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c***s on the road

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I thought these were on narrow roads for allowing passing in opposite directions.  Not for impatient c***s who can't let c***s like me appreciate the scenery at 15 mph!
Folks who are always in a hurry should stick to public transport in London, not be travelling on scenic island roads.
Local folk going about their business shouldn't be held up by sightseeing tourists.
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12 hours ago, Dee Man said:

My word. 

When you're in the supermarket do you go and join a queue despite there being an available checkout? 


No that would just be silly, neither do I deliberately join a queue in a petrol station, as you seem to be implying I do. I am simply quite happy to wait on the first available pump of my choice if I have to queue

And if it gets people wound up...all the better

5 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Who in their right mind wants to spend a second longer than they have to parked over 20,000+ litres of highly flammable liquid?

Fucking mentalist.

Ever been on a plane?

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25 minutes ago, microdave said:
6 hours ago, strichener said:
I thought these were on narrow roads for allowing passing in opposite directions.  Not for impatient c***s who can't let c***s like me appreciate the scenery at 15 mph!
Folks who are always in a hurry should stick to public transport in London, not be travelling on scenic island roads.

Local folk going about their business shouldn't be held up by sightseeing tourists.

I agree, let's ban all tourism.

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1) Whilst putting air in my tyres today, some old c**t drove onto the petrol forecourt and stopped at the first pump he came to and not the one in front which would have left free the one he'd stopped at. I hope my glare told him how much I disapproved of his behaviour.

2) What the hell is it with women and not indicating at roundabouts? Several times this week, as is the norm, i've seen the daft bints just sailing round and we're all supposed to guess where they're going. Then today some airhead approached one, indicated right, for the third exit you'd expect, and proceeded to drive straight through.


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Today I watched an old biddy (looked about 160) commit 2 massive f**k ups in 2mins.

1st she crossed a double unbroken white line and then she indicated left at a roundabout and went straight ahead. A car was actually pulling out the junction she was indicating to drive into but I assume realising she was old as f**k and probably stupid as f**k didn't pull out.

I was ready to close my eyes as she did it as I thought I was about to be witness to an accident.

When I caught up with her and was side by side I noticed how nervous her passenger looked. Given how nervous she made me in the 200 seconds I watched her I can't say I'm surprised


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11 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

Today I watched an old biddy (looked about 160) commit 2 massive f**k ups in 2mins.

1st she crossed a double unbroken white line and then she indicated left at a roundabout and went straight ahead. A car was actually pulling out the junction she was indicating to drive into but I assume realising she was old as f**k and probably stupid as f**k didn't pull out.

I was ready to close my eyes as she did it as I thought I was about to be witness to an accident.

When I caught up with her and was side by side I noticed how nervous her passenger looked. Given how nervous she made me in the 200 seconds I watched her I can't say I'm surprised


I don't think you'd be a very good witness

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On 23/07/2019 at 18:53, alta-pete said:

Slight thread derailment due to mention of petrol stations/tourists..

Holidaying in South of France 15 years ago. First day, took the hire car off on my own to fill it up. Preempted diddyness by checking which side filler cap was on. (smart!). Turned up, filled up. Checked which pump number. Strolled into shop.

Avez vous un carte locale, s’il vous plait?
Mais oui, la bas
Merci. Et pompe numero cinq?

Pays my money, walks back across the forecourt all pleased with myself, thinking I’ve cracked all this foreign stuff, plip the alarm, open the car door, sit down...

And it then takes a full 5 seconds for me to work out why I’m not looking at a steering wheel...

Nonchalantly then get out the car to walk round to the other door and try again...

"He he he, le ros beef"

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I was approaching a roundabout (one of those mini ones) yesterday. Immediately - and I mean immediately - prior to this roundabout is a parking area for a terrace of 4 houses. There are broken white lines to indicate give way. This woman came sailing out from the parking area to turn right onto the rounadbout, I'm not even sure she checked left you have to keep an eye out for traffic turning left off the roundabout/coming from your left turning right, causing me to brake violently. The safest way to exit that parking area is at the other end, turning right out of it at that location is a tricky manouevre, bordering on the dangerous. It's not helped by having cars parked on the lhs so you more often than not have to be on the wrong side of the road as you approach it.

