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c***s on the road

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1 hour ago, The Master said:

Is the street on a hill? It's standard advice to turn your wheels when parking on a hill (into the kerb facing downhill, away from the kerb facing up). 

All streets. Flat, uphill, downhill. Wheels always turned out as they've obviously just reverse parked. 

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1 hour ago, senorsoupe said:

That's called Zipper Merging, it's actually the most efficient way for traffic to go from two lanes down to one and it is what people should be doing.  The folks who merge too early are the ones who make traffic worse

This.  The amount of absolute Debs and Plebs that sit in the inside lane, 2 miles back from a roundabout or whaever when the outside lane is empty is unreal.

Love the look on the fuckwits faces as you fire past at 70mph plu...eh 70mph tops is a joy to behold.

Here's a wee tip for the dumb fucking gas heads sitting waiting for ages- if they didn't want people doing this they wouldn't put f**k of big white arrows on the road telling you where to go, and signs up saying merge in turn. Fucking cretins.

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2 hours ago, nsr said:

Perhaps, but that doesn't make it less bawbaggish behaviour.

The thing that irritates me most in that circumstance (and it generally happens at rush hour) is the fucknuggets that stop at the slip road when there are literally acres in front of them...in turn, causing a longer tailback than would really be necessary, and hampering junctions and roundabouts at the top of the slip road in the process.


You should literally drive all the way to the end of the slip road, as thats what they are for

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5 hours ago, JamieT1314 said:

Is it classed as undertaking if you are going faster in the slow lane than some clown hogging the middle lane? Is it not only undertaking if you change lanes to do it then rejoin the middle lane after? Im always passing the clowns in the slow lane, am i expected to change lane into the fast lane to pass even when the slow lane is clear?

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes you are. 

There are many reasons why people might be going slower than supersonic in the middle lane. For example if they have just passed the middle lane crawler like a normal member of society. 

We don't expect selfish twats to be bombing up the left. 

Kindly cut it out. 

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8 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

In the last week nearly got hit by some idiot who thought it was a good idea to come round a corner - over the speed limit - and then try to overtake a cyclist on a bridge that is only wide enough for vehicles going in opposite directions. 


14 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

A taxi deemed it necessary to overtake some cyclists at a blind corner up near Luss on Saturday, fortunately we did not go head on into him.  

Further proof cyclists should be banned from the road IMO.

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Yes it is.
No it's not.
Yes you are. 
There are many reasons why people might be going slower than supersonic in the middle lane. For example if they have just passed the middle lane crawler like a normal member of society. 
We don't expect selfish twats to be bombing up the left. 
Kindly cut it out. 
If you have just passed the middle lane crawler and the inside lane is clear why would you be sitting in the middle lane?
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15 minutes ago, JamieT1314 said:
1 hour ago, coprolite said:
Yes it is.
No it's not.
Yes you are. 
There are many reasons why people might be going slower than supersonic in the middle lane. For example if they have just passed the middle lane crawler like a normal member of society. 
We don't expect selfish twats to be bombing up the left. 
Kindly cut it out. 

If you have just passed the middle lane crawler and the inside lane is clear why would you be sitting in the middle lane?

Because you're pausing before switching to the left lane in case some arsehole is steaming up it. 

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9 hours ago, senorsoupe said:

If everyone zipper merged then the motorway would not be crawling as much

The idea that folk indulging in this queue jumping isn't so they can save themselves two minutes on their journey time is fucking laughable...

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8 minutes ago, Angusfifer said:

The idea that folk indulging in this queue jumping isn't so they can save themselves two minutes on their journey time is fucking laughable...

Of course, and I never said that it was but why wouldn't you take advantage of the fact that other people can't zipper merge to save yourself some time?  It's a bit of road that is there to be used.  If everyone merged properly then all drivers would save those extra few minutes

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The worst road for c***s is where the A737 northbound joins onto the M8. The merge lane is treated as a give way, particularly by BMW, Audi, Merc drivers who have a clear outside lane but refuse to move over.

Took great pleasure in beating a BMW on the M8 and merging before he got there before he proceeded to fly the digit and w****r signs...needless to say when he over took with his mrs in the front seat I just made the hand sign and mouth you’ve got a baby dick mate

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Of course, and I never said that it was but why wouldn't you take advantage of the fact that other people can't zipper merge to save yourself some time?  It's a bit of road that is there to be used.  If everyone merged properly then all drivers would save those extra few minutes

The people that cause the problems are the arseholes who have queued for 10 minutes instead of using the empty outside lane, who then refuse to let anybody to merge in cause they are pissed off that they never thought of it.
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Ended up in a lovely wee Mexican standoff with a daft old guy last night.

There's one road that connects where I live with the rest of the village, up a very steep hill which has traffic calming in place and so goes down to one lane about two thirds of the way up before opening back up to two lanes almost at the top.  Traffic coming up the hill has priority and there's a give way for cars to wait when coming down.

A car was coming up the hill and I slowed right down and he passed me at the giveway with a friendly wee flash of the lights.

I continue my descent and can see this car at the very bottom of the hill flooring it and speeding towards me.  I should add that there are parked cars on his left, meaning he's driving on the wrong side of the road.

I maintain my speed and we come bumper to bumper, about halfway down the hill with him on the wrong side of the road. I give a big beaming smile and wait to see how the situation develops.

He's gesticulating wildly at me then jumps out the motor, at which point I also get out as I have my son in the car and don't want him being freaked out by some stranger shouting or hammering the car.

He is absolutely convinced that cars have priority from the bottom of the hill. He's wrong. I point back up the hill to the sign which I am 50 yards past, which gives cars coming up priority. Explain this only applies (like every road sign) when you're at/passing the sign.  You can see in his face he knows he's made a c**t of it but has gone too far and digs in.

His proposed solution was for me to reverse 50 yards back up the hill to allow him to pass on the wrong side of the road. I politely decline his offer and instead get back in the car, turn the ignition off and smile.

After a long 3 minutes or so, he manages to pull his car into a space between parked cars on his left and I pass slowly with a friendly wink and a wave.


Edited by eddiemunster
Sausage fingers
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12 hours ago, JamieT1314 said:
13 hours ago, coprolite said:
Yes it is.
No it's not.
Yes you are. 
There are many reasons why people might be going slower than supersonic in the middle lane. For example if they have just passed the middle lane crawler like a normal member of society. 
We don't expect selfish twats to be bombing up the left. 
Kindly cut it out. 

If you have just passed the middle lane crawler and the inside lane is clear why would you be sitting in the middle lane?

Why would you assume I was "sitting" there? It's not a racetrack. My family car with kids included almost got taken out two days ago because some tit like yourself decided I hadn't pulled back in quick enough after overtaking and didn't want to wait in the outside lane with the plebs. 

Still, he got stuck behind the next truck 3 or 4 seconds earlier than he might have otherwise so it was a risk well worth taking. 

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