ways of retraining and moving on rapidly to do more enjoyable things but my worst nightmare would be to spend 50 years sitting around counting the minutes till home time.

How do you find meaning in your life when you spend 8-11 hours every day (including lunchtimes and commuting) not fully engaging in what you do?

See, I'm doing it now.

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