I gave her a serious blast of my horn, I can tell you!


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I've noticed in the area in which I live a number of recently redeveloped roads which feature pedestrian crossings mere yards away from a larger-than-mini-roundabout. Naturally this means that if traffic is busy and someone is crossing on the green man, the entire roundabout will probably be at a standstill for several seconds. Is this some new thing or are the road planners in this area uniquely untalented?

Edited by nsr
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I've noticed in the area in which I live a number of recently redeveloped roads which feature pedestrian crossings mere yards away from a larger-than-mini-roundabout. Naturally this means that if traffic is busy and someone is crossing on the green man, the entire roundabout will probably be at a standstill for several seconds. Is this some new thing or are the road planners in this area uniquely untalented?


It’s quite common and infuriates me

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I've noticed in the area in which I live a number of recently redeveloped roads which feature pedestrian crossings mere yards away from a larger-than-mini-roundabout. Naturally this means that if traffic is busy and someone is crossing on the green man, the entire roundabout will probably be at a standstill for several seconds. Is this some new thing or are the road planners in this area uniquely untalented?
Freaks me out accelerating off a roundabout to have to slam on the brakes for a traffic light you're not expecting.
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I've noticed in the area in which I live a number of recently redeveloped roads which feature pedestrian crossings mere yards away from a larger-than-mini-roundabout. Naturally this means that if traffic is busy and someone is crossing on the green man, the entire roundabout will probably be at a standstill for several seconds. Is this some new thing or are the road planners in this area uniquely untalented?
I pass through 3 such roundabouts within half a mile of leaving work, an absolute pain in the hole if its during rush hour!
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This daft c**t in the blue car in the centre today.

Sitting waiting to turn right at the lights (where the derelict Big Bar was in Bainsfiord, for anyone familiar). Too busy to turn, so sat in the middle waiting, so far so good.

Then, the lights change back to red, and rather than complete the turn when the oncoming traffic stopped, just sat in  the middle instead, waiting for the lights to go green again.

Needless to say, drivers trying to get out of both left and right sides were not best pleased.


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This daft c**t in the blue car in the centre today.
Sitting waiting to turn right at the lights (where the derelict Big Bar was in Bainsfiord, for anyone familiar). Too busy to turn, so sat in the middle waiting, so far so good.
Then, the lights change back to red, and rather than complete the turn when the oncoming traffic stopped, just sat in  the middle instead, waiting for the lights to go green again.
Needless to say, drivers trying to get out of both left and right sides were not best pleased.
Have posted about this exact scenario happening regularly at Larbert cross with folk being stranded whilst turning right in to Larbert from Camelon side. Never managed to get an explanation as to why the right filter arrow often doesnt come on and it goes straight back to red.
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Coming home from Anster this morning I was stuck behind some old fudnut in a Volvo floating between 45-55 on 60mph parts of the road. Just fast enough that no one could safely pass.
There are a couple (maybe three) roundabouts passing Leven all marked with arrows pointing left, straight ahead and right turn, of course cunto is in the left lane going straight through them all.
His best was saved for the roundabout at Kirkcaldy where you turn right up to the A92.
Bawsack as per was in the left lane indicating right. Myself and another few cars passed him as we were in the correct lane
Last I saw of him in my rear view mirror he was trying to cut across to the lane he was supposed to be in
Is there an age you become an old duffer or have they always been there and the busier roads make their mistakes stand out more?

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The quality of driving produced from the 60+ brigade has to see a change to the law.

Resit your test every decade from 60 I say. Early prediction that more than half over 60s will fail and 9/10 over 70s will fail.

Also whilst I'm ranting people that go slow on motorways etc are more a menace than those who speed.

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