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Over the weekend a person I loosely know broke the law and is now looking at extended incarceration.

I've never been but jail sounds a bit pish.

What's P&Bs experience with jail? Has anyone been in jail?
Was it like Ernest Goes To Jail and a delightful hoot?

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I was on three seperate prison visiting committes - this is going back 25 - 30 years.  Depressing places.  The worse thing was the relatively large number of folk who had drug and/or mental health problems that were never going to be solved by being in prison.  Some had been in prison 20+ years having never committed a serious crime just multiple minor ones.


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21 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

Over the weekend a person I loosely know broke the law and is now looking at extended incarceration.

I've never been but jail sounds a bit pish.

What's P&Bs experience with jail? Has anyone been in jail?
Was it like Ernest Goes To Jail and a delightful hoot?

Take the Alcatraz cruise. Book early though.

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Whenever I'm offshore and doing **** all because somebody broke the rig, stuck in a windowless box without the ability to leave / go to the pub / see loved ones etc, with just TV, a gym and a dart board to keep you entertained before heading off to my shared room for a 6am start, I sometimes wonder what the difference is (money aside of course).

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4 minutes ago, throbber said:

I like watching banged up abroad and seeing the conditions guys are going through in South American prisons, that will certainly put the fear of god into anyone thinking of offending anyway!

Not high enough if the statistics are anything to go by - homicide is 4 times higher in South America than Europe.

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Never been in but know plenty who have...none of them were guilty. They came out hated being out so they did something to get back in....I'm wondering what it is I'm missing, saying that I dinny really want to know...I mean I prefer to walk aboot without having to worry how close my arse is to the wall and as for the soap I can pick it up nay problem.

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1 minute ago, throbber said:

Thats because the quality of life for those offending is so poor they have little regard for their own lives. 

I'd suggest you're talking out of your arse and don't know what the f**k you're talking about, with all due respect sir.

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Just now, throbber said:

Not at all, the crime there is worse because there is more poverty there. 

Them streets are so mean they just don't care whether they lives, or they do die. Sure thing motherfucker.

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Was in for a 16 hour stretch few years ago. I had a modified number plate on hinges to avoid paying a toll bridge and was stopped in a sting operation. Turns out I had previous been banned from driving after not producing my licence and insurance so was kept in overnight and brought to court the next day. The whole thing was grim.
From my overnight cell with this itchy horsehair/pubey blanket and hole in the floor for toilet. Get regularly disturbed during the night to be checked on. To the holding cell next day with junkies and scumbags wanting to know what you were there for.
Got a free big mac though.

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I was supposed to be in court tomorrow as a witness to the aftermath of a petty crime, but the defendant has pled guilty (I assume), so thankfully that's cancelled. I've been told that the guy who committed the crime had just been released from jail, and was desperate to get back inside. Not the first time I've heard that either (see the Oscar-winning documentary The Shawshank Redemption).

It seems that 'common sense' doesn't have much use with regard to the criminal justice system - most folk would like harsh punishment and long sentences for criminals, but that doesn't seem to have much of an effect on crime rates. The touchy-feely approach that infuriates the right-wingers appears to be the way to go, if you want an overall reduction in crime. A prime example of something that should be left to the folk who have experience in the area, as the rest of us would make an utter c**t of it.

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25 minutes ago, throbber said:

I like watching banged up abroad and seeing the conditions guys are going through in South American prisons, that will certainly put the fear of god into anyone thinking of offending anyway!

I've read the book of the Irish guy who got jailed in Venezuela. Pretty harrowing stuff. but would definitely recommend it if you're into that sort of thing. Or the David MacMillan one escaping from Klong Prem in Thailand.

<<< not a drug smuggler.

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Not exactly Alcatraz but I spent a night in the cells in Gibraltar for being asleep on a bench pished. In mitigation I'd drank a prodigious amount over the 16 hours or so before and had my 40th birthday at sea a few days earlier and the Gib coppers really weren't keen on visiting submarines. I saw my incarceration more as a political pawn being used by da man rather than being a shambling pished mess...  I did see a photo of me being supported by a couple of mates earlier that night and I'm sticking with political prisoner. :P

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6 minutes ago, throbber said:

They're harrowing stories and if you are in any way used to home comforts then it would be hell on earth, i can't think of anything worse than not being able to sleep because of the sub human conditions you are forced to live in. There was one banged up abroad the guys mattress was covered in blood because a fellow inmate who was sharing the same few square feet had itched himself so badly he started bleeding. He couldn't even stretch out when he was trying to sleep because there are so many inmates in the same area.

"Itched himself?"

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27 minutes ago, Karpaty said:

I've read the book of the Irish guy who got jailed in Venezuela. Pretty harrowing stuff. but would definitely recommend it if you're into that sort of thing. Or the David MacMillan one escaping from Klong Prem in Thailand.

<<< not a drug smuggler.

Marching Powder is an interesting read about life in a Bolivian prison.

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